PS I'm (not) Over You

The Devil vs the Little Prince

The Devil vs the Little Prince

0Ririna looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror of their room as she brushed her hair. Something about her was unusual but she couldn't point out what was it. She was glowing. Ah maybe she was adjusting well as a newly wedded wife but that will also change with stress as she would have to start working as Eli's secretary soon.     

Not that she minded working with him again. It was just more convenient for the both of them. He will not have to worry about her security and wonder where could she be as they would spend more time together now that they are working together.     

Too many problems to deal with. Saving their company while keeping an eye on Hattori's plans. Ririna could only hope that he will not strike anytime soon. But she couldn't let her guard down, not until she was sure Hattori was dead and she found out what really happened to her mother's death.     

Her mother. Ririna stopped brushing her hair and stared at her bare face. Many people had pointed out that she looked a lot like her mother but Ririna believed otherwise. Her mother was a kind-hearted woman, always with a smile on her face even if Ririna knew as a child that she was hurt. The divorce she had with Ririna's father made her weep in sorrow for several months.     

Their separation made a dent in Ririna's beliefs about marriages. She swore in her young age after she heard her mother weeping alone, that she will never get marry a man she didn't love. Her young mind had refused to acknowledge her marriage arrangement that her father proposed.     

Marrying Hiro Liu was out of the question. It was just a childish crush she had with him. She refused to believe that she will abandon Eli and Skyler for another man. She wasn't that kind of woman. She loved her husband with all of her heart.     

Speaking of the devil, Ririna smiled when she saw his reflection behind her in the mirror, wrapping his strong arms around her waist with his chin rested on her head. He was just more handsome as the day she had first met him.     

How long has it been since they first met? Fifteen years? She had never thought that the young man who saved her from the orphanage she was in would be the one who she would marry eventually.     

His grey eyes held amusement in his usually stoic face. Only Ririna had the privilege to see this side of the devil. She liked that she was the only one who can evoke his gentle side and she was greedy for his attention.     

Eli then leaned down and placed a light kiss on her cheek.     

"Still not ready?     

"I'm almost done," Ririna said.     

"Take your time then. I'm not in a hurry." He said, pulling away from her to sit back on the bed. Ririna resumed on brushing her hair.     

"Of course, you aren't in a rush. You despise attending this so-called family dinner that your father insisted to have." She giggled.     

Eli could have rolled his eyes but refrained. His father and his second wife came up with an idea that they should have a family dinner at least once a week. He couldn't understand what his father wanted. If he was trying to make up for the lost time and opportunity to be a father to him, it was too late.     

For the only thing that matters to him right now was to keep his wife and their child happy. There wouldn't be any saving grace for his father. The pain he had given to Eli was deeply etched since his childhood.     

If he could, Eli will cut off his connection with his father but knowing that Ririna valued her close relationships they had with his half-brother and sister-in-law, he learned to respect her wishes. He loved how his wife was an independent woman and smart enough to protect herself. There were still times that he regretted not having to be her side when problems came up.     

It was always like he was late or Ririna had fixed the problem by herself. As much as he wanted her to rely everything on him, she did not which frustrates him. Her beautiful mind and personality captivated him.     

"Are you ready to work for tomorrow?" Eli asked with a smirk.     

Oh, yes. Because tomorrow, she will officially start working for Han Zhou Entertainment.     

Ririna stopped brushing her hair again and turned around.     

"I wish my new boss won't terrorize me," she said.     

"He won't. I'm the only one who has the right to terrorize you." Eli grinned.     

Ririna sighed and dropped her brush on her desk. She climbed in his lap and put her arms around her neck. Eli stiffened in shock. She wasn't usually affectionate like this but nevertheless, he appreciates moments like this where they could hold each other.     

"Are you tired? We don't have to leave if you want to rest." Eli asked.     

Ririna burrowed her face against his neck. Eli groaned. Strands of auburn hair tickled his nose as she nuzzled closer and he began to feel aroused in her touch. Damn it, he was trying to keep his hands away from her. Ever since Skyler invaded their room the night when he cried because of thunderstorms, their little kid started to sleep with them in the same room.     

Her arms around his neck were soft and warm, her hair so fragrant that he needed to fight the urge to run his fingers on her hair.     

"I miss you…" Ririna mumbled against his neck, oblivious to her husband's condition. He kept his hands on her tiny waist, forcing himself not to respond to her touch. Any hot-blooded male will feel the same way if their woman was oblivious that she was seducing him.     

Eli counted backward from one hundred, trying not to think of the succubus wife he had on his lap. He was so tempted to touch her but thinking about Skyler, he didn't want to be on the bad terms with their son.     

Skyler had started a cold and silent war against him. It was as if the little kid wouldn't allow him to be intimate with Ririna. He wondered if their son was getting jealous or being threatened because of his presence. Skyler looked at him like he had done something wrong to him.     

Was it really inevitable that there will be a fight for attention between the devil and the little prince? Eli had doubt that he will be able to be alone with his wife while they aren't at work. With Skyler interfering their time, he wasn't hopeful that they would have another child soon.     

