PS I'm (not) Over You

In a Moment of His Lucidity

In a Moment of His Lucidity

0His head ached painfully while he covered his injured eye and pressed his palm on it, trying to lessen the pain. Kian's anger reached the next level.     

Why couldn't he kill the devil? If it wasn't for him, Ririna would have chosen him a long time ago. Damn it all. Why was it that every time he tried to seek Ririna, everyone was getting in his way?     

He was startled when he was almost hit on his arm. His eyes widened when he saw the devil standing several meters away from him with a gun pointed at him. Eli shot him again, and he hissed when it hit his abdomen.     

This shouldn't have happened. The devil should have been dead as well as his child. Was this the end for him? For years, he tried his best to prove himself to everyone.     

Kian hid behind the nearest pillar and checked the magazine of his gun. All of his efforts were for Ririna. Five years ago, he started receiving rank-A missions to gain wealth and popularity, but when he went to find Ririna, she had left the country.     

Then, she showed up again three months ago with a child. The devil's child. Imagine his disappointment when he found out she chose the kid and the devil. She would never notice him and would never see him as more than a friend.     

He took his phone out from his pocket and dialed his assistant's number. Where were his men? They were supposed to secure the area while he finished his job to eliminate Ririna Han. Was this the difference between him and the devil?     

He thought, by being one of Hattori's successors, he could now go head-to-head against Gamaliel Park.     

The other line kept on ringing, but no one picked up his calls. He dialed another one, and still got the same result.     

"Damn it all!" Kian cursed and threw his phone on the nearest wall, smashing his phone into pieces.     

Only thirty minutes had passed, and the devil had already removed and killed his men?     

"Kian!" He heard a familiar voice from afar.     

With his good eye, he saw his sister pointing a gun in his direction, making him still his movements. So his sister had also turned her back on him?     


"You used me." Erica sneered.     

Kian laughed at his sister like a madman.     

"You're always this naive, sister."     

This couldn't be avoided. He had used her weakness to hurt Ririna, without her obstructing his way. To harm the children and her best friend, her brother became a different person she couldn't identify.     

"Tell me. What did you do to our father?" Erica asked.     

She slowly walked towards her brother, cornering him on his spot. While she was grateful for Eli's swift actions to help her and Ririna, her heart clenched at the thought that the enemy who invaded their place was her own brother.     

"Dead," Kian said coldly and without remorse.     

Erica's jaws dropped with her brother's confession. His face was stoic, and he didn't seem to feel anything about what he did. So many questions ran in her mind. Why would he kill his own father?     


"Hattori's order."     

She looked at him in disbelief. Now, that made sense to her. Their father had been after Hattori's trail for years, and it wouldn't be a surprise that he finally found someone capable of killing his enemy.     

Erica's eyes were filled with tears, and her hand slightly trembled for a split-second. She felt stupid and useless. She had failed to protect Ririna and her father from Kian. Her hand tightened its grip on her gun, and she aimed it on her brother's head… but then shifted it lower. She shot both of his legs so he wouldn't escape.     

Two gunshots followed by a loud scream echoed within the first floor.     


"What's happening?" Ririna's voice was heard from his earpiece. She heard gunshots from Eli's location.     

Eli looked around him and saw Jerry directing some of their men to block all possible exits on the first floor. It looked like they had managed to kill most of Kian's men within the office building even though the bomb they had found on the fifth floor took most of their time to deactivate it.     

Kian intended to kill everyone if he failed to kill Ririna and him earlier.     

Ririna had killed most of the backup from the other team with her precise aim. When Eli found out that there was a bomb planted on the leased floor, he had forced Ririna to abandon her plan and leave the building immediately. He wouldn't let anyone have a single chance or possibility to hurt her.     

"We have cornered him on the first floor. What do you want me to do?" he asked.     

She took the stairs instead of using the elevator and quickly followed everyone to the first floor. Ririna wanted to know how it would end. While Kian was her friend before, he had killed any sympathy she had for him when he tried to harm Skyler and Jiro. She had no idea that love could drive one person into insanity.     

