My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH:-211 Let Me Give You Warmth

CH:-211 Let Me Give You Warmth

0He tightened his grip on her. He buried his nose in her hair and sniffed the jasmine scent of her silky hair. "For a moment I thought I could not save him." He said in a soft voice in her hair.     

"But you did."     

"At the last minute."      

"But still, by the way, why did he go there with so few commanders? He should have taken more commandos with him."     

"Only he can answer this question. And to be honest, he had gone alone, but as he was going in that direction, the commanders on the round saw him and chased him."     

"When will he come to his senses?"     

"I don't know." Hearing him, she poked her head out of his chest and glanced at him. "What do you mean?"     

Alex let go of the grip around her back and placed his hand on her cheek. He started rubbing her soft cheeks with his rough thumb. "I wouldn't tell you, but I want to share this with you."     

"Please let me quick. No more suspense."     

"Okay...Now listen. Upcoming forty-eight hours are very difficult for him. He's still not out of danger. His fate will be decided in the next forty-eight hours. He can live or die."     

"Please don't say that." She quickly put her palm on his mouth. "Please don't.... It pierces my heart. I don't know why but I feel like I have a deep connection with him."     

"It's Okay. Don't cry my little sweet," He wiped her tears again and held her close. 'Honey, you don't know but I know why you are feeling like this. I just hope nothing will happen to Noah otherwise you will not forgive me in the future.' He thought. He breathed a sigh, tightened his grip on her and closed his eyes, placing his chin on her head.     

They both stayed for a while like this. A few moments later Alex tapped her back, "Love!"     

"Hmm." she moaned. In that quiet garden, under the dim light of the moon and in his warm arms, her eyelids fell heavily within ten minutes.     

"We have to go home." He said lifting her face and pushing the strands of hair on her face behind her ears.     

She shook her head to get rid of the heavy sleep on her head. Looked at her left and right and then looked at him like a lost puppy. That dim light of the moon made her brown orb glow more.     

"What happened, Why do you look confused?"     

"I thought we already came home." She pouted like a child.     

"Oh, little one. I don't have the power to teleport or I'm not a vampire who will take you anywhere at super speed. Yes, but definitely I have a super-fast car." He grinned like a fool.     

"It's not funny Alex." She hit his shoulder.     

"Ouch...It hurts little one."     

"Drama king." mocking him she rolled her eyes.     

"Let's go now." As they both rose something hit her brain. she gasped. How could she forget about Noah and Emily so quickly? The gilt flashed in her big eyes. Alex put his hand on her shoulder from behind and told her to walk but he looked at her when she didn't even move from her place. She was looking towards the hospital.     

"What happened?"     

" I can't come home."     

"What?" He frowned.     

"How could I leave Emily alone in such a situation?"     

"Emily is not alone."     

"Huh..." She looked confused.     

"Raina is with her. Max texted me."     

"But still." Hearing this Alex took a deep breath and grabbed both her shoulders and turned her towards him.     

"Don't get so tense. Don't forget that you are not alone. You are pregnant. There is our blood in your womb. I know I got you pregnant at such a young age and I am ashamed for that     

but still, you have to take care of yourself and the life growing in your womb. You don't know how you are to me. My whole life depends on you. I am there to take care of other things. You will be mad with me but it is so true that you are weak and you have to be a little careful and don't stubborn."     

It was clear from his voice that he was a little frustrated and there was a reason behind this. Avery always wanted to take care of others more than herself which irritated him.     

Avery bit her lower lip. She knew this was her limit now. "Ok let's go." She said.     

Settling his hand on her lower back, he led her out of the garden and then into the parking lot. He opened the back door for her and seated her inside. And after he got in the car, the Chauffeur started the car's engine and drove off the Martin Hospital premises.     

Alex looked at his wife who was in a corner of the seat. He knew she was nervous. He pressed the button on his side and the partition was pulled up, "Ave, Don't be upset. Tomorrow I'll take you to the hospital before going to college. If you feel like it, you will stay there." Hearing this, her eyes sparkled, she turned her neck.     

"Promise?" She asked.     

"Yes, my love." He assured her with a little smile. He then held out his hand for her. "Now Come here. Let me give you warmth2."     

She smiled coyly and placed her palm in his open hand. Alex circled his long finger around her small palm and pulled her towards him. In a swift move, he made he sit on his lap and closed his eyes putting his chin on her head. On the other hand, the speed of Avery's heartbeats increased but she found peace in his arms. She closed her eyes and didn't know when she fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.     

A black car pulled in front of the main entrance and halted.     

Alex opened his eyes. He was feeling extremely relaxed after holding her in his arms for long. Rolled his eyes he looked at the small frame in his arm who was quietly lying on his chest.     

Seeing the small pout of her rosy pink lips, a smile formed on his lips. He bowed his head and kissed her forehead.     

He didn't want to wake her up from her sleep. So he took her in the same position in his arms and stepped out of the car.     

When Alex got out of the car, his back came to the view of bodyguards who were standing outside and they all gasped. One of the bodyguards came forward. "Boss your back is blee...."     

"Hmm." Avery made a voice before he completed his sentence. Firstly Alex glared at him to shut down his mouth and then looked at her. She fluttered her eyelids and then slowly opened her eyes. With her eyes wide open, she scanned the surrounding area. She was outside the mansion. Then her eyes went to the bodyguard standing near them. The bodyguard's head was down but still, her cheeks turned red when she saw herself in Alex's arms in front of everyone.     

"Alex put me down."     



"I said no means no." And with that, he went to the main door.     

As he set foot inside the mansion, all the servants standing in line bowed before him. "Welcome home young Master and Madam."     

Without acknowledging them, he turned his footsteps on the steps.     

"Oh, God..." His footsteps halted and he turned his head and looked back. There was a warning in his eyes that 'don't you dare to say a single word.' Everyone sealed their lips and lowered their heads     

"What happened."     

"Nothing." He began to climb the stairs. Moments later he reached in front of their master bedroom and opened the door in one kick. Without taking her to bed, he took her straight to the washroom. He took her bag from her and told her to freshen up.     

Avery thought it was a bit weird that he directly took her to the washroom but she decided to take a warm shower putting that thought aside. She stripped her uniform and stepped into the shower.     

She felt relaxed after taking a shower. She put on her bathrobe and came out of the washroom. She looked at Alex. He had already changed into a dark navy blue t-shirt and sweatpants. His hair was messy and wet. She went into the closet and put on a loose cartoon print t-shirt with PJ.     

As she was about to come out, her eyes went to the laundry bag, but it didn't contain Alex's clothes. She came out thinking that if he took a shower in another room, his clothes might be in that room.     

When she came into the room, dinner was already set for them on the small table and Alex was sitting on the chair. "Why dinner in the room."     

" I didn't feel like going down. Come quickly now. I'm very hungry." Avery sat down on the chair and they both started eating. While having dinner, Avery found Alex's was behaving a bit strange, which she didn't notice prior.     

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