"Ririna. Please don't make it hard for me." he breathed out.     

Her lips moved against his throat and he shifted on his seat.     

"Hmm?" Ririna's head jerked up, narrowly missing his jaw. She peered at his face with confusion. As she did, Eli couldn't help but to noticed her round eyes that were brilliant and seemed to glow against her pale face.     

Her hand began to play with his hair, her fingertips light brushing against the base of his neck in a way that sent shivers down his spine. His mind starting to think about those hand playing with his hair and touching his taut body.     

He was about to lean down to capture her lips in a kiss when the door of their room suddenly opened. Their little son still holding the doorknob with wide eyes. Eli and Ririna turned their head at the doorway. Ririna pulled away from her husband but stayed on his lap.     

Skyler's smiling face instantly disappeared when he saw his mother clinging to his daddy. His wide gray eyes stared at his father accusingly like he did something bad on his mommy.     

"Hello, baby. Are you ready?" Ririna asked as Eli managed to get her to stand up.     

Ririna was wearing a baby pink sleeveless cotton shirt dress with tulle. She then put a green jacket to contrast with the girly color. Her feet were donning low cut sneakers. Her style was very peculiar but ironically looking good for her.     

"Yes, mommy," Skyler replied.     

He was wearing a light blue shirt with a printed statement 'If you think I'm cute, you should see my dad.', white jogger pants and a pair of black slip-on shoes. His dark locks were a bit messy and wild that Ririna had to stifle a laugh on her son.     

"Come here, Sky. Let me fix your hair."     

Ririna took a comb from her vanity and knelt down in front of her son. She gently brushed his wild locks up away from his face. When she was done, her eyes glitter as she looked at Skyler's face. The way his hair pulled up and style made him look even better than his father.     

Eli watched Ririna stood up and went to their walk-in closet to take her bag. His eyes then fell down to his son who was staring back at him with contempt.     

"You didn't kiss my mommy, daddy?" Skyler asked.     

"No, but why am I not allowed to kiss mommy?" Eli replied.     

Skyler rub his chin and tilted his head to one side. A habit that he surely got from his mother.     

"You can't kiss mommy until I say so."     

Eli didn't know what to think. Was his son trying to punish him for something he had done or Sky didn't want to see him intimate with Ririna?     


"Because you always kiss my mommy. Don't eat my mommy's face." Skyler insisted.     

"But I'm not eating mommy's face,"     

Skyler's cute face turned with a scowl. He stumped one of his feet in frustration.     

"Because you have enough kisses already and I don't want a brother. I'm mommy's, only baby."     

"Sky…" Eli's voice was serious that made his son step away from him. He didn't intend to scare him.     

Well, technically Skyler was still their baby. Ririna wasn't pregnant yet but he would wait. They didn't need to rush things about having another child. Skyler lowered down his head and tried not to cry.     

"Sky. You're still our baby. No one is taking it away from you. Even if we have another baby, I assure you mommy and daddy will love you still."     

"Really?" Skyler lifted his head and tried to see if his father was telling him the truth.     

"When did I ever lie to you?" Eli replied.     

Skyler sniffed and wiped his tears away. He ran towards his father and clung on his leg. Eli picked him up and made him sat on his lap. The little boy snuggled closer to his chest and wrap his small arms.     

"I'm sorry, daddy." Skyler murmured to his father. He knew he was being mean to his father lately.     

"It's alright." Eli patted his back, wondering if Skyler wouldn't throw a tantrum again.     

After a long while, Skyler calmed down and stayed in his father's embrace. They were found in the same position by Ririna when she stepped out from their walk-in closet. A smile passed on her lips as she looked at her husband and child. She really hoped that they already fixed whatever problem they had from the previous week.     

"Let's go or we will be late," she called out.     

Skyler immediately slipped out from his father's hold and took his mother's hand leading him outside. They waited until the driver arrived at the main entrance. One of their bodyguards opened the door of the backseat to let them in.     

Ririna allowed Skyler to go first and followed him inside, then Eli waited for her to settle beside their son and gave instructions to his personnel. He specifically told them to summon Aoi back in the city as soon as possible.     

Returning to his seat, the driver turned on the engine and silently drove towards the Park Mansion where the head of the family resides with his second wife. Ririna then remembered that Ginny requested to buy her a mocha frappe from their local coffee shop. She requested to their driver to make a quick stop at the coffee shop.     

As soon as she stepped down from the car, Ririna's nose wrinkled as some nausea hit her. She had never been a coffee drinker because she always prefers tea over it but that doesn't mean she hated the smell of coffee before.     

She tried to hold her breath as the scent still lingered within the area. She quickly placed her order and covered her nose. Weird. Did she eat something bad earlier? Ririna shrugged her shoulders and took Ginny's mocha frappe and quickly left the shop. She held her breath until she was a safe distance away. Her whole body relaxed when the smell dulled.     

The driver opened the door of the back seat once again to let her in. Eli noticed the cold sweat on his wife's forehead.     

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. Was she sick and not feeling good? They could always go back home and he could give his family a call.     

"I'm fine," Ririna assured him before sitting back beside their son and adjusted Skyler's coat.     

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