PS I'm (not) Over You

Payback Time (1)

Payback Time (1)

0Yang Family Mansion at the South New Global City…     

The estate of the Yang family was a typical mansion and grounds that had been passed down for several generations. It was a kind of place that bragged about how wealthy the owner was. The estate was strategically located in the southern part of the city, which was known for warmer weather and easy access on all major roads.     

The mansion stood out from everything around it. The beautiful trees surrounding the estate and the peacefulness showed in spite of the high-bricked wall and its protection from outsiders. The iron gate, well-maintained lawns, and gardens—as well as the fine architectural design of the manor—said a lot of things about the Yang family.     

The Yang family was also one of the mercenary clans that were usually hired by the government. Like most of their competitors, they accepted job offers either from the Underworld or the government. Unfortunately, their influence and strength were way too low compared to the Park family.     

Eli's men were able to find a lead back to the Yang family. Someone had placed a bounty for Ririna's head in an underground auction which was held one week earlier before the incident of the assassination plan. The Yang family was able to get the contract worth one hundred million. Auctions and biddings within the Underworld were strictly confidential. Even if someone was part of the community, they wouldn't have a chance to participate if the contractor didn't like them and their reputation.     

Eli suspected that the Park family was omitted from the list of participants because Ririna was previously a member of his team, and now, she was his woman. There was no way people from the Underworld failed to discover their relationship so why would the Yang family still accept the contract if they knew that the Park family was involved?     

Greed. There was no point denying it. As long as the Park family stayed within the Underworld, the Yang family would never rise to the top. Too bad they messed with the wrong woman. The devil would seek the payment for what they did to his witch.     

The estate was usually peaceful and quiet, but tonight, screams of terror and fear echoed within the mansion followed by a deafening silence. Within the large garden of the mansion, the water of the fountain turned bloody red as two dead bodies of the Yang guards flopped down in it. The tranquility of the place was replaced by terror.     

Trail of dead bodies of men could be seen wherever someone looked as if the grim reaper himself had visited the place and collected all the souls of the inhabitants of the mansion. All of them were instantly killed with one shot on their heads, leaving them no chance to survive the attack.     

Just like what Eli promised to his wife, he would annihilate the culprits; and those who have tried to murder her. He could only wish that she's fairing well while he was gone. This was the second time he left her side to deal with the rats who hurt her.     

More guards fell one by one, without having a chance to pull out their guns from the holsters. Eli and his men didn't waste any time to accomplish the mission as soon as possible. Broken glass and bloodstains littered the carpeted floor inside the mansion. Bodies of men and women riddled with bullets, broken necks, and stab wounds fell on the cold ground.     

The Yang family couldn't even put up a good fight against Eli's team. His team was known for its unforgiving and merciless assassination. They were considered one of the best; hence, their services were very expensive and limited to get a contract with.     

The last room was kicked open by one of his assistants. The destruction of the mansion continued as the intruders ruined each and every painting and exquisite vases that are quite priceless in both regular and underground markets.     

Eli stepped in into the room while he adjusted his tie. He looked around and felt satisfied with how his two assistants managed to discard the remaining guards and family members within the room. His imposing tall figure could intimidate anyone; his stoic face exuded an aura that screams 'don't mess with the devil'.     

He wore his usual black suit with a white button-down shirt and black necktie. His hand covered with his tactical gloves. Satisfied that his main target was already cornered, Eli reloaded his gun and walked toward the current head of the Yang family.     

For a family with such wealth, Eli thought that this family was quite stupid. Most guards and the members of their assassination team were mediocre. Maybe it's a good thing that they were because if they are as good as the other top assassins, Eli was sure that Ririna wouldn't have a chance to live and survive the attack.     

'It doesn't matter anymore.' Eli thought because they wouldn't survive tonight. No one could prevent him from taking his revenge on the one who hurt his wife. No security could protect them from his grudge.     

The man lifted himself from the floor and ran towards the nearest room and locked the door. Eli stifled a laugh. Did he just think that he could escape from the devil's wrath? It's payback time.     

Reaching out to the door, Eli tried to pull the door's handle hard and found it locked from the inside. His lips curved into a smile which his assistants saw and confirmed that the devil would send another soul to the deepest part of hell tonight. Eli kicked the door, and it buckled with its hinges loosening. With one more hard kick, he was able to open the door.     

Looking around, his target was nowhere in sight. With a wicked smile still on his lips, he wondered if his prey had managed to escape from the open window or slipped out using a hidden passage. Eli's gray eyes sharpened.     

"Let's play a game. Shall we, stupid troll?"     

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