My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-155: Her first Kiss.

CH-155: Her first Kiss.

0"I said stop."     

"No! I'm not! I know you are doing all this with me on purpose. You didn't even ask me the reason for all this. I was afraid you would leave me .... mmmm." Max smashed his lips on hers before she could finish her words. When she felt his lips on hers, she placed both her hands on his chest to push him away from her but at the second moment, his strong hand grabbed both her hands behind her.      

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw Raina was kissed by the same person who had never spoken to her without Miss. Max moved his other hand from her arm to her neck. He grabbed her feast full hair and set her head at a proper angle. He opened both his lips a little more and took both her lips in his. She was trying so hard to free herself from his grip. But because of the grip on her head, she couldn't move an inch.     

Finally, she closed her eyes and surrendered herself. It was her first kiss. He first started licking both her lips with his tongue. Then he licked her lower lip and started sucking very hard. He was deep his kiss and her breath started coming out. Soon after she became breathless. Her legs began to wobbling. And just before she fell down Max break the kiss scooped her in bridal style.     

He had snatched her full breath which made her feel dizzy and her eyes closed. He placed her on a nearby table and stood close to her, placing her head on his chest. At that time there was pin-drop silence. No one dared to say anything and they were just looking silently everything that was happening in front of their eyes.     

Max took her injured hand in his and pulled out her bandage. Seeing him pulling Raina's hand bandage, Kenny immediately placed first aid box on the table. First, he wiped all the blood from her hands with a cotton swab. Then he put ointment on her wounds. He did nothing extra thing to cause her pain this time. He did not pour liquid medicine on her hands.     

At that time she was not looking less than a seductress, in her sweaty face, 'swollen pink lips' and wet eyelids. That time he wanted to hide her somewhere from the world. He took off his overcoat and wrapped it around her.     

He then picked her up in his arms and walked over to Mr Steve. "Thank you so much for taking care of my wife."     

"What wife?" As soon as they all heard this, their mouths opened and their eyes became wide. They could not believe that an ordinary canteen girl would be the wife of a World famous cardiologist. This was a surprise for all of them. And the most shocking thing was for the Zuri. She was standing in her place, like a statue.     

On the other hand, Kenny and her father, could not believe that the girl working in their canteen was Max Martin's wife. "Are you telling the truth that rain is your wife?"     

"Yes! Raina is my wife. There was a bit of misunderstanding between the two of us, And that's why she left me in her rage."     

"But what about this girl. Isn't she your fiancee?"     

"No, She is my childhood friend." He said in a very normal tone.     

Hearing all this, against her will, Zuri put a fake smile on her face. But she had no idea when Max, the man she had dreamed of marrying, got married.     


Raina was already in the soft bed when she opened her eyes. She looked around, she was in a bedroom, and there was no sign of Max. Then she looked at her hand. Her hand was differently and freshly bandaged than before. She then put her feet down from the bed and started walking towards the door. She started turning the latch of the door but she did not turn because the door was locked from outside.     

She did not know where she was. Who brought her here. Is Max with her or he left her in this room alone. All these thoughts started running in her mind. She panicked and she started banging on the door.     

She banged on the door for a long time but the door did not open. She was not in a position to stand near the door for long. She leaned against the wall near the door and sat down and closed her eyes.     

A few moments later the bedroom door was opened. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she opened her eyes and looked up. In front of her, Max was standing at his full height and staring at her with his green eyes. Her eyes lit up at the sight of him and she began to lift her body from the floor by placing her both palm on her either side.     

Seeing her struggle he bent down to help her. And as he bent down, she hugged his neck very tightly. seeing that she was hugging him for her dear of life a beautiful smile appeared on his lips. Feeling her delicate and soft body against his strong he felt very relieved. Then he wrapped his arms around her.     

His frowned as he felt her trembling body in his arms. "What happened Princess? Why are you crying now?"     

He asked her very softly, not wanting to scare her.     

"I thought you left me." She said in between her sob.     

"I know I did wrong but please don't leave me." She began to mutter in his crook.     

Max picked her up in his arms in bridal style and led her to the bed. He sat on the bed. He stretched one leg on the bed and folded the other leg. He placed her comfortably on his lap. Her grip was still on his neck which he was trying to release. "Princess, Leave me."     

"No! If I leave you now, you will leave me again. Like you were going to leave me in the canteen."     

"Princess, I'm not going anywhere without you. I just want to see your face."     

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