Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0Walking out of the interrogation room, Liz found herself enveloped in a hug.     

For a moment, she thought it was the CEO.     

However, when she realized that it wasn't, she couldn't help but get a faint expression of disappointment on her face.     

"Oh, please, Liz. Now you're just hurting my feelings. You can hug him later!"     

Hearing Keren say this as if she had read her mind, Liz blushed but still looked over her shoulder.     

Yes! There he was!     

She had really been hoping that he could see her when she gave that kick-ass performance, and now that he had, Liz felt really, really happy.     

He was smiling with an appreciative smile on his face, and he was even clapping.     

She could see that feeling of pride in his eyes, which made her swell up with happiness.     

For some reason, this really mattered to her. She had really been worried about letting him down, and now that she hadn't, the relief coupled with joy was almost lifting her off her feet.     

Seeing the two staring at each other even though she was between them, Keren stepped back and pouted.     

"Geez, get a room, you two!"     

This finally broke off that gaze that the two were sharing, making Liz blush and look at Keren before saying, "Hi, Keren! When did you get here?"     

Opening her mouth in mock astonishment, Keren teased, "So you've finally descended back to Earth! Welcome back! I came along with Will, as I'm pretty free right now. I was thinking that he might be free, but I can tell that won't be the case anymore…"     


"All right, all right! I'll stop teasing her!"     

Hearing Will call her admonishingly, Keren turned to Will and said this in a patronizing tone before turning back to Liz and saying, "Liz, that was wonderful! You were great in there! He was confident all along, but I really wondered if you could do it. After all, not everyone has that natural fire to lead and get things done. You're one in a billion, woman! Now, can I finally give you that hug!"     

Smiling wide at the praise, Liz stepped forward and hugged Keren tight.     

She was just happy because she had made the CEO proud, so she actually felt like jumping around with joy.     

Instead, she settled with hugging Keren so tight that the woman lost her breath.     

"Ok, that's enough! You look the same as me, but how are you packing that much power? Go give some of that to him!"     

Saying so, Keren stepped back, but Liz didn't move forward.     

William, too, looked at Keren with a frown before saying, "Elizabeth, that was exceptional work. You just saved the company billions of dollars. I, and Happle, Inc, are truly honored to have you as our employee. As such, I will speak with the board to get you another role in the company. I think you more than deserve it due to what you've done. Soon, no one can call you 'just a P.A.'."     

Hearing this, Liz's eyes widened.     

She…would no longer be just a personal assistant?     

Although there was nothing demeaning about this post, she still remembered all the looks she had gotten before in that meeting room, from all those people who had been wondering how a personal assistant was capable of substituting for a CEO.     

Now, at least, that might not be the case.     

She was not someone who obsessed about how others thought about her. However, getting the appreciation for her hard work was something she really felt thankful about.     

Ya, screw it.     

Running forward, Liz hugged William much tighter than Keren, but he didn't even wince.     

This was her! If she had a lot of emotion, she couldn't really control herself.     

Keren watched in silence for once, as the couple hugged each other in the presence of the police officers standing around.     

Yes, they had forgotten about these people who were staring by now.     

Finally hearing them whisper, Liz unwillingly broke off from Will after just a few seconds.     

That moment when she had felt his body against hers, the happiness inside her had multiplied, making her mind enter a giddy mood.     

And when she felt him hugging her back, again, it had just felt so right, as if they were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that had finally been reunited.     

Even after stepping back, Liz was still smiling so wide that her cheeks started to hurt.     

"You deserve it. Well done."     

Saying so, the CEO nodded at her before conferring to the officers at the side.     

While Liz kept watching him. Keren walked to her side and said, "Liz, I don't know the last time I saw him smile like that. Thank you."     

Hearing the usually mischievous Keren speak in a serious voice, Liz looked at her and saw that she was also looking at Will with the pure love of a sibling.     

In response, instead of saying anything, Liz caught her hand and squeezed.     

After the CEO handled the police, the trio headed to the office where Keren departed.     

They still had some work to do, such as finalizing the plans for the new OS.     

Scrapping a developed software was still a huge loss, but they would at least be able to mitigate this by taking time and breaking down everything to find that backdoor.     

Both of them got busy with their duties, with Liz being assigned the work of checking everything for the last time to make sure that Sam didn't have any other plans.     

Liz hadn't slept the entire night before, so she was yawning despite the coffee by 5 PM.     

Noticing this, William insisted that she leave and rest, as they were almost done.     

Although Liz rejected this at first, a large yawn interrupted her during this rejection, making her reluctantly agree.     

William accompanied her to her car, and waved while it made its way to the hotel.     

In the car, Liz was still smiling happily, remembering this awesome day.     

However, while she was doing so, she noticed a note on the seat beside her.     

Who was this from?     

Picking it up, she read it with pleasant surprise, and also a bit of puzzlement.     

"Such a big victory needs to be celebrated. Meet me in the lobby tomorrow at 10 AM.     


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