PS I'm (not) Over You

The Impromptu Autopsy

The Impromptu Autopsy

0The weather didn't improve, and the heavy rain still drenched everything around the Bright Azalea Mansion. Eli was still waiting for the second team he had sent to kill the sixth assassin that was surely waiting for the right time to attack Ririna.     

He took a quick look at his wristwatch, only to see that it's already past ten o'clock. Only two hours left. What's taking them so long? Did he really need to go out there and kill the assassin himself?     

Will they be able to kill the person, or did he need to devise another way to make a kill without Ririna noticing?     

Ririna noticed his restlessness and wondered what could be in his mind right now. He was being secretive since they saw the bounty website.     

"I refuse! I won't do an autopsy! Why do you keep on insisting? I will not do it." Beatrice gritted her teeth and barged into the room Eli and Ririna were in.     

Beatrice Tang's loud voice could be heard followed by another woman's voice.     

"But you're a doctor, Bea! You should be familiar with these things, right?" Michelle Jiang's voice sounded very irritated. She really wanted to know how her younger brother died.     

"Are you stupid? There's a big difference between a physician and a forensic expert." Bea hissed before striding within the room to find Ririna Han.     

"You've been working for our family for years. I don't believe you. You have seen enough blood and death."     

"Miss Han, please explain to them I can't do the autopsy procedures," Bea insisted.     

Ririna scowled beside Eli. What did she have to do with it? Her husband had pointed out that they would not meddle in their affairs and were only to see how they would choose their next family head.     

"Bea, I don't think it's right for you to drag Miss Han to our problems. I think it would be better to call a private practitioner instead," Christian said as he pulled Beatrice's arm.     

"We don't have time! I swear the one who killed my brother is also a part of this family." Michelle sneered. She then looked at Eli who wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about. He was reading the data that his team gathered about each member of the Jiang family.     

"Mr. Park, I know that your wife is capable. Could you please allow her to help us check with my brother's body?" she pleaded.     

"My wife is capable to decide for herself. I trust her judgment," Eli replied, without giving a look to the woman. He had other issues to keep himself busy, especially when it involved his own family.     

"Great!" Michelle shouted before pulling Ririna up from her seat. "Don't worry, we have a proper place where you can check their bodies." She then turned to Christian. "Hurry and tell them to prepare the lab equipment Miss Han may need."     

Ririna sighed. If Eli allowed her to check the dead bodies, it only meant that he found a probable motive when he checked the profiles of the Jiangs.     

Before she was dragged outside, Eli turned off his tablet and stood up, following his wife.     

"I'm going with you," he said without explaining his intent.     

He couldn't let Ririna out if his sight in case something wrong happened tonight.     


Eli had never experienced seeing an actual autopsy before. Why would he need to when killing and disposing of the bodies weren't part of his work? However, his wife was different. During her teenage years, he let her study pre-med subjects as well as the basic principles of toxicology and forensics. He even allowed her to join one of his mother's research programs when she was sixteen.     

It sure took her interest as he usually found her reading reference books about those subjects. Maybe after they solved their problems with Hattori and the Underworld, he could allow his wife to pursue her passion for this field.     

"Do you think we should do this? We already know the identity of the corpses. It isn't our job to do autopsies." Eli heard Bea ask Ririna while they slipped on their lab coats, face masks, and gloves before slipping inside the room with the dead bodies.     

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to see if we can find some clues," Ririna replied.     

As soon as they stepped into the room, the smell of decaying flesh weighed over the room. There were two metal tables and glass door cabinets that housed medical tools they could use. Ririna saw Bea hissing and thought how she wanted to back out from the overwhelming stench and go somewhere else where her nose could be safe.     

They noticed a man, also wearing protective gear, waiting for them while standing beside the metal tables with the Young Master's dead body on it. Across the room, there were several cabinets, drawers, and metal countertops. Everything looked clean; even the white tiles on the floor.     

The room reminded Ririna of the small lab room Eli opened in their private hideout in the Northern Province. She thought that having a private lab could be useful for some mercenary families like the Parks and the Jiangs.     

"Let's get going so we could finish soon," Ririna said.     

She and Bea stepped forward and inspected the body while Eli, Michelle, and Christian stayed away and let them do their inspection. Ririna could already estimate that the young master was in his late twenties, and his fiance in her early twenties. Both were too young to die.     

"Let's start with the clothes. Was this the clothes he was wearing before he went missing?" Ririna asked.     

"We aren't sure about that, but I can say that suit was his," Christian answered behind his face mask.     

Ririna shrugged her shoulders and then shifted her gears. She started cutting the sleeves before cutting the ropes that were still tied on the wrists. Maggots dropped from the body as she worked on the sleeves up to the shoulders. She then put the discarded material in a bag.     

The rest of them silently watched as Ririna worked on the corpse, especially Eli. This was another side of Ririna he hadn't seen yet, and he watched with interest.     

Ririna then moved to the neck. The noose was still tightly tied around it. She also noticed it sunk deep into the flesh. No one would like to see someone like this. This might even cause trauma to the person.     

She continued to cut out the clothes until the blackened skin was revealed to them. After that, she moved to the other table and started working the same on the dead woman's body.     

The woman has several lacerations and bruises in her arms, an indication that she tried to protect herself.     

"Do you think she was raped?" Bea asked, voicing out what's on Ririna's mind.     

"I'm not sure," Ririna said, "If there's a maggot in her private area, we can send a sample to experts to see if they could find DNA from it."     

"What? DNA from maggots?" asked Michelle.     

The woman was from another family that had close ties with the Jiangs. They hadn't informed her family about her death yet as the Jiangs were pushed to think of a way to explain the murder that happened within their family.     

"Maggots can ingest DNA from tissues and body fluids. If she was raped, I can only say it is possible that these bugs ingested the semen left in her body," Beatrice answered, which made Ririna stop momentarily from what she was doing.     

Beatrice seemed a capable doctor, but her expertise and experience were lacking.     

Ririna continued working, but she didn't dare to strip down both bodies. She went back to the young master's body and tried to remove the noose from his neck. She cut the noose with a sharp scalpel before pulling out the rope from the skin. Like what she did to the clothes, she put it in a separate bag and labeled it properly.     

"Miss Jiang, are you sure you want us to do this?" Ririna looked up and put down the scalpel on the metal countertop. "We can check their internal organs, but I need your confirmation that you allow this."     

Michelle nodded. Since she was the Big Miss and the elder sister of the young master, she had the right to make a decision as his closest kin.     

"I am sure. It's not like I can ask the police for help, and with this bad weather, we can't call someone else to do the procedures. Bea can help you. She's just doesn't like working on corpses, but she's competent."     

Beatrice hated it with passion. Although she practiced medicine, she hated that she was also subjected to see dead bodies. She was not a fan of post-mortem examinations.     

"Alright, Doc Bea will you do the honors of doing the Y incision?" Ririna asked the middle-aged woman who was sulking in the corner. "If you aren't comfortable watching a family member being opened in front of you, you can leave," Ririna said to Michelle and Christian.     

"We will go out then. I trust that you will be neutral about this issue," Christian said before leading his half-sister outside.     

Eli stayed in the room and leaned his back on the wall, his eyes never leaving his wife.     

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