PS I'm (not) Over You

Invasion of the Devil

Invasion of the Devil

0Soft laughter echoed within the spacious kitchen in Ririna's manor as Erica sat on a stool near the counter with a bowl of potato chips. She watched as Ririna started preparing the special dinner for tonight. Ririna was almost on her edge right now; she was nervous about how the father and son would meet up?     

Would Skyler be alright meeting his daddy? Would they get along together? Oh, she was pretty distressed about Skyler right now. That damn Evan wasn't answering her calls; at least, Ginny was nice enough to inform her that Skyler was with Evan. What's wrong with that guy? He kept on dropping her calls.     

"So how come you didn't do this earlier? I always knew that you will never get over him." Erica asked as she sipped her drink from a soda can and then slipped some chips in her mouth.     

"How would I know?" Ririna started. "I keep worrying about things I wasn't sure of. If Rion didn't talk to me, anything wouldn't make sense to me." She confessed.     

"Yeah." Erica nodded. "I guess you're right…"     

A knock on the front door interrupted their conversation. One of the maids Ririna hired opened it and let Eli and Skyler in.     

"Sky, are you okay?" Eli asked when he noticed the smile on his son's face faltered.     

"I'm okay, Daddy," Skyler whispered, but he gripped his little hand to his father's.     

Eli felt excited to see Ririna as he stepped into her cozy home once again. It seemed his wife was busy with the preparation for their dinner. He hoped she wouldn't get mad that he already met their son without her around.     

"M-Mommy?" Skyler called. He wasn't sure if his mommy would get mad at him for seeking after his daddy. "Mommy, I'm home!"     

Ririna heard her son's voice from the living room. She turned her head in the direction of his voice. Why did he sound so nervous?     

"Sky? What's wrong, my little prince?"She called as she moved from the kitchen and walked to his location. Erica followed behind her. "Are you alright, baby? Why…?"     

Her smile vanished from her face at the sight of her lover standing behind her son. Her eyes widened with surprise while Eli's face remained impassive at the sight of her. He wouldn't say it, but his wife looked too cute and domesticated with that pink apron and her short hair clipped on one side. She was so cute; he could kiss her right now if it wasn't for Skyler and Erica's presence.     

Eli admired how beautiful his wife was. Her face was so beautiful, her skin still smooth and almost flawless but tainted with a pinkish scar on her left shoulder. Her body hadn't seemed to be affected much by her pregnancy; her chest and hips had slightly grown after having their child.     

"Gamaliel Park! What's the meaning of this?!"     

Her eyes glared at her lover. They had talked about it last night that she would let him meet Skyler today. What happened? Why was their son with him tonight?     

"M-Mommy? Please don't get mad at Daddy, please?"     

Both of his parents turned their head to their child who was now hiding behind his father's leg.     

His gray eyes looking on the verge of tears.     

"Baby? What's wrong? Please don't cry," Ririna asked softly, her eyes looking pained at her son's reaction. She should stop frightening their little baby. Skyler, for all of these years, was her most beloved person in the world. It would surely break her heart if he started hating her.     

"Don't get mad at Daddy, Mommy. I don't want you to get angry with me and Daddy." Skyler sobbed behind his father. Ririna shot Eli a cold glare. Could someone tell her what's happening?     

Eli lifted both of his hands in front of him as if he was surrendering to his woman.     

"Not me. In my defense, I saw him in Evan's office this morning," he replied to her unspoken question.     

"What?" she exclaimed.     

Oh, now it made sense why Evan refused to receive her phone calls. That traitor!     

"Sky…" Ririna knelt on the floor as she softly called her son, her heart aching as she looked at her child. "Come here, baby," she called.     

Skyler hesitated for a moment and looked up at his father who gave him a small smile and nod. He ran towards his mother and sobbed on her shoulder. He really didn't want to lie; he just wanted to meet his daddy.     

"Why is my baby crying?" Ririna asked, her hand rubbing her son's back to help him calm down.     

"M-Mommy," Skyler sobbed. "I went with Uncle Evan to his workplace. I thought… I thought I could find out when Daddy can come home with us. I-I'm so s-sorry, Mommy!"     

"You what?" Ririna blinked. She pulled away gently from her child to look at his face. His eyes were filled with tears, his cheeks flushed in red. She was surprised by his confession. She had no idea her son was so eager to meet his father.     

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Skyler whispered to her, his body slightly shaking from her outburst.     

"Shh, it's alright, baby. Please don't cry. Mommy isn't mad at you or with Daddy. But please, if you want something, can you tell Mommy first?" Ririna pleaded with him. He shouldn't have sought after Eli. What if something wrong happened along the way? She would never forgive herself if she failed to protect him.     

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I thought that if you still love Daddy and that he loves you too, he will come home to us," Skyler confessed.     

"Baby, you don't have to worry about it," Ririna said, her eyes softening at her child, "Daddy and I are trying our best to fix our problems."     


"Yes, baby. So please don't cry. Mommy will be sad if you continue crying."     

After his emotional outburst, Erica left the little family for privacy. All the toys and clothes that Eli and Skyler have bought earlier have been brought to their child's room. Ririna frowned when she saw them. Just how did they manage to buy so many toys and clothes in a day? Did they just ransack all the booths at the mall?     

Ririna started to serve their dinner at the table as Skyler pulled his father into his own bedroom, telling more stories and showing all his favorite toys to his daddy. Even during dinner, Skyler led their conversation. Ririna could see how happy Skyler was with his father. She never saw him this talkative and happy.     

"Daddy," Skyler mumbled as he finished his meal.     

"Hm? What is it?"     

Skyler looked at his mommy and then to his daddy. Mommy said they're trying to fix everything, right?     

"Are you gonna stay?" he asked. He's worried that his daddy would leave them again for a long time. Although his father already promised that he would never leave again, his little heart was still worried that he would.     

Eli gave Ririna a glance. She seemed to ponder too what should she say to their son.     

"Of course, I'll stay. Can't leave my little prince anymore, right? But only if your mommy allows me to stay," Eli said as he brushed off the wild locks on his son's forehead.     

Ririna glared at him. Her eyes were full of accusation. She just explained to their son that they're trying. Why would Eli try to invade her place, too? Wouldn't it be much better if they could come up with a better term than cohabiting in her own house?     

This man was so shameless!     

He was now using his own son to take advantage of her. What could he possibly be planning this time? It's pretty obvious that the devil wanted to invade her life and home, staking a claim on her and their child.     

"Mommy?" There when the tag team between the father and son. How was she supposed to win against these two?     

"Alright," she conceded. "You could stay in the guest room," she told Eli. Eli smirked and then took his phone from his coat. He then sent a quick message to Jonathan to prepare luggage and his clothes. Ririna shook her head. It had been his plan all along.     

After sending his message, Eli continued listening to Skyler's babbling and chattering. His shoulders slightly sagged as he sighed deeply. He realized having his wife and their child with him filled him with satisfaction and happiness. This time, he would never let go of the two of them.     

His eyes looked around the place and landed on a set of picture frames above the small bookshelf in the dining room. The first photo was Skyler when he was a newborn baby. The second one was also him, about one-year-old and trying to take his baby steps. The last one was his current age, with Ririna happily embracing him from behind. He wondered when they could add their first family picture to the set.     

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