PS I'm (not) Over You

They Wanted Another Child

They Wanted Another Child

0His fingers moved to her chest and unfastened her bra, releasing her lovely breasts from its confinements. He smirked when her breath hitched as his hand traveled on her side then down to her inner thighs.     

Her husband loved to tease her. He pushed her to lay back on the bed and moved to settle between her thighs while his body covered hers entirely. He heard her gasp when he grounded himself against her while his lips caught hers again for another searing kiss.     

Ah, he really didn't mind if she got pregnant again. He wanted to see her round with his child which he missed when she had Skyler before.     

"Hmm… do you want another child?"     

"Uhmm…" Did they really have to talk about it when they're already doing the deed?     

"Yes… ahh… I don't mind as long as it's ours." She panted and shifted beneath him, wrapping her arms and legs around his lean frame. She felt him press his length against her heated core.     

Eli hissed at her movements against him, and he knew his patience to have her again was thinning out. He wanted to please her but doubted if he could control his needs enough to see her satisfied first.     

He eyed the scratches and bruises she got from her attack and frowned. He needed to be more careful and gentle with her tonight. It was a good thing that she didn't receive any severe injuries this time. However, there was a nasty bruise around her neck. Her assailant might have tried to kill with strangulation.     

He slid his body down and was pleased when she let out a frustrated groan. His wife wanted him badly inside her. He hooked his fingers on her underwear and slid it down to her smooth legs and nuzzled his way down her flat stomach, leaving a trail of kisses until he reached her womanhood.     

"Oh, please." Ririna whined, "I need you now."     

"I'll give you what you want," he said, "but first…" His tongue passed over her wet warm core, and Ririna threw her head back and moaned in pleasure. He was so good at this, and she could only shiver as she waited for him to continue.     

She could feel his tongue making its way inside her while he shook his head and his nose was stimulating her sensitive bud. Ririna arched her back and grabbed a fistful of his dark locks. He could feel her scratches on his scalp, and he shivered in response.     

He felt so good, so perfect.     

Ririna was amazed at the feeling he ignited within her. She had never felt this kind of desire and passion for anyone except for him. It was an incredible sensation. She clutched him tighter, and she could feel herself reaching her climax too soon.     

"Please, Eli. I can't…" she pleaded.     

He hummed before he pulled his arm beneath her and snuck his hand up so he could fill her with his fingers, leaving his tongue free to tease her bud, making her toes curled.     

"Ahh…" Ririna gasped, and her hips bucked up when he dove his fingers within her passage while his lips found her nub and gave it a quick lick and sucked it gently.     

His fingers curled within her; he knew when her walls started to tighten around his fingers that he found her sweet spot. He continued to move his fingers slowly and rhythmically on that spot until he felt his wife come undone and jerked, spilling her hot essence on his hand.     

He prided himself as a man who could bring his woman to orgasm. Any man could shove himself inside his woman, but only a real man could bring his woman to the pinnacle of pleasure.     

Ririna panted and released her death grip on his hair. She heard herself whispering his name over and over again in a breathless voice. A moment later, she felt limp beneath him.     

Eli gave her a smirk before he slid up her body while leaving kisses on his trail again. He nuzzled her breasts before capturing her nipple with his lips and suckled gently, relishing how she moaned and was left breathless. His other hand lifted to massage her unattended breast.     

He switched between her breasts and continued to stimulate her despite the fact that his patience was also wearing out. He was so hard and was ready to be one with her.     

"Please, darling… I can't wait anymore…" He heard her beg.     

Finally, he pulled back and stroked at her face. He slid his legs and hips in position. His other hand grabbed the back of her knee to guide her to open up for him.     

Once he moved them into position, he leaned down to kiss her once again and moved his hand to guide his thick member into her waiting hot core. He pushed slowly inside, filling her up until they became one once more.     

When he was seated firmly inside her, he rolled his hips, groaning deep at the tightness of her inner muscles against his shaft. He rocked with her slowly, and she gasped.     

