Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

Under the Grapevines(2)

Under the Grapevines(2)

0Will seemed to have been watching Liz's face when she lay her eyes on the delightful scene, but because he couldn't get a clear look from his position beside her, he didn't notice the gleam in her eyes as she began to plan what she was going to do.     

However, he did notice the blush that slowly crept into her ears at the kinds of…wild thoughts she was having.     

'Whoa, Liz, take it slow…you don't want to scare the guy away!'     

These made even her inner voice speak in a scared tone, and she listened this time to tone them down.     

However, she still resolved to blow his mind and make sure that he wouldn't even dare to repeat what had happened in the morning again.     

Of course, she also felt that he deserved it, due to what he had just done.     

Seeing the blush and thinking that it was due to happiness, Will said in an enthusiastic voice, "Brunch is served! After you."     

Nodding, Liz walked forward and sat down on the picnic blanket, with her eyes wandering over all the dishes and listing what she could 'use' and what she 'couldn't'.     

At this moment, she realized something. If she were the old Liz, the fact that she hadn't eaten well since last night would have made it so that her entire concentration would have been on the food, giving her a single-minded determination to enjoy all the dishes as much as possible.     

However, now, her main focus was on her 'revenge'.     

She really had changed.     

It seemed that a new 'appetite' had awakened in her-one that she was still discovering and exploring. Still, this didn't change the fact that it was dominating her mind right now.     

The picnic blanket was thick and quite soft, almost like a bed, and the soft grass underneath only helped to make it feel more comfortable.     

Liz had sat down on her knees, and Will copied her when he came to sit beside her.     

All the dishes were within arm's reach, so Liz first took a plate that was at the side and served herself some roasted spicy chicken with potato wedges, which was one of her favorite dishes.     

There was also a whole fried fish, some mix-meat stew, a perfectly baked Wellington, butter-fried vegetables, sausages, and assorted pieces of bread and dips.     

Yes, Mary had definitely weighed in on the choice of food here, as these were some of her favorite foods she had grown up with.     

She first needed to get some energy for what she was going to do next, and she also wanted it to be sudden.     

She really was starving, so when she bit into some of the chicken, her eyes sparkled with joy as she relished the soft meat and the flavor that hit her with a bang.     

Will seemed to be mimicking Liz, as he also served himself some chicken.     

No pleasantries were needed at this point, as although revenge was more important to Liz, she still went into an eating spree.     

She never stuffed her mouth too much, but she also didn't eat like a gentle, refined lady who had had etiquette lessons.     

Will seemed more like a gentleman: he took measured bites, and always took out the time to glance at Liz and smile when he saw her enjoying something.     

After 10 minutes, Liz had already sampled everything on the picnic table. So, no longer feeling as hungry, she slowed down and started to shift track to her other plan.     

"Your expression made it pretty clear how much you liked the dishes, but I still want to ask. How were they?"     

As the silence that had been punctured before by sounds of chewing and gulping broke, Liz nodded and munched idly on a sausage before purring like a contented cat which had just had a hearty meal.     

"They were perrrr-fect. Did you ask Mary for the cooking method too, or something?"     

"Something like that. Your mother writes down all her recipes, so that made it easy."     

"You made her give up her secret recipe book? Seriously? She doesn't even let me or Luke take it! She says it was passed down for 3 generations!"     

Liz had laid back before, but hearing this, she bent forward and surreptitiously moved closer to Will, who was sitting beside her.     

Her body was half turned towards him, and because they were both sitting with their knees folded, their legs almost touched.     

Will glanced down, but didn't read too much into it, taking it to be just surprise at his accomplishment.     

Smiling proudly, he said, "Mary said you would ask that, and she asked me to tell you that she was always ready to give it up if the two of you were sincere about honoring what was written down. She knew that the both of you only wanted to change up the recipes when you asked."     

Indeed, that was the case. She and Luke had grown up eating the standard dishes, and although they loved them, if they got the recipe, they would definitely have changed them up according to their tastes.     

Chuckling softly, Liz stood up to go get the dessert, which was at the end of the picnic blanket.     

Same as before, Will mimicked her, bending forward slightly with the intention of getting up and serving himself after Liz was done.     

There were multiple items in dessert, too, but the one Liz had chosen was churros with a melted chocolate dip.     

When she was walking back to get back to her place, she glanced at Will and accurately judged everything so that 'accidents' like before wouldn't repeat.     

Just as she was passing him from above while he was in the process of getting back, her plate…tipped, making the plastic bowl with chocolate land on his shoulder.     

His red-shirt was a V-neck, so the chocolate smeared itself on his chest and neck.     

He seemed to freeze in slight shock due to the heat of the chocolate, but what Liz did made all the hairs on his body stand up straight.     

"Oh, sorry! Let me help!", she exclaimed, before putting the plate aside in a swift manner and pushing Will back by his shoulders.     

He had been in the process of getting up, so he didn't have a solid footing to support himself.     

Hence, Will fell on his back on the soft, thick blanket, and Liz immediately got on top of him by straddling his waist before bending down and sucking on his neck.     

As Will's eyes rolled back into his head due to the sudden, intense sensations that rocked his mind due to Liz's luscious lips and the feeling of her breasts pressing onto his body, Liz's inner voice sounded in her mind in a shocked tone.     


'He started it,' she replied simply, while licking up all the chocolate and moving to his chest.     

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