PS I'm (not) Over You

I'm the Only Man You Will Love

I'm the Only Man You Will Love

0Rion invited himself over Sara's house.     

Hands tangled in locks of pale-golden brown and dark brown as they kissed and kissed.     

Soft mewling sounds could be heard from the two figures on the couch. He slanted his mouth to get a better angle to kiss her. Her mouth disconnected from his as it trailed down to his jaw and left feather-light kisses in its wake. His hands came up to cup her face while his thumb gently caressed her cheek.     

Five days left for the two of them. Sara wished that she didn't need to leave and could stay like this in his arms, but reality sucked. She didn't want Rion to think that she was an irresponsible woman that couldn't fix her priorities.     

She parted from Rion's embrace and ran her fingers through her tousled hair. She let out a chuckle when she noticed that Rion was having a hard time reining his self-control. Sara sat up and motioned him to lay his head over her lap. He quirked an eyebrow to her before doing what she requested.     

Sara continued to run her fingers through his silky hair. She was a bit jealous because his hair was more beautiful and manageable than hers. Even his eyelashes were thick and gorgeous that women should envy. Why was it so unfair?     

Rion moved closer to her body, and his head accidentally touched the sides under her breasts, making Sara blush at the contact.     

"I'm sorry." Rion adjusted his body on her couch. For some reason, he felt very tired and exhausted today. He was busy lately and was eager to take a break very soon. Maybe after Sara left the country, he would visit their ancestral home once again to check on it. The last time he and Sara visited the place, the caretaker informed him about some parts that needed to be fixed and restored.     

Sara's stomach grumbled in hunger, making Rion chuckle at her red face. She quickly slid out from the couch and let Rion rest his head on some of her throw pillows in her living room.     

"Make yourself at home while I prepare our lunch," she said before leaving a quick peck on his cheeks as he lay on his side and closed his eyes for a quick nap.     

"Wake me up when it's ready," he said and cracked an eye open to look at her.     


After an hour, the scent of herbs and aroma filled her kitchen. Sara pulled out two plates and set it on her dining table. Her eyes landed on the clock hanging on the wall and saw that it was almost one in the afternoon. Maybe she should have opted to cook a meal that was easy to prepare. Rion must be hungry by now.     

Rion was startled when he woke up and felt something cold and wet against his forehead. He rolled to the other side and faced his fiancee who was looking at him with worried eyes.     

"You're burning up. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" Sara quietly said as she continued to wipe away his sweat, trying to cool down his body with a cool and damp towel.     

"Water," Rion requested, and Sara quickly stood up and got the stuff she needed for him. She came back to his side with a cup of water and a pill of medicine in her hands. Placing the cup and medicine pill on her coffee table, Sara helped Rion sit up so he could take the pill.     

Once she placed back the empty cup on the coffee table, Sara took the damp towel and replaced it on his forehead and put a more comfy pillow under his head. Rion opened his eyes and watched Sara attend to his need.     

"It's just a fever, Sara."     

She didn't really have to be too worried about him.     

Taking a spare blanket from her bedroom, she draped it over Rion's body. Her distinct scent permeated his sense, making him sleepier.     

"I know, but you can't blame me for getting worried. I'm about to leave soon, and you got sick. Do you think I should stay?" Sara asked.     

"Why would you that? Proceed on with your plans. I don't want your family to think that I'm caging you and forbidding you to finish your studies. You don't want to get on their bad side, right?"     

Sara nodded, but she didn't have a choice, right? Her fingers lightly grazed on his cheek, feeling the warmth emitting from his skin.     

"Sleep. I will be here when you wake up," she whispered.     


The next time Rion woke up, he heard Sara humming a tune to herself. She was sitting on the floor while her back was leaning on the couch. Her back was facing him, and she was wearing headphones around her ears so she didn't notice that he had just woken up.     

Rion tried to look over her shoulders to see what she was doing, and he quickly regretted doing it. There, beside him on the couch, his fiancee was reading one of her yaoi comic books. He didn't know if he was being delusional because he was sick or if Sara was really reading one.     

He closed his eyes and mentally counted one to ten, hoping that he had seen it wrong. When Rion opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, he knew by then that he was awake and wasn't dreaming when he saw Sara reading her favorite materials again.     

Rion didn't know how Sara was able to make him fall for her, but honestly, he didn't care.     

"Sara," he called. He could feel his throat dry and irritated, but at least his headache disappeared already.     

Sara removed her headphones when she felt Rion move behind her. She quickly closed her comic book and threw it on the table, hoping that Rion didn't notice. However, the inquiring look that Rion sent to her said otherwise.     

"Are you feeling better now?" she asked with a timid look in her eyes.     


That was embarrassing. She already promised herself that she wouldn't scare Rion with her BL materials, but…     

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. Sara knew that he wasn't comfortable whenever she watched those BL shows and seeing her comics whenever they dropped by to their local bookstore to buy some art materials and books for Rion.     

"It's alright as long as I'm the only man you will love. You do what you want. Just don't force me to read or watch that stuff…" Rion said awkwardly as he lifted himself to sit up. His hand reached up to cup her cheek. Sara nuzzled his hand and kissed his palm. She stood up from the floor, taking his hand with her.     

"But babe, I'm yours and only yours," she said with a sweet smile on her face.     

"Are you hungry? I can reheat your lunch if you want to eat," Sara asked.     

With his slight nod, she helped him stand up and lead her to the kitchen.     

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