CEO Vengeful wife.

An angel with a gentle glow

An angel with a gentle glow


Heng HuiZhong's eyes shifted towards her.


A look of relief washed over his face.

He had been waiting for so long!

'Now that I have finally met this imbecile, I am certain I will resolve the issue in no time'

"President Jing." He kept his head high. Didn't show the slightest respect. His face showed his dissatisfaction as if he expected Jing Lihua to give an explanation for the unfair treatment he received.

"I am very unsatisfied with the behavior of the reception staff here. The woman here... she had been too adamant to reason with. She said I can't meet you without an appointment. Isn't it ridiculous? All the time Chairman had been down, I had been the one looking after everything. I had come with intentions to guide you since you have just started but was disrespected in return."

"Since this is your second day here, I won't blame you. But to give me a face, you must not overlook this act of disrespect towards me."

Jing Lihua's eyes were limpid and cool. She gave no response.

Heng Huozhong was temporarily startled at her silence. However, soon he regained his composure.

'Maybe she is too nervous to say something? Hah! Afterall she is a novice and a woman on top of that!'

Heng Huizhong felt his confidence blow up. 

'If she is a boneless wimp, I should make use of the opportunity and suppress her using my seniority'

"President Jing, you need to set the morals of your company right. Your employees, they don't know how to respect the revered guests. I demand you to fire and report this impudent woman at once." With a self-important tune, he said.

Jing Lihua almost scoffed under her cool eyes. 'Demand your ass.'

Heng HuiZhong threw an intimidating glance at the receptionist.

The little reception lady was frightened.

She kept bowing continuously to Heng Huizhong.

She even bowed to Jing Lihua.

Looking at the scene, Jing Lihua's eyes darkened. She slowly walked towards the reception lady. With each step she took towards her, the woman trembled even more and bowed even deeper.

"President Jing, I am sorry..."

"Tsk. Are you regretting it now? But just bowing won't save you!" Heng Huizhong scoffed, however, he was startled speechless when he saw Jing Lihua gently grabbing the woman's elbow and supporting her up. 

Jing Lihua smiled brightly and in a serene tone, she said.

"You do not need to apologize to anyone. You did nothing wrong."

Hearing to her words, the reception lady was startled.

She couldn't believe that it was President Jing who said those words.

'Didn't the rumors say that President Jing was arrogant and ruthless beyond limits who would tolerate no mistakes. Didn't she fire fifteen employees indiscriminately? How could she let this matter go just like that?'

"Neither do you need to bow to the people of his sort. It reflects badly on my company. Since you are an employee of the Tang enterprise, learn to hold your head high. Remember that your President is always beside you"

'People of this sort' Those words hit Heng Huizhong right at the spot.

While witnessing this extraordinary act by the rumored monstrous President, the few employees in the place felt their hearts warming up.

The glacier of false rumors Wang Jianglin had built up in the whole day, quickly melted away.

'Which President had ever gone out of her way to offend a shareholder for a small employee?'

After the woman had stopped crying, Jing Lihua faced Heng HuiZhong.

Her small smile still on.

"My reception lady has not made any mistake. Mr. Heng if you want to see me, you'll have to make a formal appointment." Her expressions didn't change, but her eyes darkened.

"While I admire your kind intentions, I do not need anyone to guide me on how to preside over my enterprise."

"While you might have looked over the things for a few days, please keep it in mind that at the end of the day I am the real President of Tang enterprise."

"As for the morals of my company, I do not need you to tell me how to set them."

"Since my employee was merely following my words and guidance while the other part couldn't understand her simple words, she won't be fired... let alone be reported. You should be happy I won't report you for using threats."

Heng HuiZhong was shocked.

All the employees standing dead in the tracks and watching were even more shocked.

'This woman... was really not something that they assumed. Instead, she was quite opposite. Not a demon with pointed horns. But an angel with a gentle halo'

Not only was Heng HuiZhong was slapped across his face, but he was also slapped hard. To the point, he was infuriated with burning embarrassment. He wanted to choke that reception woman at the spot. 

More than that he wanted to teach that arrogant woman who thought she owned the world!

However before he could say anything, without giving him any face, Jing Lihua headed for the private garage. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Heng HuiZhong hissed and blocked her path at once. "I'm the biggest investor in your company. And you are not going to show me at least some little respect? Your grandfather was a wise man. As long as he held the office, he never disrespected me. If I pull out my shares, your stock price would fall more than fifty percent!"

"Mr. Heng, please step aside. I've some important matters to attend to." Jing Lihua's smile didn't falter. Even her tone was cool and professional.

'Am I not important enough matter now?' Heng HuiZhong was angered to death for being treated like this.

"You..." When he tried to follow her, dozens of black-dressed burly bodyguards surrounded him, making him stop in tracks,

Jing Lihua leisurely walked for the garage.

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