PS I'm (not) Over You

Love Can't Smell a Stinky Fart

Love Can't Smell a Stinky Fart

0Sara grinned as she eagerly ran towards her front door, still in her pajamas to greet Rion. She had asked him for some help, and he begrudgingly complied. There was another light knock on the door, making her hurry to unlock the door and allowing him to go inside.     

"Morning," she greeted, throwing her arms around him.     

Rion chuckled at her childishness and placed a kiss on her forehead.     

She took his hand and brought him to her living room.     


Rion visited his girlfriend, but unlike the last time, he was helping her sort out the details of the proposals her mother emailed her the night before. Of course, he didn't turn down her invitation when she asked him to help her.     

Giving a quick scan of the data printed on the papers, he wondered why her mother wanted her to check on it. He knew, by then, he shouldn't read it. It was another company's financial reports, transactions, and acquisition papers.     

"Why do you have to check all of this? Doesn't she have accountants and financial analysts on your company?" he asked.     

Sara, who was sitting on the floor, crossed her leg. She wore pink pajamas, indicating she hadn't really slept early again when he arrived that morning. She looked charming even if her hair was like a nest of birds. She lowered the volume of the TV when she heard his question.     

She tried to look away while trying to run her hand through her messy hair.     

"It's actually my job," she said sheepishly.     

Rion blinked. Didn't Ririna hire her to become their secretary?     

"But you're Ririna's secretary," he said.     

"Not really," she said as she moved past to him and headed to the kitchen. Rion brought down the papers and followed her.     

"What do you mean?" he asked.     

He really didn't know much about her family and her past, except for her having a great jackass ex-boyfriend. He also knew she was the younger sister of Ririna's friend and the sister-in-law of Evan Park. What a small world they had.     

"Ahhh… Mom recently gave me a position in our company. You know… just like you said, she wanted me to give up on my hobbies and focus on our company," she replied.     

She opened the fridge to find some fruit juices but found nothing. She groaned. She remembered she forgot to shop for supplies yesterday.     

"Then, why did you agree to become our secretary if you have a full-time job?"     

"Hmm… our company is located in Central City. They can do well without me, and I was supposed to go back abroad to finish my last semester with my masters."     

Their company was also a privately-owned one. Yun Electronics is one of the partners of the Park family's S&S Enterprise.     

Rion felt like he took something important from her when she mentioned she had to go weeks ago.     

"I'm sorry," he said.     

Sara frowned. "For what?"     

"You need to finish your studies, and I stopped you. Can you still go back and enroll even if it's late?"     

"You want me to leave?" Sara's eyes widened. She hadn't thought that Rion would blame himself.     

"Yes. I can wait for you until you're done," he said as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Or if you prefer, I can follow you anywhere. I don't mind going abroad with you," he added.     

"I will see if I can ask for late enrollment. Are you sure?" Sara asked. She was moved when he said he didn't mind following her.     

"Of course. Anyway, those financial reports are still ridiculous. What position did your mother give you?" he asked before taking a can of soda that she passed to him. He opened it and took a slow sip.     

"Vice President of Finance," Sara said dejectedly. Her mother was forcing her to work and be hands-on with their business. While she was undeniably a happy-go-lucky one, Sara was dependable if numbers were involved.     

Rion almost choked on his drink. He eyed his girlfriend, trying to see if she was serious about what she said. Vice President of Finance? Didn't she need at least seven to ten years of experience to get that position?     

It wasn't surprising then—how efficient she was as their secretary. Truthfully, she had done great work for him and Ririna. She was able to appraise the worth of Ririna's artworks at a reasonable price, without them losing much on their part. She could also point out several mistakes on their financial transactions on a whim, making it hard for others to trick Ririna to sign unfair deals.     

Sara was way overqualified just to become a secretary. He groaned and wondered if Ririna was aware of what she had done to Sara. Sara should be focusing on her studies and their company, not helping him and Ririna.     

"Then, why did you agree to work for us?"     

"Because I'm bored. I don't want to go to Central City and meet old and stiff businessmen," she said.     

Rion narrowed his eyes. He hoped she didn't think that he's also old and stiff. As if she could read what was going on in his mind, Sara laughed and slapped the countertop.     

"You're not an old and stiff businessman," she said, "You are my Rion. Don't think too much about it," she added with a wink.     

They went back to the living room. Sara couldn't help but stare at him as he set down his drink, sat on her couch, and began to unknot his tie. She gulped and tried to push away her naughty thoughts. She then thought of why he was wearing a business suit at a time like this.     

"Are you going somewhere later?" she asked.     

"No. Why?"     

"Then, why didn't you wear something casual this time?"     

"I thought we're going somewhere when you mentioned your business problems."     

"You're spoiling me too much." Sara grinned but was surprised when he leaned forward and caught her lips with his. The only time they kissed was when they got together so she wasn't expecting that he would kiss her again soon.     

They broke apart a minute later; both of them were breathless while Sara was blushing hard. She caught his gaze and tucked locks of her hair behind her ears. She looked down and covered her flushed face.     

Rion was also breathless like her. He shut his eyes to restrain himself for a moment. When he opened them again, he looked into her large doe eyes and berated himself for almost losing his self-control. He swore on the day that they became a couple that he would control and would not force himself on his girlfriend.     

Ever since he met Sara Yun, the asexual Rion Stahl had vanished. Sara was making it hard for him to control his desire for her.     

"Let's play a game," she suddenly exclaimed, breaking the awkward tension between them.     

"What game? What's your bet?" he asked.     

Sara scoffed before smacking his shoulders with a laugh.     

"Do you really have to put a bet on everything?" Sara raised a brow.     

"Of course."     

"Oh, let's play Mario Kart Wii."     

"You still play Mario?"     

"What? You scared to lose now?" Sara giggled.     

"You have never beaten me on anything yet," Rion reminded her.     

Sara turned on her TV and game consoles and then sat beside her boyfriend. She was about to choose her character when she heard something.     


…and was followed with a nasty and stinky smell.     

Sara took a glance at Rion who looked embarrassed as he coughed on his side with a blush on his cheeks. No one said a word for a moment until Sara burst into laughter. She thought she would never see Rion in a hilarious situation until now.     

"You farted." She pointed at him accusingly and dropped her Wii control as she held her sides.     

Rion groaned and slapped his forehead. Did he just fart in front of his girlfriend? How embarrassing!     

Sara fell on her floor and continued with her laughing fit while holding her tummy. She never expected that from Rion. Rion Stahl farted in her presence.     

"I'm sorry," Rion said with a red face. That was so fucking embarrassing!     

Five minutes passed until Sara stopped laughing, staggered up, and sat beside him once again. She continued to giggle and pulled him towards her. His face scrunched up in shame. Sara placed a light kiss on his lips and grinned.     

"That's okay. Flatulence is a normal thing. See that means you aren't a robot. I still love you, anyway." Sara tried to console him.     

"You love me?" This was the first time Rion heard Sara being vocal about her feelings for him.     

"Of course, dorkface. I love you. Love can't smell a stinky fart," she said before bursting into laughter, teasing Rion again.     

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