PS I'm (not) Over You

The Devil Arrives

The Devil Arrives

0"Who's there? Show yourself," Aoi said, surprising Ririna. His eyes glared at the woods on the other side of the cabin. Just like Ririna, he knew someone was watching them from afar ever since they arrived at this place. The owner of this pair of eyes was surely not part of the team that raided the main house and the cabin earlier. It was like a lone wolf stalking its prey.     

He pulled out his gun from its holster and blocked Ririna from the person waiting for them. Ririna felt that they were being cornered in spite of the fact that they were in an open area. What was that supposed to mean? Were they really trapped and had no other choice but to fight now?     

A tall figure of a man stepped out from the shadows. A semi-automatic handgun on one hand was pointing directly to Aoi. His strawberry blond hair swayed at the soft cold breeze of the night. If it wasn't for the light coming from the moon above the sky, Ririna wouldn't recognize the man. Of all places, what was he doing in here?     

"Hiro Liu," Aoi acknowledged his presence. Who wouldn't know the man who had successfully eliminated his rival in the Underworld? Unlike the devil, the warlock had become an enigma to everyone. His ways were peculiar and unconventional methods that intrigued the Underworld.     

"I need Ririna Han." He was direct to the point of what he wanted, Hiro's eyes never leaving Ririna's face. Something was different about Hiro Liu tonight. A different man from what she had met before. His eyes were cold and clear as if ready to kill anytime. The usual smirk on his lips vanished and was replaced with a deep frown.     

Aoi's brows twitched in response. Did Hiro really think he would betray his master by giving up Ririna Han? He would rather kill himself than betray the devil. Either way, his life was already in danger. He was sure that the warlock would still kill him even if he surrendered the witch. The devil would also kill him on the spot if he failed to protect their mistress.     

"That's quite impossible, Mr. Liu," Aoi replied. He wasn't so sure if he had enough time to make so Ririna could escape without him. It wouldn't be easy to fight the warlock on his current condition. His wound on his shoulder was still stinging, but he tried to endure. Help would arrive soon, but he didn't know how he could buy more time before help comes for the two of them.     

The gunshots from the main house had stopped already, indicating that the war between the two parties had ended. However, this was a different case. Why was the warlock hunting the witch alone?     

"You have no other choice." Even the way he speaks was very different. "I need the witch, and you will hand her over to me."     

Ririna was breaking out in cold sweat. Why did he need her now? Something must have happened to him. She took a glance at Aoi, and she really felt guilty as she had put him on this situation. She knew this would be hard for Aoi to deal with. He was injured, and if he refused to give her to Hiro, he would be dead soon.     

"I won't let you harm her."     

"Who said I intend to hurt her? I need her alive," Hiro corrected him.     

"We have annihilated your team, and you're alone now."     

"Those idiots? They aren't mine. Those came from the Jiang family." Hiro revealed. What? Why did the Jiang family betray them after everything the Park family had done for their sake?     

"Now, hand over Ririna Han, and I will leave you unscathed."     

"Over my dead body. You will never have Madam Park." Aoi hissed back.     

"Stop! I will go with you. Leave him alone." Ririna ran forward in front of Aoi and spread her arms. She could not let Aoi die because of her stupidity. No, she couldn't. Even though they didn't go along well, she never wanted someone to pay the price for her mistakes. If Aoi died because of her, she would have to bear the guilt of his death as long as she lived.     

'I'm so sorry, Eli; I'm really sorry.' She now regrets making this decision. If only she could turn back time, she would choose the most logical way to handle this matter—not like this. Alas, regret was always in the end for the reckless person like her.     

Suddenly, a deep and rumbling sound was heard above them. Ririna had to cover her eyes with her right arm while trying to see who had interrupted the tension between Aoi and Hiro Liu. The three of them looked up and saw a military chopper hovering above them. Light from it focused on their position. The sliding door of the helicopter opened, revealing a familiar face that made Ririna's lit up.     

What had happened? She thought. Why would her husband be here when she knew he was in the Southern Province for a rescue and retrieval mission? She must be hallucinating, but when his gray eyes met hers, she knew then that she wasn't dreaming. Her devil had arrived to save her!     

Aside from him, the team who had successfully annihilated the group that invaded Han's manor also arrived on the scene. There was a sound of bullets being loaded, and guns were pointed at Hiro. Eli's men weren't very patient, unlike their master. Hiro remained unfazed on his position with his eyes glued on the couple.     

At that moment, Ririna had forgotten all her fears and worries. Her husband had arrived on time to save her and Aoi, but how did he know she was here?     

Using a harness, Eli slid down from the chopper and landed several feet away from his wife. As soon as he touched the ground, Ririna ran towards him and threw herself into his embrace. Relief washed over her as she moved closer to his warmth. She knew she was safe. Her husband wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her. The devil arrived to save his witch!     

Eli looked down on his wife. He was glad that she wasn't harmed and still alive, but he would personally deal with her later. What trouble did Ririna bring on herself this time?     

His eyes landed on Hiro Liu who brought down his gun when he saw him. This wasn't so surprising for him. He did know that one of these days Hiro would try to seek his wife to solve his own problem.     

"Gamaliel Park." Hiro clenched his teeth. He didn't expect that the devil would arrive soon from his mission.     

"I wouldn't allow you to take my wife. Are you that desperate for not solving your own problem that you would rather be used as his chess piece?" Eli looked at Hiro coldly.     

"Your wife?" Hiro snorted. "She should have been my wife if you didn't interfere with our lives."     

"Doesn't change the fact that you are weak and have surrendered to Hattori's demands." Eli taunted.     

Ririna's eyes widened. She looked at her husband's face, trying to see if he was telling the truth. She could see that he was serious. Stupid of her to think that Eli would stoop down on that level. Even if he was cold and ruthless, he wasn't the one who would resort to playing tricks and lies to someone. His dignity wouldn't allow it.     

All of them came to a standstill. The air around them was so thick that someone could make a cut out of it. The tension was so obvious, and no one dared to make a move.     

"Interesting." Hiro chuckled. The devil never failed to amuse him with his remarks. The usual grin came back on his face. He knew then that he couldn't fight the devil alone. Not like this. Not when his younger sister was abducted by Hattori and demanded that he was to bring Ririna Han as a ransom for Adeline's freedom.     

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