Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

Plane Ride

Plane Ride

0After getting a car a few minutes later, the duo headed to the airport after thankfully finding out that Keren had at least not hijacked the plane too.     

On the way, Liz looked out the window at the beautiful sights of Toronto one last time.     

She would definitely miss this place, as it had given her one of the most precious memories of her life so far.     

Meanwhile, Will seemed to be in deep thought.     

Only, he would occasionally glance at Liz who was sitting beside him and smile.     

After reaching the airport and boarding their plane, Will sat in the seat in the main area before gesturing at the back, where there was a locked door.     

This was the bedroom of the plane, and while the servers and staff were bustling around to get ready for takeoff, it was locked.     

When Liz walked up to it and knocked, she heard Keren saying, "No entry to my brother!"     

"It's me."     

After Liz replied, she heard the sound of footsteps before Keren opened the door a sliver to check if it really was Liz.     

Seeing that it was, she grabbed her hand and dragged her inside before shutting the door again.     

She looked to be her usual self, but Liz could see an additional…shyness in her, which stood out due to the way it didn't mesh with her usual attitude.     

Without saying anything, Liz just folded her hands and waited, while Keren bit her lips while sitting on the bed.     

After a little while, it seemed that the silence became too unbearable, as she spoke with a slight tone of resignation.     

Throwing her hands up in the air, she said, "All right! Your best friend is…"     

As she paused, she scrunched up her eyebrows while a smile appeared on her face.     

Seeing this, Liz was once again surprised.     

What had Luke even said to make Keren put on such an expression, as if she was thinking about someone she had a crush on?     

"Different. He's different than all the guys I've been with, Ok? Judge me if you want, but I'm a spirited gal. I've had many man-friends, but no boyfriends, because I was never interested in taking a relationship to that level. But when I talked to Luke…I only wanted to talk! Yes, he is handsome, and usually, I would love to pull such a pretty boy to do something fun…but, I didn't feel that way with him. Ok, that's it! I'm not explaining myself more!"     

Towards the end, Keren expressed slight frustration, as if she couldn't put what she was feeling in words.     

Liz, on the other hand, was looking at Keren with her eyebrows raised.     

Indeed, she had known, or guessed, that Keren must be a 'player', from the way she had acted the first time she met her. However, she could never have expected that Luke could charm her in this way.     

It was sweet, yes. But she was also very protective of her friend, and she didn't really trust Keren not to break his heart, just like she had been hurt with Will.     

It had worked out between them after that, but she didn't know whether it would be the same for Luke.     

Luke wasn't someone as malleable as her. When things broke, he didn't like fixing them, especially relationships.     

Case in point was his dad, whom he hadn't contacted even though he had gone through surgery.     

Sitting down in front of Keren, she spoke with a serious tone.     

"Keren, listen. Luke isn't like me. He's very strong, but he's also…brittle. If anything as bad as what happened between me and Will occurs, he will leave and never come back. I am very protective of him. When we were on the streets, we only had each other for comfort and company. Going through stuff like that toughens you up…but also breaks you, little by little. Before you…"     

"Ok, enough! Liz, I like Luke as a person, but I haven't decided what to do with that feeling yet. When I do decide, you can sit me down to give this talk, Ok? I would never hurt him, that you can be sure of, no matter what."     

Looking into Keren's eyes, Liz saw the firm resolve that defined who she was.     

Sighing, she nodded, wondering whether to inform Luke and try to play matchmaker, or whether that would seem weird after what had happened between them.     

Either way, she wasn't going to make a decision on this now.     

Just as they were going to continue talking, they heard Will say something outside.     

"Juno, where are we headed? Why do we see us traveling in a different direction than New York?"     

Hearing this, Keren walked to the door and opened it with Liz in hand before walking out and saying to Will, "That's because I gave him new coordinates. We are going somewhere else."     

Raising an eyebrow at his sister who had had the gall to run away like that before, Will asked, "Where to?"     

"Our house, of course. You went to Liz's place, but you don't even have the minimum courtesy of showing her ours? Shame on you, brother."     

Shaking her head regretfully in mock sadness, Keren took a seat and looked out the window, as if completely ignoring and disregarding what had happened before.     

Will looked like he was going to say something about it, but Liz looked at him and shook her head.     

Taking the hint, Will chose not to broach the topic.     

"I'm bored. Let's watch something! And chef, can we get some chicken wings? I'm hungry!"     

Saying so, Liz switched on the large flat screen on one side of the plane before choosing the latest rom-com.     

It seemed at first that she was a sucker for movies like these, but what she liked most was to comment on how unrealistic the dialogues and situations were.     

After a hearty meal of wings and fries, they soon alighted, and as they got off, Liz's eyes opened wide.     

Why…were they on an island with blue water all around?     

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