Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

Leaving the Island

Leaving the Island

0Will was already aware, more or less, about Liz's past, where her family had had to struggle for a time with no income to support themselves.     

Just like him, he knew that Liz must also have many memories that she had hidden away.     

Right now, more than anything, he felt glad that he had taken the decision to stand with her and get close to her, and he could tell that this was going to be a very rewarding journey.     

So, smiling to himself, he didn't answer, but nodded.     

Liz felt him nod, so she simply continued watching the movie.     

As there were no additional movements from Liz, Will was able to put a tight clamp on his urges and remove them from his mind for now.     

Around a half hour into the movie, Will asked, "What do you want for dinner?"     

This finally made her move, and as she snuggled in even closer to him, she scrunched her eyebrows for a second and said decisively, "Ice cream."     

"Ice cream?"     

"Ice cream."     

Well, Liz was feeling very warm and fuzzy inside, and she had decided without hesitation that this would be the best food that would fit the mood.     

She was never someone who worried about others judging her for her choices. Besides, she was with Will, and her heart told her that she could tell him anything she wanted without fearing that he would change his opinion of her.     

Wait…where had that feeling come from? Wasn't it a little sudden?     

Shrugging and feeling extremely lazy, Liz stretched a bit.     

"Ice cream it is."     

As he said this and pressed a button on the chair, a maid came, and when she asked which flavor they wanted, Liz started to think.     

However, seeing how adorably she was furrowing her eyebrows and trying to decide which one she wanted, Will chuckled and said, "Bring them all."     

Well, that wasn't a bad choice. After all, how many could there be?     

When the maids walked in a few minutes later holding a long tray that was at least a meter across, Liz got up with shock.     

"Don't worry. Keren and I were always indecisive, too, so the maids are used to this."     

As he said this, the tray was securely placed on the couple recliner.     

As Liz saw the at least 20 glass cups in front of her, her eyes seemed to twinkle.     

She dug in without hesitation, choosing a raspberry sorbet in front of her first.     

After putting a large spoon in her mouth and closing her eyes due to the incredible feeling of the flavor, she realized that she hadn't even waited for Will to start.     

Turning to him, she saw that he was smiling at her while picking out a flavor he wanted, too, so she happily got back to eating.     

Yup, there was no need for formalities.     

30 minutes later, Liz had almost finished 10 scoops of ice cream by herself, while Will seemed to have eaten 5.     

As she picked up the 11th, her stomach felt like it would burst, so she reluctantly put it back, much to the amusement of Will, who was watching her more than the movie.     

Of course, Liz had noticed this from time to time, and she would occasionally glance at him, which would make him act as if he hadn't been caught in the act.     

It was actually quite sweet, so Liz didn't mind at all, and she even found it to be fun to see him look away with embarrassment.     

As they were both done, the tray was removed, and Liz once again went back to the 'best pillow in the house' with eagerness.     

This time, she really did treat him like a pillow, rest her cheek on his chest while her hands hugged him.     

It seemed that ice cream and her favorite movie had really worn down her hesitations, as she didn't even notice that she had been constantly rubbing her breasts on his abdomen, which felt quite nice to her, but quite torturous to him.     

Well, she didn't even care a smidgen about him, as her goal was to find the perfect position.     

After she did, she promptly said 'mmm' again with a broad smile, before eyeing the movie with one eye for a few minutes and then slowly falling asleep.     

All this while, Will had been watching everything she was doing with his lips pressed into a thin line.     

The woman had completely forgotten that he was a person, and not a pillow!     

That was what he had said, but this level of applying that concept was something he couldn't have expected!     

Each time he felt her body moving on top of his, he had had to bit his inner cheek hard in order to distract himself.     

He was like a hermit who had gone to meditate without food for years. Now, it was not yet time to break that fast, but the food was tantalizingly tempting him in ways he couldn't even describe.     

As she fell asleep, he actually heaved a sigh of relief and was about to bend forward to kiss her good night, but stopped as he didn't want to put himself through more torture.     

He wasn't uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, Will felt more comfortable like this than on all those 5-star hotel beds he had slept on.     

So, looking fondly at Liz one last time, he closed his eyes, too, and fell asleep.     

Only to be awoken a half hour later by a wet feeling on his chest.     

Yeap. It was her drool.     


The next morning, Liz woke up drowsily and wiped her mouth as was her habit, before looking down and finding a wet, red fabric.     

She…had actually slobbered on her boyfriend all night?!     

As this realization hit her, she felt that she was at a loss for words.     

Feeling Will move under her, she started to blush and wonder what she was supposed to say, but thankfully, she noticed that he was still asleep.     

It was time to salvage the situation!     

Getting an idea despite the fact that she had just woken up, Liz slowly got off the recliner without making a sound or disturbing Will.     

After that, she carefully unscrewed the cap of the water bottle beside them, before tiptoeing out the room while patting herself on her back.     

Yeap. It was so believable! She had simply dropped water on him while drinking it during the night!     

But why hadn't he gotten up then?     

Er…that part, she would have to improvise.     

As she exited the room while thinking for a solution for this, she didn't notice that two eyes were following her from inside.     

Of course, they were Will's, as he had gotten up long back, but pretended that he was sleeping to see what Liz would do.     

Hmm, so she had such a sly side to her, too?     

Stifling laughter, Will got up and stretched before heading to the door after a few minutes.     


Two hours later, Liz was being held by her shoulders by Mama Dorota outside the main door, where a car was waiting to take them both to the airstrip.     

"I'll miss you so much, Elizabeth! Come here, give Mama Dorota a hug!"     

As she found herself pulled into a strong hug, Liz's eyes widened when she heard a whisper in her ears.     

"Elizabeth, I have two pieces of advice to you. Listen to them and remember them; I won't be elaborating-you'll know when they apply. One, never judge a Brashaw's actions by how they appear to be on the surface. Look for layers. And two, if you ever meet a woman called Cassandra, bash her face in."     

Pushing Liz back, Mama Dorota acted as if she had nothing out of the norm before bidding goodbye.     

Quite startled by this sudden turn of events, Liz got into the car, but sank into deep thought.     

Will was busy with business calls, so she had time to herself to think.     

The flight was short, and when they got back to New York, there was a very special surprise waiting for her.     

Waiting on the tarmac, were the 4 people who meant most to her right now.     

They were Derek, Mary, Luke, and Keren.     

Of course, the moment she saw them, Liz's eyes zoomed in on Luke and Keren, who were standing beside each other.     

Wait…what had Keren been doing all this time after leaving them alone on the island?     

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