Melting the Cold CEO's Heart

Second Girl's Night(End)

Second Girl's Night(End)

0Liz actually had to take a few seconds to understand that she had heard right.     

It was the warm smiles from both Keren and Mama Dorota that finally made her realize that she wasn't being misunderstood, like what usually happened when she showed this side of herself.     

She had always been someone who hated to be judged, and she would always stand up for herself to try and make sure that that wouldn't happen.     

However, it would always be construed as arrogance, and she had even lost a few jobs due to instances when she didn't just sit quietly and accept what others said, like how society usually expected women to act.     

As she also smiled in return and blushed a little because she realized that that speech might have come out stronger than what she imagined in her head, Mama Dorota walked forward and held her shoulders before bending her head to the side and examining Liz from top to bottom.     

"I always say that a woman should have the backbone to go against things she doesn't like. I'm so, so glad that you have enough of it for both of you! Can I call you Liz, dear?"     

Liz couldn't help but chuckle when she heard the part about having enough backbone for the both of them, and although she didn't really agree with it, she nodded in return, and felt herself enveloped in a soft hug.     

Moving back and once again looking at her after a second or two, Mama Dorota said, "From now on, you are a part of this family, no matter what anyone says! Come on, I want to know all about you!"     

Suddenly, Keren also came forward as if she wanted to join in on the hug, but both Mama Dorota and Liz turned towards her together with glares on their faces.     

Liz was glaring because Keren had interrupted that beautiful moment with Will before, so she didn't understand why Mama Dorota could be doing the same.     

She found out the answer soon enough.     

"This here is the little devil of the family. I heard that you didn't leave William and Liz alone for even a second? You grew up on this island, why do you need a tour?"     

Being glared at by two women with very strong gazes, even Keren couldn't help but falter.     

Especially in the case of Mama Dorota- she remembered many instances when her mischievousness had landed her in hot soup.     

"I-I just wanted to…"     

"Just wanted to keep them apart, I know! Don't think I don't know how that devil's workshop in your head works! You need to find a nice man who can give you what you need! All those flings were such idiots!"     

Hearing this, Keren pouted and looked to the side, and Liz's heart actually softened.     

Even though this woman was very irritating at times, she liked her due to her frank attitude, and because of the way in which she had readily welcomed her with open arms.     

"It's all right, Mama Dorota, I don't mind. Besides, she is dating someone-my best friend! She refuses to admit that she likes him, though."     


With a start, Mama Dorota left Liz's side and caught Keren, sitting her down and shooting a barrage of questions which made Keren's eyes glaze over.     

"Who is he? What's he like? What do you like about him? When did you meet him? If you treat him like the others, I don't know what I'll do!"     

Hearing a faint sound of laughter, Keren looked up to see Liz smirking.     

Raising an eyebrow and mouthing "Tit-for-tat!", Liz laughed even more when she saw Keren realize that this was revenge for interrupting them before.     

"Yes, Mama Dorota, please find out all the details from her! I'll be back in a bit-I feel like I need some iced water."     

Absentmindedly waving her hand towards Liz, Mama Dorota just said, "Sure, dear, just go ask any maid outside," before focusing on Keren again and saying in a stern voice, "Spit it out! I'm waiting! We need to talk about this!"     

As Keren once again got occupied completely by Mama Dorota, Liz kept chuckling and exited the room before slowly closing the door behind her, so as not to disturb them.     

There were no maids nearby, but she knew they would come if she called.     

However, instead of doing what she said she would do, Liz tip-toed to the room beside hers.     

She could see that the light was still on through the gap that was present between the door and the floor, so she knocked lightly.     

When she saw that there was no response, she knocked again.     

Finally, the sound of footsteps appeared, and Will opened the door wearing a casual V-neck and shorts.     

She could see the lean muscles of his legs, and even a part of his chest-especially the bridge between his two pecs, which looked to be quite defined, meaning that he did work out.     

Will had been expecting a maid, so when he saw Liz, he was quite startled.     

As he froze, Liz smiled mischievously and raised herself on her toes in a flash.     

In barely a second or two, she brushed her lips on his cheeks and then on his lips, lingering there briefly, just enough for him to lean forward with desire before bending back and folding her hands before back.     

"Good night, Mr. Boyfriend," she said in a playful voice, before pulling closing the door and tip-toeing back to her room while smiling so wide that her cheeks hurt.     

That feeling of making someone lose their breath just by the smallest of actions really did bring satisfaction greater than she could ever have expected.     

Meanwhile, Will was wondering whether he had dreamed the whole thing.     

The door was closed in front of him, so he raised his hand slowly to touch the two spots on his cheeks which still felt warm.     

Then, he touched his lips, and finding a tinge of moisture on them which definitely wasn't from him, he finally realized that it really had happened.     

With this realization, he first smiled slightly with happiness, before understanding that that little minx was clearly playing with him by giving him only a taste and not staying to even give a full kiss.     

Still touching his lips and remembering just how amazing hers had felt, he walked back to his bed, resolving to get back at her.     

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