"Do you have a plan? Will you kill him?" she asked.     

"Erica is dealing with him at the moment," Eli informed her.     

Ririna adjusted the strap of her sniper on her right shoulder and stopped in her tracks. Would Erica kill her own brother? She knew how much Erica valued her brother since they were young. She was always supportive of him and always made sure he was faring well.     

If Erica killed him, she would take the burden of his death for eternity.     

"I will be there in a minute."     

"Take care of yourself. We aren't sure if he's got another trick hidden on his sleeve."     

As much as he wanted to kill Kian now, Erica had already chosen her decision towards her little brother.     



"What? Are you going to kill me? I'm your only brother!" Kian sneered. He leaned his back on the pillar behind him and hissed in pain. He could feel his consciousness starting to fade.     

Erica shook her head. It seemed it was hopeless to talk logic with her brother. His sanity was gone.     

"I will kill you, and then I will take my own life," Erica replied.     

To kill her own brother would be lifetime guilt that she would have to bear. Even if she loved her husband and her twins, Kian was also a blood relative of hers. Without the two of them, her children could lead a normal life away from the mercenaries.     

Kian was being delusional, and she should end it here even if it cost her life.     

He stared at his sister, gauging if she really made up her mind in killing him. In his memories, she was the perfect sister he could ever have. Aside from Ririna, Erica was the most important person in his life.     

His father always looked down on him and always treated him like he wasn't his own son. Every time he made a mistake, there was always a punishment waiting for him. It was his sister who always saved him from their father's wrath and always helped him whenever he was in trouble.     

Right now, she was looking at him with tears and disappointment in her eyes. Had he gone too far this time that even his sister couldn't save him?     

When he was a teenager, he fell in love with Ririna. She was the apple of his eyes, and he wanted to spend every moment with her. Then, he found out about her unrequited love for the devil she served. His infatuation with the young woman turned into obsession and jealousy.     

An obsession to dominate and to have her only for himself. Jealousy to the devil because her eyes were always on him. He desired to beat him and to make Ririna see that he could give her everything the devil couldn't give to her. He yearned for her love.     

A love that was successfully reclaimed by the devil in just three months.     

The blood from his injured eye covered his face and chest. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Ririna approaching the devil. She, too, was covered with blood. Her back had bloodstains from her old injuries.     

He watched how Eli met her halfway and how he scolded her for being reckless. However, he looked down at her with gentleness in his eyes, something that he never saw before from the devil. He was always so cold, so ruthless. Was this something only Ririna could invoke from the devil?     

The devil loved his witch. Kian could clearly see it now. He was already beaten from the start, and yet he thought by possessing her, Ririna could learn to love him back.     

In a moment of his lucidity, he realized how his actions had made her go farther away from him. Of course, the woman would hate him. Which sane woman would love and accept a man who tried to harm her child? None.     

Kian laughed again at his predicament. He realized how crazy his life was.     

His laugh was noticed by the two lovers who were busy arguing about Ririna leaving the area and letting Eli and Erica handle Kian. They both gave Kian a cold look that could freeze hell.     

Kian knew he had two shots left on his gun. One could be used to kill Ririna, but he was sure that if he tried to even point his gun at the woman, the devil would shoot his head without a second thought. He looked up to his sister, who was also crying with her gun still pointed at him.     

Two women in his life that he previously swore that he would protect until his last breath. Instead of protecting them, he had hurt them. One had learned to hate him, and the other one cried because he had failed her.     

"You think I'm crazy? Ahh, you haven't seen how Hiro Liu works then," he said.     

He stared eye-to-eye with his sister and gave her a smile.     

"Forgive me for the last time, sister."     

Kian lifted his gun, its end touching below his chin. Without a warning, he shot himself, surprising Erica and Ririna with his choice to take his own life instead of dying in his sister or Eli's hands.     

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