Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0Liz couldn't believe her eyes.     

Just a few minutes before, this was the man who had been strutting around with such an irritating expression of triumph on his face that she had seriously considered tackling him and getting thrown out of the plane.     

However, now, his ear was being twisted by this other man?     

How could anyone's status change so quickly?     

Wait…could this be some ploy of this venomous guy to take even more revenge on her?     

Still, the entire airplane was watching as Jackson kept wincing from the pain of having his ear twisted so hard, while the sucking-up expression on the other man's face was also easily readable.     

So, Liz replied, "Y-yes."     

"Apologize! You don't even deserve to be in the same plane as Miss Elizabeth, and you dared to downgrade her seat to economy? Were you born to destroy everything I worked for? I always told you to treat everyone with humility and tact! HOW DID YOU HAVE TO GALL TO-! ARGH! APOLOGIZE!"     

Liz even flinched and moved back, startled, when the man abruptly shouted at Jackson.     

However, the shock she felt only grew when she comprehended what this man was saying.     

Seeing her do so, the man once again replaced his anger with respect and said, "Pardon me, Miss. I'm Henry Zachary, and even though I am ashamed to say this, I must admit that I am this worthless boy's father. I am the humble owner of this airline, and I have already found out everything that happened. Those two air hostesses will be fired, and this kid will be grounded like the child he is. I apologize profusely on behalf of the entire Zachary family. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? APOLOGIZE, YOU PIECE OF SCUM!"     


The entire aircraft recoiled as if a bolt of lightning struck them when the reputed businessman, Mr. Henry Zachary, slapped his own son so tight that for a few seconds, Jackson could only stare dumbly in a direction due to having his brain rattle around in his skull because of the sheer force.     

After that, something which no one could have expected happened.     

Once again reprising the name which he had been known for back in school, Jackson Peepants peed in his pants.     

The only consolation was he managed to take control of his bladder at the last moment, making it so that the wet stain on his pants was so small that only Liz could see it.     

Seeing this and finally getting full control of her senses, Liz laughed out loud, startling those in the plane once again.     

None of them could understand what was going on.     

Some of them had seen what had happened in the business class section, and they had recognized Liz to be the person whose face had recently appeared on the magazines as the gold-digger who had managed to make one of the richest CEO's in the world fall for her.     

Hence, when they heard Jackson call her a tramp before downgrading her, a few of them had rejoiced in her misfortune because of the jealousy they felt.     

After all, not everyone was capable of having someone of that stature speak up for them in a public forum.     

So, now, as they saw these events play out, those people felt as if that slap by Henry was for them too.     

And when Liz's laughter reached their ears, it felt as if their faces with burning.     

Liz couldn't help it. She had reacted in this exact way back in school, too, when she had orchestrated that grand performance from Jackson in front of all the students.     

Meanwhile, Jackson finally returned to his own senses after he heard that same laughter which invoked that very bad memory in his mind.     

Looking around, he realized that he was being stared at by so many people, which made him almost lose control of his bladder again, which usually happened to him in situations like these for some reason.     

He had never been so humiliated in his life!     

Wait, he had been once before, but by the same person…     

Realizing this, Jackson looked up at Liz, who had a radiant smile on her face.     

To his side, he could feel his father still glowering at him.     

He didn't know what the hell this woman had done for this man who placed a lot of importance in his pride to come here and stage this public spectacle, but he knew that if he didn't apologize now, this would only prolong.     

So, not meeting her eyes, he muttered, "S-sorry…"     


Getting a slap on his other cheek, Jackson felt like crying for the first time in his adult life.     

"Properly! Haven't I at least taught you that much?!"     

"I'M SORRY! I shouldn't have acted in that way! I APOLOGIZE!"     

Seeing his son finally apologize more or less sincerely with tears in his eyes, Henry heaved a sigh of relief.     

Well, he had more instructions to follow.     

"I am terribly sorry for this entire thing, Miss. Now, please follow me. You can travel on my own private plane. I just want to sit down with my son in this plane and try once again to teach him the values he needs. The Zachary family is really, really sorry, and we will be sending a small gift to your home soon, too. Please follow me. Let's not keep everyone else waiting further."     

Saying so, Henry quickly lead away Jackson to the exit of the plane and waited there.     

Liz, on the other hand, didn't even know how to respond.     


This feeling of instantly having her revenge felt so good that she felt like skipping while she walked.     

Well, he was right, there was no reason to keep the others waiting.     

So, Liz quickly exited the plane amidst many jealous and admiring gazes from people who couldn't take their eyes off of her.     

When he saw her coming, Henry continued along the way and led her across the tarmac on a 10-minute walk to a private jet.     

All the while, he was still holding Jackson by his ear, which had become an angry red by now.     

In her happiness, although Liz had a suspicion as to who was doing all this, she didn't think about it and just reveled in the happiness she felt right now.     

It was only after reaching the private jet and hearing Henry say "Please send my regards to Mr. William," did her smile grow even wider on knowing for sure whose handiwork this was.     

Even though he had been elsewhere, he had protected her honor.     

At this moment, Liz really, really wished that the CEO was in front of her, as she would have loved to hug him so tight as to make all the breath vanish from his lungs.     

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