Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

First Movie Night

First Movie Night

0Liz could only look at him in a daze for a few seconds, once again wondering if this was the Will that she had entered a relationship with.     

When had he become so… Smooth?     

Just like he said, the awkwardness was completely gone, and she had to say, she quite liked it.     

Besides, that sentence had just been so adorable!     

Smiling wide from her heart, Liz nodded and shuffled towards him before slowly leaning to the side and resting her head on his chest.     

He had changed into soft cotton clothes, so the combination of the feeling of his skin with the cotton felt amazing, and just like he said, it was definitely the 'best pillow in the house'.     

More than anything, it was a warmth that Liz could feel radiating through her the moment her head had touched his chest.     

It almost felt as if this pose was so perfect, so meant to be, just like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle fitting in to form a beautiful picture.     

Liz thought she couldn't feel more content than what she was feeling now, but suddenly, she felt him lean his head forward and kiss her at the top of her forehead.     

This kiss was much, much different from the hot one before which had awakened her appetite. Instead, she felt new levels of comfort that she did know even existed, and without even realizing it, she closed her eyes and smiled sweetly while saying "mmm."     

Hearing this, Will also smiled before laying his hand on her shoulder and pulling her a little bit closer to him.     

Of course, Liz was very appreciative of this, and she even moved forward and curled up just like a cat, content and purring.     

"Ready for our first movie night?"     

It seemed that it was a day for firsts.     

First look into his life, first… truly bold moment, first kiss on her forehead and the first experience of what would definitely become one of her most favorite pastimes – cuddling.     

Of course, there was still a little distance between them, as Liz still wasn't ready to completely place her body on top of his and once again risk feeling that bulge.     

Instead, she was on her side and half of her body was leaning on his chest. Her shoulder was held by his hand and her legs were curled up, and she had to admit that it felt incredibly…using the word he had uttered before unwittingly, awesome.     

Did they even really have to watch a movie? Liz just wished that she could stay like this forever and ever, with nothing on the outside affecting her.     

It was as if she had entered her own personal paradise, and she wasn't willing to leave, as it just felt so good to stay here, under his arm, on his chest, protected, safe.     

Reluctantly, seeing that he was still waiting for an answer, Liz just said, "You pick," Before snuggling in even closer and rubbing her face on his chest.     

Feeling this, Will froze for a moment, and he had to fight hard not to have that bulge come up again.     

Quickly distracting himself using the list of movies on the screen, he started browsing through them, while resisting the urge to once again tilt her head up and kiss her.     

He could tell clearly that she was not yet ready, and she was not even in that mood, but he couldn't help it – she was simply blowing his mind due to the feeling of elasticity that was pressing on the side of his body, and her firm thighs which were visibly framed by the pajamas.     

In fact, she was even wearing a loose shirt, and when he had looked down before, he had seen a hint of her titillating cleavage, which had threatened to drive him mad.     

Hence, he had resolved to keep his head upright, lest he give in and regret later.     

He, too, was someone who had explored that side of life before, so he knew that the best approach was to take it slow, and that was also the approach with the most fun.     

However, how the hell was he supposed to control himself when this woman kept snuggling closer and closer to him, pressing those incredible buns harder and harder on his body?!     

Thankfully, Liz was too busy enjoying the feeling of feeling warm and protected by him, that she didn't notice the expression of contortion on his face, almost as if he was constipated.     

Finally picking the movie that, according to Mary, Liz loved to watch over and over again, he tried to push those thoughts out of his head while not giving any indication to Liz.     

Thankfully, hearing the opening music, Liz opened her eyes and raised her head, just like a cute squirrel that had borrowed safely into a hollow before smelling the aroma of its favorite food.     

As the title, "Ocean's 8" flashed across the scene, Liz finally extracted herself a bit more and half-turned towards the screen with interest.     

Thank god!     

Breathing a sigh of relief, Will felt like chuckling at Liz's weird taste, amused that she was a fan of heist movies.     

Weren't movie nights supposed to be filled with romantic movies that made couples lovey-dovey?     

Well, it seemed that they were a couple which broke cliches.     

"Mary said you would love to watch this, no matter how many times you watched it before. Why do you like heist movies like these so much?", he asked, curious.     

However, hearing no reply from Liz, he wondered whether he had touched upon a sensitive topic.     

Just when he was about to say that she didn't need to answer, Liz spoke in a faint voice filled with an emotion he couldn't describe.     

"It's because when we had nothing, I and Luke used to watch these movies and dream about earning a better life, even if it meant going on the wrong path for it. We didn't end up doing that, but we still dreamed it."     

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