My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0"No need..."     

Her husband was already standing in the kitchen doorway when she turned. He was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and sweat pants.     

"Alex, I thought you were asleep." All of a sudden he moved his hand through his messy hair and walked towards her.     

"It wasn't you who got free from my arms, love. It was me, who had loosened the grip."     


"Yes, little one." He bent down and brought his face closer to hers. "I woke up when you opened your eyes. I wanted to see what you would do."     

"You mean, you were awake all the time. I thought you were asleep."     

"How can I stay asleep when my heart was not near me." He said that and he smirked.     

"But your heart is already here." There she said pointing at his chest and his smirk vanished in the thin air.     

"Silly one I'm talking about you."     

"I not a heart. I am a girl." She said looking at him and then turned her attention back to the pasta. She lifted the spoonful of pasta and carried it to Alex's mouth. " Test it." She said and He opened his mouth without breaking his gaze with her eyes and took the spoon in his mouth. He rolled the spoonful of pasta into his mouth and then began to chew.     

He closed his eyes and every taste bud of his tongue started feeling the test of pasta.     

Seeing that Alex's eyes were still closed and he was not saying anything she grabbed his upper arm which made him open his eyes.     

"How is it?" She asked.     

"Heavenly as always." He said and took the spoon from her hand and dipped it into the pasta.     

Alex took the spoon near Avery's lips. "If you don't believe, try it."     

He was right and she caught it when she tasted the pasta herself. She didn't think the pasta she made at two in the morning would be so good. After swallowing the spoonful of pasta in her mouth, she picked up the plate and said to Alex.     

"We will dine in the dining room."     

"Why. Is there any problem here?" Alex said raising his pointed eyebrows.     

"No no, it's not like that." She shook her head. "But where we will sit here?"     

"Here." He said shortly and immediately grabbed her waist with both his hands and lifted her into the air and held her for good two minutes as well.     

She widened her eyes and nearly gasped. " What are you doing?" She subconsciously put her hand on Alex's shoulder.     

" I'm setting you up." He said and the next moment he sat her on top of the counter. "Here is the seat." He grabbed both her legs between his legs and wrapped one hand around her bare waist.     

"You know my darling I always ate the food you made. After you slept. I always wanted to have dinner with you when I got home but it was not possible at that time."     

"I know Alex. And I don't want to remember that painful memory right now." She held her hand in front of him, "And you also Promise me you will never mention or even think about our past. And also promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will never push me away from you. Promise me, Alex." There were countless emotions in her eyes in which Alex drowned.     

"I promise you, dear." He put his hand on hers and immediately sealed her lips with his. This was his Promise Kiss.     

Avery closed her eyes and leaned into his kiss. There was a taste of pasta in their saliva which made their kiss a little spicy and creamy. After realizing that Avery is out of breath, Alex broke the kiss and put his forehead on her forehead.     

"I Love you My beautiful...."     

Avery was still trying to normalised her system back, so she didn't answer Alex immediately, but as soon as her breath returned to normal, she immediately replied, "I love you to my handsome." And gave a small kiss on Alex's cheek.     

"let's eat now before it gets cold. " She whispered and dipped the spoon into the pasta again and led to his mouth. Instead of eating pasta, he took the spoon in his hand. "Let me." And led to her mouth. "You Frist."     

Alex not only fell in love with Avery but also had a strong affection for her every little thing that touched Avery's heart every time.     

After done with a full plate of pasta Alex asked her very hesitantly, "Can you make pasta again?" As he didn't want to bother her but he couldn't stop himself because of the Heavenly test.     

"Then Why are you asking hesitantly?" She said that and when Alex leaned back a bit she put both hands on the counter to jump down from the counter. Just as she was about to jump, Alex stopped her with one hand on her stomach and the other on her shoulder.     

"Don't pull any stunt." He warned her.     

"I was just about to jump and this is a very short distance."     

" Sometimes small things can cause big damage. Don't do that in the future. " He rubbed his thumb on her shoulder.     

"Ok." She said thinly and Alex grabbed her waist again and pulled her down.     

Avery started following the process again. While Avery full attention was making pasta, Alex wrapped her arms around her waist inside of her saree and started drawing circles on her lower belly. The direct contact of his muscles to her waist stopped every processor of her body.     

"Alex what are you doing." She whispered.     

"What am I doing dear." He said very innocently as if he didn't know.     

"You know very well what I am saying. Please let me finish this."     

"Okay. I'm not doing anything but let me hug you." Without doing anything he put his chin on her shoulder and very closely his blue orbs began to follow every move of her hand. He looked at her wrist and thought that her wrist is too thin and delicate. If he ever accidentally applied a little too much pressure on her wrist, her wrist was so fragile that it would break in an instant. Not only her wrists but her whole body was fragile.     

There was still a scar on her forehead which was given by the corner of the file. Only he knew how bad he felt when he had to point out intentionally mistakes in her 100% correct file. But his next move was unintentional.     

She was ten years younger than him. Where he was a well-built businessman, she was just a teenager who was still not fully aware of this world. She was so innocent and naive that he swore to protect her. She was the only person in the world who, despite being ten years younger than him, was calling him by his name directly and now her five-year-old brother too.     

Thinking about all this, he didn't even understand when he kissed her in the crook of her neck. But this time Avery said nothing to him because he was quiet for a long time and she was guaranteed that he would be immersed in some thought.     

She served the whole pasta from the pan into the plate and lifted her hand and placed it on Alex's cheek. "Pasta is ready."     

"Hmm... " Without saying much he started eating and started feeding her too. But her small belly was already full which made her say no to him after two teaspoons and he didn't force her either. But he did not leave her until his plate was finished. Holding her close, one of his hands was wrapped around her waist and her head was on his chest.     

When he finished she put a plate and pan in the sink and she was about to wash them when he stopped her.     

"Don't do anything now."     

" These are only four to five vessels."     

"But still don't. the maid will do it tomorrow morning." He seemed a little depressed from his tone which made Avery anxious. She approached him and was about to ask him if everything was okay. In a swift move, Alex lifted her and walked towards the stairs.     

Went into the bedroom he laid her gently on the bed then put her head on the pillow. He also lay on her side but this time there was a difference in the position of the two. This time Avery's head was not on his chest but her. As soon as he put his head on her chest, Avery lifted her hand and put it in his hair. She began to rub his scalp with her thin fingers.     

After a while, they both fell into a deep sleep.     


After completing all the morning routines, Avery left the room with her bag. Alex was not by her side when she woke up this morning and he did not leave any message for her today.     

She had called him but his number was out of reach. So she decided to ask Mrs. Kim about Alex.     

When she asked Mrs. Kim, she understood that he had gone for some important work at six in the morning.     

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