My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-90: Condition

CH-90: Condition

0Alex caught everyone's eye in a black suit. He had a Clara beside him and his hand was on her waist. Seeing Alex with Clara hurts Avery's heart. She lowered her head.     

All eyes were on Alex except Avery. She thought it would be better to look down than to look at Alex and Clara.     

"Trainees of my company, I have a surprise for all of you. Hope that ...."     

"baby one minute." Clara stopped Alex before he could finish his sentence.     

"What happened?" Alex asked Clara, who was in his arms.     

Clara lifted Alex's hand from her waist and came two steps forward. She gestured to Avery with her hand. "Hey! You come here." She shouted. But Avery, with her head down, didn't know that Clara was yelling at her.     

"Why don't you come here? Didn't you listen?" She screamed again but Avery didn't look up. Because she thought Clara would be yelling at someone just like every day. Insulting anyone in the office for no reason was Clara's daily drama. Now everyone presents there was looking at Avery and Avery was looking down at her flats unknowingly from everyone's gaze.     

She was thinking about how to fix, a thin belt of her flats.     

Emily came closer to her and shook her arm.     

"Huuu." Avery looked at her sideways.     

"Clara is talking to you." After hearing Emily's words when she looked up, she saw how angry Clara was looking at her. Seeing Clara's anger, Avery was not scared but she got a little nervous. The gaze of both of them met.     

"You deaf come here." Clara yelled.     

Avery was confused as to why Clara is calling her. She walked forward without saying anything and stood in front of Clara. Clara's height was four inches higher than Avery's so Avery had to raise her head to look at her.     

"What happened?" Avery said looking into her eyes.     

"What happened? How dare you ask me questions."     

"Excuse me." She didn't understand the reason for Clara's anger. Not only she but also everyone who was present there. Not even Alex.     

"Clara, what happened? Why are you shouting at Miss Avery?"     

"Alex just Give me five minutes. Today I show this girl her own place." Clara again focused her attention on Avery. Clara wanted to avenge her own insult from Avery. The insult that Avery did to her when she returned from Russia.     

"How dare you ignore the President."     

" When I....." She didn't even let Avery fulfil her word.     

"You were looking down when everyone's attention was on Alex's words. How dare you?" Clara shouted and raised her hand to slap Avery. Unaware of what would happen next, Avery's guard was down against Clara. Clara's sudden move did not allow Avery to defend herself. At that time, she had no choice but to welcome the slap with her eyes closed. She closed her eyes for a minute but when she felt nothing on her cheek and no sound of slap she opened her eyes.     

Avery was amazed at the sight in front of her eyes. Clara's right hand was held by Emily's right hand. Avery covered her mouth in disbelief.     

First She looked at Clara. Clara's eyes were wide. Then she looked at Emily. Emily's eyes narrowed. There was anger on Clara's face while on Emily's face was the answer for Clara's anger.     

Avery was looking at Clara and Emil.     

First Clara then Emily.     

Clara then Emily.     

Clara then Emily.     

Clara then Emily.     





For a minute, Avery just stared at them. Everyone who was present there had a same expression, like Avery.     

Clara always slapped employees in Alex's company for no reason. But no one had dared to stop her. They were terrified her of being the president's girlfriend.     

"How dare you hold my hand," Clara yelled at her.     

"How dare you raise your hand on Avery." Emily backfired at Clara.     

" I was punishing her for what she did."     

"And what she did? For you were going to punish her for?" Because Emily was a sporty person, she was physically fit. Her grip was too tight on Clara's wrist. Clara's wrist was turning red. She was trying to loosen her wrist but Emily was not ready to let go of her wrist.     

"Let go of my hand."     

"First tell me what Avery did," Emily shouted. Her eyes were red. She had accumulated anger about Clara.     

"She disrespected Alex."     

"In what way.?"     

"She was looking down when Alex was talking."     

"Is it called disrespecting someone? You will need an ear to hear someone's words. Which Avery has two. And One more thing. What is your right to punish her?"     

Now it was Clara's turn. " I was punishing her with the authority of the future Mrs President." Clara's words were clear and echoing in that section. Avery's heart ached at her words.     

"Future Mrs President not present. Only the president has the power to punish Avery. I'm right." Emily asked the rest of the trainees present there. "Yes, you are right." All the trainees between the ages of seventeen to nineteen who were present answered.     

Everyone in Alex's company was angry with Clara because of her bad behaviour. But none of them dared to say anything to her because they didn't want to face Alex's anger. They did not want to give up their high-paying job. But now when Emily raised her voice against Clara, all the young trainees in the trainee department came forward to support her.     

"What the hell is going here," Alex shouted who was silent until now. "I thought you would shut your mouth but you are not ready to calm down." He said looking at Emily and Clara.     

"Alex See what she is doing to me." Clara was pretending to be pure and pathetic in front of Alex.     

"Alex she's hurting my hand."     

" Miss Emily let go of her hand."     

" Sorry sir but I won't let go of Miss Clara's hand until I get a valid reason. Because it's Clara's daily drama." Emily turned to Alex. "And I think as a CEO you know that it is a legal offence to harass employers mentally or physically during working hours. If we complain about Clara, she may be punished."     

"Alex Look, she's trying to intimidate me. This Emily is trying to teach you the law. I thought Avery has disrespected you and I was trying to teach her a lesson that it shouldn't happen in the future. What I did was very wrong." There were crocodile tears in Cara's eyes.     

"You have no right to talk about Clara like this. I don't want to repeat my words. miss Emily." Alex shouted again. He was angry by what he was here for and what happened. As soon as Emily let go of her hand, she walked over to Alex. "Look, my hand it is turned completely red."     

"Come with me to the office. I'll put ointment on it." She pressed her face to his chest. "I don't want ointment." She whispered.     

"Honey, then what you want." He separated her a little from himself and lifted her face.     

"I want an apology from emily."     

"Just this, miss Emily you say sorry to Clara." Prior to this Emily would make some moves, Clara said.     

"No Alex I want a proper apology from Emily."     

" As?"     

" She had to kneel in front of me and rub her nose in front of me on the floor." Everyone's eyes widened at Clara's words. Alex was also shocked.     

" But Clara this is not right."     

"Sorry, Alex but I want this apology for what Emily has insulted me." Clara was so stubborn that Alex agreed with her.     

"Miss Emily do what Clara says."     

" But sir."     

"Do as Clara says."     

Tears welled up in Emily's eyes. Emily knew she had done nothing wrong. She seemed very helpless at that time. At that time, she missed Noah the most. She took two steps forward. She was now standing two feet away from Clara and Alex. She closed her eyes and just as she was about to bend down to sit on her knees, someone grabbed her shoulders. She opened her eyes to see the man's face. In front of her was the face of her friend.     

"Ave." She whispered.     

"Emily you don't have to apologize to Clara." Avery wiped away Emily's tears and hugged her. "You don't have to bow to Clara." She said as she separated Emily from herself.     

"Miss Avery, Are you trying to opposing me?" When Avery heard a cold voice, she turned around.     

"No sir I can't do anything like that. Emily must apologize to Clara. Not only Emily but I will also apologize to Clara. But I have a condition for that." Everyone was confused by Avery's words but she had a mischievous smirk on her face.     

It was Alex's first time seeing such expressions on Avery's face. Avery's expression on her face was clear that something was going on in her head. Conditions condition one     

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