Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0"Dad, why did you have to do all that?"     

After dropping off Liz at his private jet, Henry had dragged his son to a lounge in the airport where they were currently sitting.     

On the way, he had ignored all the questions thrown at him while his face slowly started to change color to maroon.     

Jackson already knew that when this happened, it meant that the anger inside his dad was building up bit by bit until it would explode.     

Apparently, now was the time for that explosion.     


Standing up suddenly, Henry caught the end of the table in front of him and threw it to the side in rage.     

Still fuming, he went about breaking everything in the room, until the only thing left untouched was the chair that his son was sitting on.     

Meanwhile, Jackson had finally shut up and was being silent, flinching each time he heard a loud sound reverberate through the room.     

Finally, after the sounds died down, he saw his father pick up a chair he had thrown before sitting on it.     

His face was more or less back to normal now, but he still spoke with extreme anger in his tone.     

"Son, if I were someone who beat my children, you would have a few broken ribs by now. Thank your stars that I'm not. Today, you almost cost me the business that I've worked on my entire life. Do you know where you went wrong?"     

The last line was said with an added tone of coldness to it, as if the wrong answer would have very dire circumstances for Jackson.     

So, gulping, he thought hard before answering.     

"I…shouldn't have taken revenge like that?"     

That was what he felt from everything that had happened so far, but seeing his father's face start to become red again, he understood that he was wrong.     

"NO, YOU FOOL! The revenge wasn't the problem! In my day, I did much worse things! Your mistake was not finding out exactly whom you would be antagonizing if the worst case scenario occurs!"     

Hearing this, Jackson once again thought for a bit before saying, "That William? I thought he just gave that statement because of something that bi-woman did. Besides, he's just the CEO of a technology company, right?"     

This answer made Henry completely deflate, understanding that his son was a lost cause.     

Still, sighing deeply, he said, "Clearly, I was negligent in the way I raised you. I'm not even saying that out of anger. I just never thought that you would get into a fight with someone from 'those' families. I was just going to tell you later, after I had groomed you to take my place. I guess that plan needs to be changed."     

Taking out a Cuban cigar from his pocket, Henry lit it and took a few puffs before speaking.     

"Son, in this world, there are a few families which…one must not mess with unless they have a deathwish. The problem with you taking revenge, was the fact that your target was associated with a Bradshaw. A real Bradshaw. Trust me, that family is trouble. I once knew a man who took up an issue with Mr. Bradshaw, William's father. It was a simple problem which could have been resolved with a conversation. But the next day, that man's company was absorbed by one of Mr. Bradshaw's companies, and he was thrown off of his own board. The bottom line is: just don't mess with the Bradshaws. Not many know of this, and even I only do due to a twist of luck. That William has a special interest in the woman who is on our private jet. I want you to pick out a gift for her family and deliver it in person. No arguing. We can't take any risks."     

Leaving these words, Henry left the room to have his cigar in his peace.     

At the minimum, he knew that his son wasn't so dumb as to ignore his warning.     

However, if he had seen Jackson's face just before he left the room, he might have had reservations about that thought.     


Liz's cheeks were hurting by now due to the fact that she hadn't been able to get that smile off of her face.     

In her life, the CEO was only the second person who had made her feel protected.     

She cherished this moment, and she couldn't stop thinking of him.     

After the flight landed, she was driven to the company's office in Toronto all while still having dreamy thoughts about him.     

He had done something so sweet for her. How could she not give something in return?     

What should she do? A hug, maybe?     

Or…a kiss?     

Liz blushed at just the thought of a kiss, as she was even a little embarrassed by the fact that no one had stolen away her first yet.     

It was completely implausible, but the fact that it was true almost made her feel as if she was a weirdo.     

Well, the truth was what it was.     

Putting the matter aside for now, she started focusing on her work.     

The problem here that they were both coming to solve was that there was a manufacturing issue with a factory that Happle had in the outskirts of Toronto.     

The workers had gone on strike, and the company had tried its best to resolve the matter with the head of the union to no avail.     

Seeing this issue affect the pipeline of product delivery of the whole company, the CEO had decided to step in.     

Her job as his P.A was to ensure that everything was in order for his meeting to go as smoothly as possible when he did arrive.     

Of course, every time Liz thought of him, her mind couldn't help but go back to that moment near the private plane when her heart had fluttered after knowing that it was all the CEO's doing.     

She was done with everything by 5, so she headed to the hotel room after finding out that the CEO was en route.     

Only, to her surprise, in the lobby of the hotel where her room was booked, Mr. William was waiting while holding a bouquet of roses.     

At this moment, although this was very cliched, Liz felt her entire body fill up with happiness.     

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