My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-151: Miss, where are you going?

CH-151: Miss, where are you going?

0But every night she would wake up with that nightmare. Because of that, the spark in her eye had disappeared. Dark circles had formed around her eyes. She had also lost weight. She closed her eyes and immediately someone tapped her shoulder.     

Kenny was standing in front of her when she opened her eyes. "Kenny! You are here now?"     

"I have come here to take you with me to attend the program."     

"Oh! how can I come with you? Who will see the canteen after me?"     

"No one needs to see or handle the canteen because we are going to close the canteen."     


All the students were seated in the auditorium hall. Raina was sitting on Kenny's right side and Kenny's friend was sitting on Kenny's left side.     

"Hey! Who is that beautiful girl sitting next to Kenny? I'm seeing her here the first time." Said Kenny's classmate who was sitting a short distance from them.     

"Dude! Because you haven't been to the canteen in a few days, you don't know about her. She is the new Canteen Girl." The friend of that young fellow said in a mocking tone.     

"I want to make her my girlfriend."     

"Hey! Don't even think like that because the boys are already in the line."     

"But I will try my best to get her." Seeing Raina with Kenny, many of the boys started talking about making her girlfriends. Raina was sitting next to Kenny in that hall but she was missing her friends very much. And suddenly her heart beat faster. She put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes.     

'Why is my heart beating so fast today? It always happened to me when I was with Max. But today he is not here, they why...' She thought and opened her eyes when she heard the applause.     

At that time all the students were standing and the auditorium hole was buzzing with the sound of applause. She also stood up and started clapping.     

The chief guest had arrived principal asked the student to sit their seat. With all students, she also sat down. Her head was bowed and she was playing with her fingers.     

"Wow! How beautiful he is?" Said, one girl.     

"I can't believe how can he achieve so much at such a young age." Said another girl.     

"Yes, you are right."     

The girls' started whispering about guest's beauty. But Raina had no desire to looked at him. Not she wanted to look at his beauty.     

"Hello Everyone!" But these words replaced her desire because that voice was very familiar to her. That voice was close to her heart. She raised her eyelids and looked at the stage and was stunned. Her eyes widened! Her heart stopped!     

'How is this possible? I may be hallucinations.' She couldn't believe her eyes at that time because Max was standing on the stage in front of her. But when she realized that what she was seeing was all true, her body began to shake. And fear overwhelmed her.     

"Raina, what happened to you?" When Kenny noticed Raina's trembling body, she asked her carefully.     

"Kenny, I'm feeling suddenly uneasy. I'm not feeling well. I want go....." Before Kenny could say anything to her, she got up from her seat, covered her face, and started walking away. She didn't want Max to see her. She just had taken a few steps from her place when suddenly the whole hall echoed. "Miss, Where are you going." The person asking this question was Max,     

Because of his sudden question, chilly ran in her spine. And she stood on the spot like a statue. She wanted to get out of there but she was so afraid to move even little.     

"Miss, I'm asking you why you're leaving the program."     

"Miss?" she felt a sharp pain in her heart when she heard miss a word from his mouth. "Miss, I'm asking you something?" He asked her again but she was still standing with her back to him. She did not dare to look at him.     

Now she became the centre of attraction in the whole hall at that time. Everyone was eyeing on her. A female teacher approached her seeing Raina not moving from her place. "Don't create the seen here. I know you're a canteen girl but I can't insult you in front of everyone and especially not in front of the guest. So just go and sit in your place." She said in a very low voice but her voice was showing rage.     

When she turned, Max asked her to sit down. She wanted to protest but did not dare to say a word. She sat with her head down until the event was over, and as the program ended she walked out of the hall and ran to the canteen.     

By the time she got into the canteen, the canteen was already open and Kenny's father was inside the canteen. He said when he saw Raina. "Dear, Help me. Soon the Chief Guest is coming into our canteen."     

" What?" Raina was shocked to hear that.     

" I also shocked like you when his fiancee told me."     

"Fiancee?" She raised her eyebrows.     

"Yes. Haven't you seen that beautiful girl sitting on the stage?" He asked her but Raina was just looking down until she understood everything properly.     

"Fiancee!" Hearing this, Raina felt a sharp pain in her heart. Like Digger tore her heart to pieces. 'Max, it's only been five days since I left the city and you've already moved.' Streams of tears began to flow from her eyes.     

Kenny's father stood in front of her. "What happened to you? why are you crying?" Raina looked at him and wiped her eyes? "Uncle, can I go home because I'm not feeling well." She said while Sobbing very hard.     

"Ok you can go but please don't cry."     

" Thank you, uncle." She wanted to get out from there before Max could come. She took her bag and walked towards the door.     

And as she opened the door, Max was standing in front of her. There was a devilish smile on his face. "Where are you going, Miss Raina?"     

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