Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0Disclaimer: Small R-18 scene. Skip to the '...' at the end if you wish.     


Liz lost all track of time and place as she felt Will's warm lips engulf her and drive her insane.     

In reality, only a few days had passed since their escapade in the plane, but to her, it felt as if an eternity had passed, and that she couldn't do without him, any more.     

She pulled at his shirt while he pulled at hers, and their lips had already gotten completely wet due to both of them kissing madly.     


They had moved back unconsciously, and as Liz's back hit the wall, she moaned, but it wasn't because of pain.     

No, it was because when during that moment of impact, Will's groin had pressed against her, making her feel the throbbing thing inside his pants that was threatening to bust out.     

She knew she wanted it, and she didn't care that they were in a hotel room with listening equipment filling the whole area.     

Will mirrored her thoughts. In an instant, he had hoisted her legs up to let her entwine them around his waist, while he fumbled with his belt with one hand.     

This was in no way similar to the time they had spent in the plane: there was no deliberate foreplay, or prolonged climb of anticipation. No, they wanted each other right there, raw and dirty, uncaring about their surroundings and anything else in the world.     

Liz was using her back to stay in the air, and she felt exhilarated, as if she was riding the most exciting ride of her life.     

Only, if this was a rollercoaster, she wanted to take that plunge and scream with excitement, which she was looking forward to as she saw Will succeed in opening his belt.     

He had already pushed down her skirt, so all that was left covering her dripping womanhood was a flimsy undergarment, which she was ready to push to the side to let him in. Inwardly, she thanked God that she had worn this one, in which she could do that, instead of a different, larger one which would have had to be removed, too.     

Her face completely red due to the blood rushing up, Liz savored Will's lips more and more, and she even started grinding her hips around his waist, as if taunting him to hurry up, and also telling him that how much she wanted him.     

This drove Will, who had just whipped a condom out of his pocket, mad. He cursed the damn pant, and everything getting in his way.     

This was definitely not as easy as they showed it in the movies, where the hero would 'get it on' with the heroine barely a second after pushing her against the wall. In reality, there were so many garments and obstacles to get through which didn't make it as sexy as they showed it, but the perfect woman's body which was pressing against his, and her lips which kept kissing him and making him go crazy for her definitely helped.     


As Will finally finished all his tasks and thrusted inside, Liz moaned uncontrollably, biting her lips in the process as she tried to control herself from screaming.     

It felt so good!     

As she felt him move inside her and thrust over and over again while pushing her against the wall, she pushed back, making Will gasp and moan, too, until he closed his eyes and just lost himself in the movements.     

Meanwhile, Liz raked at his back, while kissing, licking and biting every part of him she could find, including the sides of his neck, his shoulder and, of course, his lips.     


At the same moment, a knock sounded on the door, but both of them were too absorbed in what they were doing to notice anything else.     

It was Mark, who had appeared at the door to report the success, even though he knew they were listening.     

His knock yielded no response, and he considered whether he should walk in.     

As he hesitated, little did he know that he had saved himself from a disaster that might have destroyed everything he had worked toward this night.     

As he turned back and decided to come later, he heard a loud 'thud', as if someone had knocked against the wall.     

Oh? Could they be in danger?     

Turning around, he was just about to touch the doorknob, but another thud, and then another one, and then many more in a constant rhythm entered his ears, which made him open his mouth as he realised what was going on.     

He was just about to stand there and reminisce about when he used to do such things with his wife, when he heard the loudest thud yet, and a scream which cut off as if someone had clamped a hand over their mouth.     

Smiling and commenting to himself about how good youth was, Mark left to his room, deciding to come the next day.     

Meanwhile, the scream had been from Liz, as she had felt Will thrust harder than ever and stop, while she felt him climax inside her with his manhood convulsing more than ever, which had made her insides go all mushy as she, too, panted on his shoulder, just like he did on hers.     

As they finally separated after a few moments, Liz didn't want to let go. She continued to cling to Will, as it felt so comfortable, and this made him laugh and wear his pant before lifting her and taking her to a sofa so that both of them could sit.     

After he did, and as she continued to hug him contentedly while sitting on his lap, Liz couldn't help but marvel at how different this was.     

She wanted to experience so, so much more, with him, and she smiled as she just wished, at this moment, that she would have all the chances in the world.     

And in this manner, with this thought, she fell asleep, while he did, too.     


The next morning, all of the members of the executive board were waiting around because the CEO and the new Director hadn't arrived yet, and couldn't be reached by phone.     

Mark was wondering whether he should go to that room, but before he did, he saw Jonathan standing up.     

As he saw the man begin to make an announcement, he couldn't help but smile inwardly.     

Whatever the intentions of that woman were behind asking for this, he prayed that she had planned enough, and was capable enough to handle everything that was going to be thrown her way.     

That was because, right now, her wish of them betting heavily had paid off, and all that remained to be seen was who would win the bet.     

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