Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0Looking around, all Liz could see were sandy white beaches with beautiful, blue water that looked pristine.     

Shocked, she stood at the door, blocking the way, but the brother and sister behind her looked at each other and smiled briefly, forgetting their tiff momentarily.     

Whatever the case was, one thing they were proud of was this home.     

After getting past the fact that she seemed to have come to a paradise that seemed untouched except for the presence of the long airstrip that they had landed on, Liz looked into the distance to see 4 towering spires visible above the jungle canopy that obstructed her sight.     

Spires? What the hell? Had she come to Hogwarts?     

Only such a ridiculous thought could come to Liz's mind, as this was really a place she couldn't make sense of.     

Feeling a warm touch on her back, Liz turned around to see Will who had a half-smile on his face.     

"Welcome to Ambrosia."     

Hearing him say this, Liz realized that she was blocking the way and moved to the side.     

Nudging Will out of the way, it was Keren who exited the plane first.     

Breathing in deep, she extended her arms and shouted, "AAAAAAOOOOOOOO!"     

The sudden action startled Liz, who wasn't used to people just screaming random things out of the blue.     

"Shout with me, Liz! This is Ambrosia, where you never have to control yourself no matter what you want to do! Come on!"     

Running to Liz and holding her shoulders, Keren said this in an excited tone.     

Seeing Liz still have an expression of doubt on her face, she pursed her lips slightly and said, "This is a private island near Hawaii. For miles and miles all around, it's just us. No one to judge you no matter what you do, and no society to tie you down. Shout, dammit! Where's your spirit of freedom?"     

A Hawaiin Island, the kind which billionaires were supposed to earn?     

Liz had read about them in magazines, and she had sighed at the opulent lifestyles of these people whom she thought she would never come into contact with.     

However, here she was, on an island which looked untouched.     

The fresh ocean breeze greeted her face, and as she breathed in, the pure air gave her a spurt of energy and liveliness that one would never be able to get in the city.     

Yes, when in a place like this, why not shout?     

Extending her arms too, Liz shouted, "AAAAOOOOOO!"     

"There you go! Didn't that feel great?"     

As Liz nodded, Will exited the plane behind them and smiled a bit wider on seeing the two women who were most precious to him in the world.     

"Let's go. Why keep Javier waiting?"     

Looking down, Liz finally noticed that a car was waiting beside the plane, beside which a dark-skinned, smiling man who wore a chauffeur's uniform was standing.     

On noticing them gazing at him, he said in a warm tone, "Miss Keren, it seems you finally succeeded in making someone act like you! Very few people can let go of their inhibitions so fast!"     

"Well, Liz is one of a kind. But I guess you must have seen that on the news."     

Climbing down the steps, Keren said this, which made a flash of realization pass on Javier's face.     

Liz once again expected to see some kind of disgust, but to her surprise, all she saw in Javier's eyes was admiration.     

Bowling low when they approached, Javier smiled wide and said to Liz, "Welcome, Madam. Curse those damn magazines. We all know Mr. Will very well; if he said that you are no such woman, then it is definitely true. After all, we watched him grow up."     

They watched him grow up?     

"Javier, here, and a few people you will meet, are the people who practically raised me and Keren. Mother and Father were always off doing something or the other. Where are they now, Javier?"     

"Sir and Madame are currently in Greenwich, overseeing a potential project to research something in the ice caps."     

"And how do you know that? Wouldn't such a thing be confidential?"     

This sudden question from Keren made Javier freeze and look to the side before saying, "A little bird…"     

"Oh, you know she's messing with you. Elizabeth, Javier here is the king of the gossip machine in Ambrosia. He knows everything the Bradshaw family is up to, whether we want him to know or not."     

"You praise me too much, sir, but please, I'm just an honest man who has an ear in most places. If you please."     

With this, Javier picked up the bags that had been deposited beside the car and started loading them in the trunk while Keren got in front, with Liz and Will getting in the back.     

Liz was quite taken aback on seeing the comfortable way in which these three had conversed. It…almost really did seem like they were family.     

Also, she was quite relieved that Will's mom and dad weren't home.     

The thought about meeting them had entered her mind as soon as she found out that they were going to Will's home, and although she usually wasn't someone who was ever afraid of confronting anyone, she felt slight panic at the prospect of meeting two of the richest individuals in the world who probably had a very bad impression of her.     

At least, she felt that it wasn't time yet for that meeting.     

The car ride was silent, as all three of them were busy admiring the lush jungle through which a road had been built     

Occasionally, monkeys or other animals would be found in the center of the road, which had to be honked at before they moved with irritated expressions, as if annoyed at being disturbed.     

Finally, when a towering castle to which the 4 spires belonged came into Liz's view, she once again wondered whether they had traveled to a magical place as this looked exactly like something out of a fairy tale.     

Even when the car stopped, Liz didn't have words to describe it.     

As she fumbled to put her thoughts into order, she noticed that around 10 women were waiting at the humongous door that stretched at least 50 feet into the air.     

When she instinctively got out of the car to take in the magnificent edifice, she saw them moving towards them, but she just assumed that they were coming to greet Will and Keren.     

However, to her shock, all of them crowded around her and giggled and whispered before an elderly woman strode forward.     

Putting her hands on her cheeks with an expression of extreme happiness on her face, she exclaimed, "Wooow! So pretty! A perfect match for our cute William!"     

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