Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0Liz went to the product store first, and although she went through everything there with a fine-toothed comb, she didn't find anything that Sam could exploit to bring losses to the company.     

After that, she reached the assembly warehouse, where Happle's products were assembled before being shipped out for sale.     

Here, there were quite a few opportunities.     

For example, having just one defective component could make it so that an entire product line would have to be called back, which really would cause catastrophic losses.     

So, if Sam somehow managed to replace a component with something of inferior quality, he would achieve his goal.     

At least, that was what Liz would have done if she wanted to cripple Happle.     

Thinking that she really would make a great criminal mastermind if she put her mind to it, Liz enlisted the help of the workers in the warehouse to go through all the components being used five times, just to be safe.     

Also, she accessed the CCTV camera footage to check everything Sam did, but all of his actions were normal, not raising any red flags.     

The reason he gave to be there even though he worked in the production factory was that he was very interested to watch how assembly took place, and apparently, he had also been a very jovial guy who got along well with everyone and thus made them lower their guard on him.     

So, there were hours and hours of footage where Sam just stood and watched as Happle's phones, tablets, and computers got assembled.     

Finding nothing wrong here, she made her way next to the last stop, which was the factory that was his workplace.     

It seemed that Sam had asked the workers to go back to their houses, as the factory was empty save for a few security guards.     

Here, Liz once again went through everything that Sam had touched during his years of employment.     

It was all digital, so all she had to do was pull up everything he had worked on using the software.     

According to the logs, Sam had handled production of some key components, and slowly, he had risen to become the union head.     

His work had always been impeccable, and he had actually been in line for a major promotion before he started that strike, surprising everyone.     

Again, this was a dead-end.     

Completely stumped, Liz made her way back to the office with her head lowered in deep thought.     

All along the way, she felt the clock ticking, as whatever Sam was going to do, she had a feeling that he was going to do it soon, unless she figured out a way to find out just what he was planning.     

Taking out a phone, she called William hoping that there might be more information from the talk he must be having with his father.     

However, his phone was switched off, so Liz threw it to the side with frustration.     

She was missing something. She knew that, but she just wasn't getting it.     

It was already 4 PM, but Liz still once again sat down and started to go through all the files related to Sam Raimi.     

Hours and hours went by, but Liz just worked tirelessly, knowing that she couldn't let William down.     

Finally, she retired to the hotel at 12 PM, with the order that everyone had to come into work even though the next day was a Sunday.     

Will seemed like he had completely fallen off the earth, as there was still no response from him even though the day had ended.     

She wondered what was wrong and also worried a bit about him, but she knew she couldn't do anything to contact him if he had no phone.     

Trusting that he was definitely not doing this on purpose, Liz sat down with the files she brought to the hotel as she knew that she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep.     

His life, his phone records, the people he talked to, his interests, everything was in front of her.     

She read and read and read until she almost felt as if she knew more about him than herself. Looking at the clock beside her, Liz realized that it was actually 6 AM,.     

Seeing that the coffee mug beside her was empty, she got up and called the reception, but she got the answer that it would take some time.     

After 15 minutes, the room service server entered the room accompanied by a little girl.     

Liz was a little startled on seeing this sight, and noticing this, the lady who had come to deliver the coffee said, "I'm sorry, I was called to come in urgently as the one who was supposed to be covering this shift fell ill. There was no one to babysit my daughter, I really hope you don't mind."     

The little girl was hiding behind her mother's legs, as if she was scared.     

Nodding, Liz bent and patted her on her head gently, saying, "I have a little brother who is the same age as you. I bet he would have loved to play with you."     

Hearing this, the little girl smiled cutely before saying, "Wow! Can he play server-service with me?"     

"Server-service? What's that?"     

"My mother and father both work as servers, and I want to become one too, but in a very big place, much bigger than this. Server-service is to practice for that!"     

This made Liz laugh, while the lady sighed and said, "We don't know how this idea got into her head, but we can't get it out. She just wants to do what she sees her parents doing, and she already knows well about it because of that exposure. Here is your coffee, Miss. Have a good day!"     

Leaving the coffee on the table, the duo left, wondering why this woman had suddenly frozen.     

Indeed, Liz's mind had started to turn wildly after hearing that sentence from the room service server.     

'She just wants to do what she sees her parents doing, and she already knows well about it because of that exposure.'     

Of course! Sam's parents were inventors, so he must have talent and interest in that field too!     

She knew what his plan was!     

Just as she was about to call William once again, she was shocked to see a missed call from him.     

Quickly, she called him back, but before she could tell him what she had just figured out, he spoke in an urgent tone.     

"Liz! I was verifying something, as I didn't believe my father's words. Jonas Raimi was the one who made his own son watch him hang! He was a crook who was running a shady business, so my father just used shady methods to defeat him! We were wrong!"     

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