My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-115: Truth came out: part six

CH-115: Truth came out: part six

0"But how did you manage all this? I mean, she showed a false pregnancy report, so it means she was guaranteed that it happened between the two of you." The confusion in her mind was noticeable on her face.     

"Ave." Alex put his hand in her hair and began to rub her scalp with the tip of his finger. "You're too young to know this."     

"No, I am not" She shook her head. " I am already married and I am already pregnant. Therefore, I am not young by any angle and Alex..." She looked at him hopefully, "Please don't hide anything from me this time. Last six months have been hard for me." There was a request in her words that he could not deny.     

"Ave, I tell you but after that, you will not ask me any question."     

" But Alex..."     

" If you want an answer."     

"Ok, I will not."     

He took a deep breath and began to tell her. "Every time I was with her, I would do something with her that would make her lose her senses. She didn't understand the difference between me and another man. And so she was spending her night with the men I had selected."     

" But this was wrong." She spoke quickly.     

"My dear Ave, She was not a good woman that I would do well with her. And now you're not going to ask me any questions. Rest here for a while, I will bring a meal for you." He said as he laid her on the bed. Alex was still in the same clothes. His exhaustion was visible on his face.     

He left Avery for a while and then returned with a meal. When he returned, he found tears in Avery's eyes again. She was lying down with her eyes closed but tears were flowing from her eyes. Alex quickly sat down on edge of her bed. He leaned towards her, placing his hands on the bed on either side of her.     

"Ave, why are you crying again?" Alex's words opened her eyes.     

"Alex, Are you playing any other game with me this time? If so, then please tell me. I will leave this country and go away from you. If you are doing this with me for that land, please tell me." There was sadness in her words because she was not in a position to endure any more.     

"My Love Relax. There is nothing like that, what you are thinking. I have nothing to do with that land because that land is already under my name."     

"But Clara....."     

" I did it all to convince her. You don't have to worry about that. But Alex what about that kisses. If you loved me, why did you kiss her?" Avery was asking questions again and again like little kid. But he knew she wouldn't keep quiet until he answered her all questions, so he patiently answered her every question. He had already told her not to ask any more questions but that had no effect on her.     

Alex put one of his hands under her head and held his weight with the other.     

"Ave. I never kissed her, she was the one who was kissing me every time. I only let her do that to make the relationship true in her eyes."     

"How many times has she kissed you?" She asked him.     

There was pain in her words that was not hidden from him.     

"Maybe four or five times." He said hesitantly.     

"You didn't feel anything at the time." She wanted to know Alex's feeling.     

"Ave, It was very difficult for me and that is why when I came home I was kissing you against your will to calm myself down."     

"Alex. Please Don't do this again. I can't stand it."     

There were tears in her eyes. The pain she had endured for the past six months was unbearable.     

"No. This was the last time of all this." Alex moved away from her body and sat up again. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.     

Her sudden movement caused her head to hit his chest. And she put her hand on his shoulder. "You should eat something now."     

"Hmmm." She nodded her head.     

"But I want to freshen up. I am feeling very sticky."     

"Ok" Alex picked her up in his arms and led her into the bathroom. He stood her on the floor.     

"Call me when you're done. I will stand outside."     

"Hmm." After freshening up, she called him. He picked her up again and brought her back to bed. Avery didn't like that princess treatment but she had no other choice because her body was so weak.     


Avery and Alex were both lying on the bed. She was in his arms. She felt very attacked towards her husband after knowing the truth. Now She knew how much her husband loved her. He did all this to save her. But she wondered from what kind of danger her husband was trying to save her. She wanted to ask but she knew that today was also too long for him. And he needed to take a rest.     

"Ave." Alex suddenly called her     

"Hmm." She looked at him. " What Alex."     

" I want. I need so much "     

"But tell me first what you want." She didn't know what Alex was talking about.     

" I want..." And the next moment Avery was down on the bed and Alex was on top of her. Avery's eyes were wide open because Alex suddenly attacked her lips with his. Avery's lips were between his. He was kissing her lips as he wished. Avery surrendered herself at that moment and closed her eyes. She put her hand on his chest.     

Out of Blue Alex said to her, "Ave, Open your mouth."     

"Hmm." Avery wasn't in her senses, she didn't understand what Alex was talking about. When he got no response from her, he put one hand under her nape and grabbed her little hair with the other hand and pulled them.     

"Ahhh.. " she hisses in pain and Alex got a chance to push his tongue in her mouth. Avery could feel his warm tongue in her mouth causing her chest to move up and down automatically. She felt like her body was loosening up.     

Alex's tongue was exploring her whole mouth. He moved the tip of his tongue closer to the tip of her tongue and licked her tongue.     

Avery tightened his grip on his chest and at the same time, he deepened his kiss. When Avery's breath stopped, she began to pat him on the shoulder. Alex quickly released her lips.     

"Take a breath, my love. Take a long breath." After giving her five minutes to breathe, Alex pressed his lips on hers again.     

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