My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Take a rest both of you too. And Emily takes care of him." They both responded positively to him and walked away.      

Raina and Emily went towards Noah's room. They were about to enter the room when suddenly Max came out of the room. He gave them a heart-warming smile and took Raina from there to give Emily and Noah privacy. He put his hand on Raina's waist and led her straight into the master bedroom. Raina came straight from college to the hospital which caused her exhaust. She quickly went to bed and closed her eyes after lying on the big bed.     

After changing clothes, Max also joined her in the quilt. He put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer. "We two are going out tomorrow. Will be ready after college." He whispered before closing his eyes, to which Raina also whispered.     

"Ok, I will..."     

Noah was looking at the chip in his hand when Emily entered the room. He quickly hid the chip and looked at her. Her face was dull and there were black bags under her eyes indicating her low sleep. She looked a little thinner than before which was an indication of the fact that she hadn't taken her meal properly. Seeing her like that Noah's heart melted, he stretched out his hand for her, "Come here little one."     

After approaching his bed, she put her hand in his and sat on the bed next to him. Noah had the most of the wounds in his stomach than any other body part and that was still wet. But the swelling on his face was less than before.     

Suddenly looking at his face, Emily frowned. She pulled her eyebrows together. She lifted her free hand and moved it closer to Noah's face and touched the outer line of his lips with the tip of her finger. "What happened here." She asked.     

"Nothing. This is from starting just you didn't notice it."     

" Don't lie to me. This is wound is very fresh. Like someone did recently."     

Noan took a deep breath, thinking that he had to tell Emily now. Because his new detective girlfriend wouldn't sit still until she found out.     

" Alex punched me."     

"What? But how can he.... Don't he know you just...."     

"Leave it." He interrupted. "Come close to me. I am missing your touch so much." Emily helped Noah to lie down on the bed. She wanted him to sleep comfortably alone in bed. But looking at the hopeful expression on his face, she could not say no. She lay down beside him, facing the white ceiling. Noah turned on his right side and placed his left hand on her stomach.     

"I don't think you have slept for four days."     

"And why do you think this way?" She looked at him.     

" Because your eyes are telling everything. And I'm sure you didn't even leave the hospital for a single second." She looked into his eyes. Despite the injured person, his eyes were shining as usual and they had a lot of love for her.     

She finally let go of the feelings she had held so far, and in a moment her eyes filled with tears. "Didn't you ever think about me before you went there alone?" She questioned. She knew everything because Avery had told her everything that Alex had told Avery that night.     

"It's not like that."     

"Then what like that Noah. You know very well that I have no one in this world but apart from you."     

"No my little one there is the person you have after me."     

"Who it is."     

"Raina and Avery."     

"God...." she sobbed very hard. "Are you crazy or Whether your head is in right place or not? They are my friends Noah. They can't live with me like your whole life. They both have their personal life. They are my friends, not my lover."     

"Okay... Okay... I'm sorry I won't do that again. Don't cry." He whipped her cheeks and Putting his hand on her waist, he pulled her closer to his chest.     

For a full five minutes, he stared into her scarred eyes and slowly slowly brought his face closer to hers. He fixed his gaze on her naturally light pink lips which were a little parted. His hot breath starts fanning her face.     

Emily had been with Noan since the age of fourteen, but she was not used to his intimacy. Her heart rate automatically increases whenever he approaches her.     

"What are you doing?" Showing my right on what is mine. And he got her soft lips in his dry. His lips were dry because of his coma journey.     

As his lips touched hers, she began to see stars all over the room. She thought she had just climbed out of the VIP room into the sky. She closed her eyes to fill that feeling.     

Being in a coma, Noah's mouth became very bitter. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, he started giving his bitter test to Emily which she accepted unwillingly and she started kissing him back too.     

She grabbed his arm in a light grip. She started moving her lips fast to match his speed. But he became dominant. He increased his speed even more which made it impossible for her to catch him now and she surrendered her lips to him. This small act created a smile on his lips and, "kiss me," He said to her in the middle of their hot kiss and slowed his speed so she started kissing him again and the kiss turned from passionate to lovely.     

A few moments later, when Emily became breathless she lightly patted Noah's arm, and Noah immediately pulled himself away from her. She was breathing very hard. He put his head on the pillow and pulled her closer.     

"Sleep my darling. Sleep my little Sugar Cake. I know you are very tired. These days were too long for you." They both closed their eyes and surrendered their body to darkness.     



After sitting in the car, Alex asked Chauffeur to turn on the heater. And pulled the partition and placed Avery on his lap. She was awake at this time.     

After the car hit the main road, Alex buried his nose in her silky hair. With one hand he held her firmly on his lap and with the other hand, he began to play with her brown locks.     

"Love." He whispered in her hair.     


" I'm sorry."     

"Huh... But for what." She was confused.     

He let go of her hair rolled around his slender fingers and cupped her cheeks.     

"I know I hurt your heart a lot and I'm sorry for that." Avery looked into his eyes in amazement there was sincerity and gilt. She felt bad.     

"All that was in past Alex. You really don't need to...."     

"But still, forgive me." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. Noah's words were still ringing in his ears like a bell. His words pierced Alex's heart. He didn't admit his mistake in front of Noah and Max but he knew he was really wrong.     

"No Alex," She shook her head. I don't want your apology, Just don't break my trust in future. I can't stand it."     

"I will never do that." He tightened his grip on her body and closed his eyes by placing a chin on her head.     


Avery was standing in front of the mirror with her shirt upward showing her pale belly. Her hand was on her belly and she was changing her side again and again in front of the mirror.     

Already two months had been completed and the third month was Running. Her flat stomach was now slightly raised which made her feel excited.     

She pulled her shirt down looked at herself in the mirror. Her belly was not visible from the shirt which caused her face to fall. She again pulled her shirt up and began to run her hands over her stomach making a baby pout of her rosy lips.     

She was so engrossed in all these stunts that she did not even realize that she was not alone in the room but her husband was standing in the doorway and following her every move and body language with his intense gaze.     

When he saw her pout in the mirror, he decided it was time to get into the picture. You are not five months pregnant that your belly would come out.     

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