My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-82: I will tell my mom

CH-82: I will tell my mom

0Clara's head was bleeding and Avery was very irritated. That time She was mentally unbalanced. She was completely out of control of her brain.     

It was the same condition that Max feared. This was exactly what Max had told Alex.     

Ave jumped on the Clara like a cat. Before her hand could reach Clara's face, Alex grabbed her by waist. He turned her around and pressed her into his chest. She was crying loudly.     

"This unworthy Clara is responsible for everything. Alex leave me." She was slapping her fist on his chest and her feet on his feet. She was trying her best to free herself from his strong grip. But her strength in front of his strength was nothing. She was like a little child in front of him.     

His one hand was on her waist and the other hand was on her head. He was trying to control her by holding her in his arms.     

"calm down."     

" No." she yelled. It was her biggest scream so far that made everyone present there put their hands on ears. "Leave me Alex."     

"Ave calm down. This is not good for your health."     

" Since when have you been worried about my health? Clara ruined everything, I want to beat her." Alex cupped her pity full face. Her face was completely wet with tears. he wiped her tears with his thumb.     

"I will correct everything." She didn't listen anything and started punching him back on his chest but it didn't effect on him. He didn't even try to stop her.     

"you big lier. You are also responsible. You could have stopped to her or that news, but you didn't. At least you had to wait until our divorce. But you didn't." Alex was shocked by the word divorce. But She was right because he could not remarry without divorcing her. It is very shocking for any wife that her husband's second marriage is announced in her presence without getting divorce. And that's why she felt more pain in her heart.     

Clara's head was hurting from the wound but more she was more hurting seeing Ave in Alex's arms.     

She wanted Alex to console her. She wanted Alex to pamper her but there his full attention was on Avery. She pissed looking this.     

"What can I tell my mother? Tell me Alex what I will tell my mother. She was asking me about your Italy trip that day. She was asking, if Clara is really your girlfriend or not. I... I... denied her thoughts. But everything ruined by this your so-called girlfriend. She sobbed very hard while pointing towards Clara. Alex widened his eyes in disbelief. Alex quickly took phone in her hand. When he saw that the call is already disconnected, he sings in relief. He feared that Avery's mother would hear everything. He quickly dialled the recent upcoming number.     

He had a mobile in one hand and in the other he was holding Avery tightly near his chest. He didn't want her to attack Clara again.     

After one Ringing. The person on the other side quickly picked up the call, "Avery, You haven't sent an address yet. I'm still waiting at the taxi stop." Her mother's voice was still teary.     

"Mrs. Miller, I'm Alex." When she heard deep voice of Alex, she scared a little bit but she gathered herself.     

Stay where you are now. Wait there I'll send someone to pick you."     

"It is not needed. Just send me the address. I come by myself."     

" Little Liam is also with you. The mansion is very far from where you are now. I don't want you to be bothered when you come here." saying this he disconnected the call. Alex's attraction towards Avery at that time made Clara very angry. 'That's enough now. Now you see Avery, how I attract your husband towards me.'     

She thought and turned her acting mode on. "Alex my head hurts a lot. Please take me to the hospital."     

She had a head injury but it wasn't much for which she needed to be taken to hospital.     

" Clara. My driver will take you."     

"No. I want you" Even in that situation, she was trying to seduce Alex with her dirty moves.     

"Be good Clara. I have to deal with Mrs Miller."     

"Deal? My mother's feelings are a deal for you." With one word from Alex, all the power in Avery's body was gone. She quickly sat down on her knees. Alex also sat down with her. "I'm a toy. My mother's feelings are a deal. My husband has a girlfriend." She was blabbering like a crazy person near Alex's chest.     

"Ethan." Alex yelled at his assistant. But he got no response in return for his voice. Because standing in the corner Ethan, who had been enjoying the whole situation until now, had tears in his eyes when he saw Avery's madness. By the time his boss's wife was showing place to his boss's secretary, he was having a lot of fun.     

He was just staring at Avery with tears in his eyes. when Avery was scolding Clara in front of everyone while putting revolver muzzle on Clara's forehead that time he was admiring his boss's little wife. He felt that Avery had become full-fledged strong women who could stand strong for herself. He also secretly shot her video without anyone knowing. He was happy but after Avery's mother call his happiness turned into sadness.     


" Ethan?" Ethan returned to the normal condition due to Alex's third scream     

"Yes..yes sir." He was terrified.     

"Tell the driver to take Clara to the hospital. I am sending you the current location of Mrs. Miller. You have to go get her." Alex said while sending the location to Ethan from his mobile.     

"Alex I'm not with your diver I..." Alex glanced at her before her words were fulfilled. She gulped quickly and stepped forward for going out.     

"Clara." Alex's voice halted her steps in midway and a smile formed on her red painted lips. 'I know you don't want me to go anywhere without you. You realise this late but it's still ok.' She thought and turned.     

"Yes Alex." Although she was happy inside, she was acting pitiful.     

"Before leaving, handed me this Red Box. He stretched his hand and she was stunned. "This is the last and first warning for you. I'm not doing anything less for you. You get everything you ask for. What happened today should not happen again." There was a clear warning for her in Alex's words that made her pissed off. She gave him a box of wedding chains and left.     

It was already too much for today,     

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