Melting the Cold CEO's Heart



0The next day.     

After reaching the office, Liz took a deep breath before opening the doors and entering inside.     

According to the agenda, the CEO had continuous meetings in his office today regarding various matters.     

The drive had been quiet, as Rao had sensed that something was wrong and had stayed quiet.     

With a stoic expression, Liz entered the office of the CEO to see that he was sipping coffee while reading the newspaper.     

Although he had clearly heard her enter, he hadn't raised his head to greet her.     

This was also what Liz was happy to see. Although she had decided to remain professional, she had dreaded the moment when she would actually have to see that face again.     

She had been afraid that she would get flashbacks of that incident which might affect her again, but when Liz actually found herself in front of the CEO, she realized that everything between them had already changed.     

It might have been different if she knew the reason behind his reaction, but because she didn't, the hate that had been born yesterday now shielded her and stopped her from reacting in any way that wouldn't be called professional.     

"Good morning, Mr. Will. You have a meeting with the CEO from Kigali first. They will arrive in 15 minutes."     

Saying so and seeing him nod, Liz walked out before sitting on the desk where she had been trained the day before.     

It was the PA's duty to welcome the guests who came to meet the CEO and also to handle sudden changes in schedule that might occur due to delays or other reasons.     

Booting up the computer in front of her, she completely went into work mode.     

The entire day passed uneventfully, with the CEO not even saying a complete sentence to her. Whenever he had had to communicate with her, he had used the least words possible, and Liz had also done the same.     

At around 4:30 PM, the intercom in front of her beeped and she heard the message from the CEO saying that she could leave.     

Bidding him good night, Liz got up and walked to the reception.     

Jenny, who was sitting at the same spot as when Liz had seen her on her first day here, smiled at her and asked, "Done for the day?"     

In the morning, Jenny had only smiled at her very slightly and even now, she spoke in a neutral tone, playing the part of one who did not like Liz but was still talking to her because she was a colleague.     

"Yes. I had a question to ask. Yesterday, a dress was delivered to my house for a dinner that I went to with the CEO. I don't wear such dresses, and I wanted to return it to the company as it would only be wasted with me. Shall I leave it with you? Will you do the needful?"     

Without any reaction, Jenny replied, "Of course. It's one of my responsibilities. The company usually sends such things when they're needed for occasions, and they have to be returned unless it is explicitly stated that they can be kept with you. Maybe there was a mishap with the department that was supposed to add that message; I'll definitely reprimand them. Do you have it with you right now?"     

Hearing this, Liz nodded before saying, "Give me a second."     

Walking out, she reached the car which had driven her to the office and took out a dress bag.     

Taking it to Jenny, she handed it over and said, "Although it looks like a designer dress, it was of poor quality; it tore due to a mishap. Thank you, have a nice day."     

Turning around as if to hide her expression, Liz said these words and headed to the door.     

Meanwhile, Jenny, who had just taken the dress, quickly put it under the desk after making sure that no one was looking.     

The only fear she had had about the plan was that the evidence that was the dress might have been used in some way to find out about her.     

Yet, this dumb woman had actually returned the dress.     

Feeling happy inside at getting away so smoothly, Jenny waited for her work shift to be over before taking the dress bag and heading to her car.     

She had actually had to control herself to act normal in front of Liz so that she wouldn't suspect anything, so she finally let out her emotions now and laughed to herself while heading to a remote location around 30 km away from the headquarters of Happle on the outskirts of the city.     

This was a dilapidated warehouse that looked like it hadn't been operated in a long time. Parking nearby, she made sure that no one had followed her before using a hidden door to enter after authenticating herself using her fingerprint.     

Inside, there was a black clothed man who was looking at various monitors that were all pointed at Happle's headquarters.     

Hearing her enter, he said without turning around, "Good job with the PA. Just make sure you aren't caught, or the boss won't be happy."     

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