PS I'm (not) Over You

Woman I Am Your Son

Woman I Am Your Son

0Skyler frown. Don't grandmas suppose to look old with wrinkled skin and white hair? How could this lady be his grandma? But she looks a lot like daddy and she's really pretty. Of course, his mommy is still the prettiest woman in the world for him.     

"But you're pretty and young! Aren't grandmas suppose to look old?" Skyler asked his gray eyes widened which made him look adorable and cute in front of his grandmother.     

Yuna stared at her grandson before bursting into a round of laughter. This is quite a surprise. She hasn't seen a child for decades and yet here she is talking to a child that resembles her eldest son. From the color of his hair, his eyes, and the shape of his face, all of it Skyler inherited from his father.     

She sat down on the couch and motioned Skyler to come over her. Skyler looked up at his father with inquisitive eyes. His mommy has told him not to approach and talk with strangers but this pretty woman said she is his grandma. Eli nodded to his son and told him he didn't need to worry since she is really his grandmother.     

Skyler stood in front of Yuna while she stared at him up close. She lifted her right hand and touched Skyler's cheeks. It is warm and soft. She wondered then how her second child would have looked if he was still alive. If he was, he would probably be at the same age with Evan now.     

"I'm pretty?" she asked Skyler.     

Skyler nodded before saying "Very. Are you sure you're not my daddy's sister?"     

Yuna laughed. Her grandson surely knows how to please a girl. She hoped that he could retain this innocence longer. A child within the Underworld couldn't keep his innocence. One of these days the danger would come in front of him and will make him question the world around him.     

"I am your daddy's mom. I was young when I gave birth to him." she explained and Skyler's mouth formed an "o" before he sat beside his grandmother.     

"So now, can my little pumpkin call me Mama Yuna?" Her hand reached the side of his head and slid down to rub his little chin. Skyler is so cute, she had to fight the urge to pinch his chubby cheeks.     

"Mama Yuna?" Skyler tested it and hummed.     

"Yes? Is there something that my little pumpkin want? Mama Yuna will give you anything you want." she asked. Now that she found out about Skyler's existence, she plans to dote on him, something that she had failed to do when Eli was younger.     

"I want my mommy to wake up," Skyler whispered. His turned his head to the other side so his grandma wouldn't see how sad he is and how he really misses his mommy.     

Eli who was sitting on the other chair and busy flipping through the pages of his work stopped when he heard what Skyler said. His heart broke at what his son's wishes for his mother. Almost two weeks and Ririna's recovery is still slow. It was only after Eli sent a blood sample of Ririna to his mother that they found out that the bullets used on her were poisoned. They could only wait and hope that she will wake up soon.     

"She will wake up, my dear." Yuna started, "Don't be sad, my little pumpkin. Mama Yuna will help your mommy."     


"Why, yes. Why do you think Mama Yuna is here?"     

"Thank you," Skyler replied and wiped away the tears that started to fill his grey eyes.     

"Sky, go and eat your dinner now. It's getting too late." Eli said before putting down his documents and stood from his seat.     

"Okay, daddy. Can we play another game later?"     

It has been their routine since Ririna's accident that whenever Skyler finished his meal and his school homeworks, Eli would spend an hour to play several mind games or activities with Sky.     

"Not today, Sky. I'm sorry. Daddy needs to do more work tonight."     

"Oh…" Skyler's face fell.     

Looking at her grandson's disappointed face, Yuna smiled.     

"Mama Yuna can accompany you tonight. Is that okay?" she asked Skyler.     

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you, Mama Yuna." he jumped from his seat and hugged his grandmother. Yuna was caught off guard when Skyler became affectionately attached to her. She gave Eli a look but he only shrugged his shoulders in reply.     

"I thought you said you're going to help me," Eli told his mother.     

"But Skyler is alone and sad. I can't possibly leave him alone, right?" Yuna replied as she also stood up from her seat with Skyler in her arms.     

Eli arched a brow at his mother. She has never been this close to children. In his earliest memories, he could remember how his mother looked at children with disdain and refused to be associate herself with them calling them brats. If there's someone responsible for him to be cold and distant, it is because of his mother. But look at her now, she's already wrapped around Skyler's fingers. His child's adorable and cute antics has already won over his mother's cold demeanor.     

"Woman, I am your son," Eli told her.     

Yuna waved a hand at him as if she doesn't care what he's saying to her anymore.     

"You better go check on your little wife and see if she's faring better now that we have given her some antidote. You must promise me that you will never keep another grandchild away from me. When your wife recovers you must start working to give me more grandbabies to dote and spoil on." she replied as she tickled Skyler's side making him giggle in her arms.     

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