"So tight," Eli grunted. Her gaze met with his, and she almost lost herself beneath the searing heat she saw in his gray eyes.     

He pulled out slightly and then pushed back into her. Ririna shuddered. Her body clenched around his.     

"That feels so good." Eli's voice was thick and tight.     

Ririna dug her nails into his shoulder then lifted herself, testing the length of him. He seemed too huge inside her. The weight of him was crushing her smaller body.     

Eli gritted his teeth. He thrust with a bit more force while she responded back, relishing the feel of his length against her sheath in an exquisite way. He continued to pick up his pace, feeling her soft body pressed under his.     

He waited patiently until his wife convulsed around him. Ririna's body tensed; her mouth opened as she screamed his name, and her eyes rolled back at the intensity of her orgasm while another round of liquid heat gushed from her in wet squirts of her essence, dripping down between their thighs.     

Only then did Eli allow himself to savor his own release. He ground hard and deep thrice on her perfect tightness before following her to her climax, spilling his seed deep within her waiting womb. His face scrunched with a pained look, his sweat dripping down from his brow and his skin flushed against hers.     

He collapsed on top of her and heaved his breath. Ririna was so exhausted that she fell asleep before her husband eased himself out of her body. Eli rolled them over and moved to their sides. He ran the pads of his fingers on her face, pleasantly content that she was with him.     


Ririna woke up later to a moonlit room. For a moment, she was disoriented before she remembered the mind-shattering lovemaking she had with her husband. She was aware of the weight of his arm across her stomach.     

She turned to her pillow and saw that Eli was asleep beside her. The pale light from the outside illuminated his features. Ririna laid still for a moment, her eyes still on his face. Her husband was a strong man, physically and mentally.     

Ririna sat up quietly and clutched the light gray sheets to cover her bare chest. She looked around his room. It was still in the same layout and design as it had been years ago before she left. She slipped out from the weight of Eli's arm and pushed aside the crumpled sheet so she could get out of bed.     

She felt a little cold and took Eli's discarded dress shirt that he had worn earlier. She put it on and went to the window. The lights of the city glittered far below.     

"What's wrong?" Eli's low voice made her jump in surprise. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Eli watching her from the shadows while still in bed.     

"I thought you were asleep," she said.     

"I felt you leave the bed. Something's wrong?" Concern was in his voice.     

"No. I'm fine. I just got out of the bed to look at the view," Ririna replied. She could feel his eyes on her. She pulled his shirt a little tighter around herself.     

"He said you ruined his master's game. The bounty game has ended," she finally said to her husband. She was pertaining to the last assailant who tried to kill her earlier.     

"And you're worried about me?"     

"Yes," she admitted.     

Ririna heard him get out of the bed. He crossed the carpet without making any sound. The next thing she knew his hands were on her shoulders. He pulled her back against his tall and lean body and wrapped his arms around her. She felt his breath against her neck.     

"That would be better. I will never have to worry too much about you then if he decides to come after me," Eli said.     

"But Eli…"     

"Ririna, it is my responsibility to keep you and Sky safe and unharmed. Let your husband deal with them. You trust me, right?"     


She melted in his words. He had assured her and drove away from her fears again. Her uneasiness faded. She leaned her back and slowly relaxed into his arms. They stayed in each other's arms for a long time before they were disturbed by the loud ringing of Ririna's phone.     

Eli begrudgingly released his wife so she could answer the call. Ririna took her phone and checked who was calling her in the middle of the night. Seeing that it was her little brother Jared, she wondered what's up.     

She answered the phone.     

"Jared?" she paused, "What do you mean you're on your way back?"     

Another pause. A moment later she froze as if she was hit by lightning.     

"O-okay… I'll see you tomorrow then," she finally replied.     

Eli stared at Ririna, wondering what his brother-in-law said to his wife. Her eyes still glued on the screen of her phone.     

"Why did Jared call? I thought he was supposed to arrive next week," he asked.     

"Our dad is dying…" Ririna whispered.     

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