PS I'm (not) Over You

Monday Blues

Monday Blues

0There was a knock on his office door as Lawrence was on the phone talking with one of his clients from the New Global City. He will also have to give a call to his sister Ginny to confirm his meeting with their sister Sara and her new beau Rion Stahl. They were supposed to meet this coming Friday.     

"Ready to leave when you are, Sir." One of his receptionist said through the door.     

He ignored her and continued talking for several more minutes. His new assistant still hasn't arrived yet. He should've left ten minutes earlier and yet here he was still waiting for her and wasting another valuable time. Maybe he shouldn't allow his sisters to decide and hire employees for their company.     

'Where the hell is that woman?' he thought.     


Aya cursed herself for being clumsy. She was already late on her first day in her new job! What's more was she was dreaded that Lawrence Yun will fire her without giving her a chance to explain.     

Jiro had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that made him throw a tantrum early in the morning. She had a hard time making him to calm down and to prepare him for school. She will also need to call her younger brother so he could pick up Jiro once his class had ended and looked after her for a week since she would be staying for a few days in the Central City until she could find a new place near the border of New Global City.     

Oh, Monday blues. She really hates it.     

Ayame Xuan stepped out of the taxicab, black heels hitting the pavement with a click as their owner secure her bag strap around her shoulder. She eyed the front doors of Yun Electronics' branch office with awe, and her tilted up as her eyes moved up the building's one hundred floors.     

'Calm down, Aya. You can do this. We will do this for Jiro.'     

True. She didn't have enough experience on a secretarial job but if Ginny insisted that she won't have a problem answering calls and sorting Lawrence's files, she hoped she could survive and stay on this job for long.     

"Whoa." Aya's breath was caught once she slipped inside the building of the Yun Electronics. She had once visited S&S Enterprise and she could tell already that Gamaliel Park and Lawrence Yun have great standards in terms of the layout and interior design of their workplaces. Very modern and minimal with classic sophistication around her.     

Walking in, Aya paused for a moment to look around. The ground floor of the building wasn't crowded as she expected. People were wearing professional attires and has serious expressions painted on their faces passed by quickly and looked like they had to be somewhere ten minutes ago just like her.     

Aya spotted the reception desk near the back of the lobby around the corners of the elevators. It was where she was supposed to check in as the new personal assistant of the CEO of Yun Electronics. She wondered if her new boss was cold and scary like Ririna's husband.     

She didn't mind working as an assistant she was just worried that she would have to spend less time with her son. Aya hoped that Jiro can adjust well with their new schedule. Having this opportunity to work in a new environment made her excited and nervous at the same time. She would have to talk and interact with stiff businessmen, unlike her previous job that was to play and assist cute preschool toddlers.     

Aya slowly strolled towards the desk hoping that she wouldn't get reprimanded by her new boss. Sighing, she arrived at the reception desk to see a woman answering a phone call. She looked up when Aya approached the desk, her pretty round brown eyes gazing up at her with a questioning look on her face.     

"Good morning. My name's Ayame Xuan and this is my first day at Yun Electronics, so I was told to come here first before I meet Mr. Yun." Aya announced her arrival.     

"Finally!" The receptionist grunted before pushing the button of her intercom to let Lawrence knew about Aya's arrival.     

"We've been waiting for you. Mr. Yun will be here soon. Please be punctual next time as our boss really hates tardiness."     

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Aya bowed three times. Her face red in embarrassment. If her new boss will give her a chance, she will make sure she will be always on time.     

The doors of the elevator opened and Lawrence Yun stepped outside. His eyes roamed around the lobby and saw a woman talking on the receptionist area. This must be his new assistant. He silently strode towards them while eyeing his new assistant.     

Her long black hair was tied in a long braid that hung to the small of her back. She was fair skinned and not a single freckle tainted her face and she looked young but matured at the same time. Was that even possible? He wondered.     

Also, she was wearing that awful suit he'd ever seen in his life. It hung on her small frame like a sack. He started to wonder if his sister was playing jokes on him. He wanted a capable assistant, not like this… No. This has to be a mistake. Surely, Ginny knew his preference and qualifications with their employees.     

"You are the new assistant?" Lawrence Yun asked harshly at the woman. He was furious and frustrated. He decided to give a call to his sister and give her a piece of his mind. She was worse than their little sister Sara.     

Aya blinked slowly. She stared at him. He was wearing a black trench coat and dark gray suit with a black leather briefcase in a tow. Unlike the other employees in the area, he looked calm and serious like a real businessman. He had a thick, black hair, and he obviously had a nice body beneath that coat.     

"Hi. I'm Ayame Xuan." She fidgeted in her feet and bit her lower lip.     

"I know." His cold and harsh words made her shrunk in embarrassment. Will he fire her? "Let's go. I have wasted enough time today. We're leaving now."     

He turned around and followed his bodyguards.     

"Yes, sir." Aya bowed before following his trail. Thank goodness he didn't fire her on the spot.     


Lawrence pondered if he could still fire Aya but decided not to since he will need some help on recording the important details for his next meeting. He took a quick glance on his side noticing that she wasn't comfortable seating with him at the backseat of his car.     

But her outfit was awfully disgusting. Was that her bag? It looked more like a saddle to him. Looking at the time, maybe they could stop for a quick shopping for appropriate clothes for her. He didn't like to be seen with someone who looks like a beggar. There were going to meet important clients and attend some social functions. Ginny should have known this will happen.     

Then a thought came to him.     

"Do you know a man named Rion Stahl?" Lawrence asked getting Aya's attention.     

Aya blinked twice before his question dawned into her.     

"Ohh... Rion? Of course. He's Ririna Han's business partner and curator. He's also dating Sara, right?" Aya shook her head and looked outside, "Tsk, those two seems like in a hurry. Planning to get married sooner. Ah, young love."     


Aya fought not to laugh at his reaction. It was almost comical but she didn't dare to anger her new employer.     

"Hmm…" she nodded. " I just heard about it last night. It seems Rion doesn't have a plan to part too long from your sister."     

The look Lawrence gave her wasn't amused. He gave her a displeased look. He was disappointed that Ginny had failed to inform him about Sara's engagement to Rion Stahl.     

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