My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0"Don't say that again. Don't doubt my love." He started to draw a circle on her cheek with his thumb. "There were pieces of glass and you were going to put your barefoot on it. I care about you. I don't want you to injure yourself to get close to me." He closed his eyes to feel her touch. No one said anything. They both stayed that way for a while and then Avery said breaking silence between them, "Then what about you?"     

"Huh.." He opened his eyes and looked at her raising his eyebrows at her question.     

Her eyes were still closed.     

"What do you mean?" She opened her eyes to his question.     

He was sitting on the table with his back facing the mirror. She was on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist.     

"Don't you understand I also care for you? It hurts here." She clenched her heart and tears with a new force started flowing from her eyes. It hurts her when you hide things from me. At first, you hide things from me because of that Clara, then she was no longer in our life. But now there is no one between us. THEN WHY..."     

"SHH.., Calm down, little one." He pulled her into his arms. She also wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his shoulder whimpering madly. After staying in the same position for a moment, she stretched her head and looked straight in the mirror. Her eyes widened. She gasped.     

She put both her hands on his shoulders and pushed but Alex's grip on her waist was so tight that she couldn't move.     

"Alex leave me..."     

"Stay still."     

"But your wound."     

"Don't worry about that."     

"But....." She sighed a little and she felt something very was poking her inner thigh. "Alex, do you even carry a gun in your sweatpants?"     

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?" He said without letting go of his grip on her.     

"Something hard is Poking me."     

As words came out of Avery's mouth, Alex clenched his jaw. He tightened his grip even more. "Yes, I have a gun and if you don't think that gun ends up hurting you then don't say anything and don't even move for an inch. Just, stay still."     

His voice was dark and serious which made her body shuddered. And not wanting to provoke him she shut down her small mouth.     

She remained silent but she did not know how much of the storms was inside Alex. How much he was controlling himself when his little friend was ready to attack. He had a strong desire to get her there but he didn't want to scare her. He knew she wasn't ready for it. And she was pregnant also.     

Seeing that Alex was not listening, she looked in the mirror over his shoulder. She wanted to see his wounds.     

He needed to be bandaged even though the blood flow from his wound had stopped.     

Observing his injuries, her gaze shifted from his lower back to his shoulders on which she placed her hands. Her hands were looking like ants in front of his large figure. She stopped her eyes on the tattoo. She wanted to touch but she was afraid to move little. She examined every feature of his back. She couldn't take her eyes off his strong back and then she noticed in which position they were both sitting. Heat rushed to her cheek. She felt like hiding herself somewhere     

But she thought again that there was nothing strange in sitting on her own husband's lap. But what about his wounds.     

"Alex. Please let me treat your wounds."     

She said patting his shoulder in her soft voice.     

"Just two more minutes Love." He buried his nose in the crook of her neck and sniffed her jasmine smell. That natural Jasmine smell of Avery was going to make him feel heaven on the earth. He had only demanded two minutes but he released her after a full five minutes and sat her down on the table.     

He did not want her to treat his wounds because of her fragile condition, but he did not say no because he knew she would feel bad.     

Avery's hand began to tremble when she began to treat his wounds. She had never treated anyone's serious wound before. While she was treating his wound, all the incidents that took place a few hours ago appeared before her eyes like a pitcher film.     

Despite being so injured, he took care of her. Despite being so injured, he endured all her tantrums. He picked her up in his arms. She thought at the time what a virtue she had done that she got Alex as her husband. Unknowingly there were tears in her eyes which did not go unnoticed by Alex through the mirror. But he said nothing to her.     

After treating his wounds, she moved her hand to his upper back and unknowingly began to move her fingers over his tattoo.     

She still remembers the day she first saw this tattoo on Alex's back on a beach in New York, and today her finger was on that same tattoo.     

There were also scars of old wounds about which she had a curiosity to ask from New York. " I want to know about this scar." She asked, twirling the tip of her delicate finger over the scars.     

"You want to know."     

" Hmm."     

"Come here.."     

Alex grabbed her hand and brought her to the front. She looked very small in front of his prominent body. The height of the two was about a foot apart.     

She was standing in front of him but she did not dare to look at him. It was almost the first time since the wedding that she was standing so close to the half-naked Alex. In such a situation it was easier for her to stand behind him than to stand in front of him. A few times before she was on her emotional track so she didn't think much of it but now her cheeks were red with embarrassment and a cold sweat was on her forehead.     

"Look at me." He demanded but she shook her head and refused. The next moment he grabbed her chin and slowly began to lift her face. Along with his action, her eyes also moved from his toe to his long legs to his abs to his strong chest and from there to his neck and from there to his face.     

After scanning its full features, she swallowed her saliva. He was everything that every girl on earth want.     

He was holding her chin high and she was looking into his eyes. Her heart was pounding in such a way that it would come out of her chest any time. Unknowingly, she placed one hand on his chest and the other on his waist to support her trembling body. She felt his warm skin under her hands which produced a spark in her body.     

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We have been married and that too twice. I am your husband and as you have complete authority over me even more than me. And the same case for you. And don't forget that it was me who changed your clothes every time. It was me who made you impregnate And I am the person who knows more about your body than you do."     

While saying all this, the feelings of love, desire and lust were flashing in his eyes and she was looking at him as if she was hypnotized by him.     


"And about that scar. I saved one person two years ago. That scar is a sign and memory of that incident. Now sit here I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Grabbing her waist, Alex picked her up from the floor and placed her on the table. He went near the small refrigerator, took the injection and inject it in his arm and came back.     

When he returned, he picked her up in his arms. She said no to that but despite being injured, he was worried that she might get hurt if she put her foot in the wrong place. After entering the room, he laid her on the bed and himself laid on her side. He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head on her chest which causes a gasp to come out of her mouth.     

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