Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0To each place the CEO traveled to, there was always a person employed at the destination to take care of all of his needs.     

Recently, this perk had been added to the PA of the CEO too, along with the other perks like being able to choose the house.     

Ellen was the one selected in Seattle, and she hadn't even been able to sleep due to her excitement.     

Mr. William Bradshaw was THE most eligible bachelor in the world, With limitless wealth and perfect looks, he was the dream of many, many women, most of all for those who had an opportunity to interact with him.     

The tale was classic, but there was a reason it still appealed to the masses-because dreams were timeless.     

Ellen also dreamed. She dreamed of having the CEO fall in love with her at first sight, after which she would be showered with gifts.     

She even had a plan. She would play hard to get at first, before accepting his advances and marrying into the Bradshaw family.     

As for kids-     

"Mr. Will, Miss. Keren and Miss. Elizabeth are on the move. Come in, Ellen."     

"H-here! I'm waiting in the lobby to address their needs, whatever they may be."     

"Good. There cannot be any problems, got it?"     


Her superior's voice, which reached her through the earpiece she was wearing, brought her back to reality.     

Looking down, she rechecked her dress for the nth time.     

She was wearing a very attractive knee-length purple skirt, with the blouse having a plunging neckline.     

Arranging her hair, she waited with bated breath for her dreams to come true.     

There he was! As the lift descended to the ground, the trio exited and made their way to the exit. She was standing in the way, so there was no way they would miss her.     

Her eyes were only on the CEO, and she realized that he was much more handsome in reality than in all the magazine she had seen.     

Because she was captivated by his looks, she didn't notice that he actually had a slight expression of frustration on his face.     

This became clear when they got nearer, and she actually felt anger, wondering who it was that was irritating her dream man.     

Following his eyes, she saw that they were focused on the women in front of him.     

With shock, she saw that the CEO was continuously saying something, but the woman in front kept replying without turning back.     

At first, she thought it was the CEO's sister, but she had seen her photo before.     

No, it was the other woman who was doing this.     

As anger and scorn-filled her, she looked at the face of the woman and recognized her to be the PA, Elizabeth Redmaine.     

A mere PA dared to frustrate the CEO? What the hell?     

Maybe she wasn't doing her duties properly!     

If so, it was her time to shine!     

Just as she was about to step forward and speak, the trio came into earshot of her, making her hear the words being spoken by the CEO.     

"Miss. Liz, surely, you can't be busy the whole day?"     

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Will. Except for the occasions when I will be acting as your PA, I have planned out my lunch, dinner and break time. I have family here, and also, Miss. Keren promised to show me around."     

"Keren?! Keren, come on, surely…"     

"Nope. We have our plans."     

"Just lunch! Or maybe even 10 minutes during snack time…"     

At this, the two women looked into each other's eyes, and a mischievous look passed between them.     

It was the PA who answered.     

"I don't know, Mr. Will…Maybe if you wait in the lobby during that time, I'll quickly finish my engagements and come? But I can't possibly ask my boss to wait for me…"     

"No! It's fine. I'll be in the lobby."     

"Oh, that's great! I'll surely try my best."     

Hearing this interaction, Ellen couldn't believe her ears.     

The CEO was actually…requesting for his PA to meet him?     

What the hell was going on here? Wasn't this man supposed to be cold?     

How could he be willing to wait for someone?     

No! She couldn't take it!     

It was fine if he was how the stories said. It was fine if she was rejected.     

But it was not fine if he chose someone else.     

She couldn't let it happen!     

While jealousy burnt in her heart, Ellen was watching the trio leaving through the doors, unable to think of anything else.     

It was the voice of her superior that brought her to her senses.     

"Ellen, they exited the hotel?! What the f@#@ are you doing! Aren't you in the lobby?!"     

Hearing the angry shout, Ellen immediately remembered her duty, and ran behind the trio.     

"Mr. Will, sir! I'm here to help you during your stay! Sir, please wait!"     

However, the memory of that woman's face stayed in her mind, unwilling to leave.     

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