Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

0"I—I left for a reason…." Vernon said weakly.      

"And what was the reason?" Chloe asked.     

Vernon glared at Chloe, who acted as if nothing wrong had happened between them. "I know everything, Chloe. You don't need to hide anything from me," Vernon claimed.      

"Hide?" Chloe frowned in response. As much as she remembered, she didn't hide anything from Vernon.      

'Well, except for the abuse that I experienced from his Big brother. But that was something unrelated to his current drunken rambling…' Chloe thought.     

"I don't think I ever hide anything from you," Chloe said lightly.      

Vernon was angry again, 'How could she still lie through her teeth?! How could she not realize how much pain she caused me?!'     

Vernon continued staring at the beautiful eyes and sweet face of the woman he loved, and the heartache returned.      

'Or maybe you don't remember a thing? Maybe all you said about me back then wasn't something worth remembering, because I am not worth anything to you?! Fuck! She's making me mad again!'     

Anger and frustration were mixed and brewed into one in Vernon's head. He wanted to lash out again in front of Chloe. He wanted to tell everything.     

He wanted Chloe to know how that conversation between his late dad and her had become a nightmare that haunted his nights.      


'I don't know… if I can control my rage…' Vernon thought. Despite being drunk, he still cared more about Chloe's well-being than the woman who hurt him badly.      

On top of that, he remembered how his soul crumbled each time he saw Chloe cry. The image of Chloe crying seemed to have seeped deep into his mind, turning it into an instinct.     

An instinct that told him not to make his beloved woman cry, or he would also feel the same or even greater pain by witnessing her tears.     

'The situation is not right. I don't want to be angry and hurt her by accident again…' Vernon thought.      

So he lowered his head, trying to cool off, and stopped talking about the supposed 'secret,' or he might accidentally trigger another fight between them.     

In his head, Chloe simply refused to acknowledge what she said wrong because she either didn't want to be confronted with her past sin or didn't remember anything because he was unimportant in her life.     

And both were just as bad for Vernon's heart.      


Chloe tilted her head in confusion. It seemed that Vernon's drunken rambling had stopped, and he went to his dazed state again.     

'Huh, I guess those are just meaningless stuff you say when you're drunk,' Chloe thought. 'Still, he almost gave me heart attack when he said he knows everything. I think I've never said or did something hurtful to him..'     

She was still annoyed by Vernon, who could easily accuse her of leaving him. But he was drunk, so she assumed everything he said was just slurring that came when you were drunk.      

"Okay, you can release me now, Vernon. I have things to do," Chloe said. "At least let me close the damn front door. It's still wide open now."     

Vernon shook his head and got up from the bed. He stood tall in front of Chloe and stared down at her, "You want to close the front door?"     

"Y—Yes," Chloe replied. Though it was just a reason to avoid spending the night with unpredictable drunken Vernon.     

"Alright," Vernon released her wrist, and Chloe thought she could finally escape.      

"Okay, now lay on your bed and go to sleep—WAHH!" Chloe was shocked when Vernon suddenly kneeled slightly, scooped her up by her thigh with one hand, and carried her on bridal style.     

Chloe was shocked, but even more shocked when Vernon suddenly left his room while carrying her like this.     

"Vernon!" she yelled. "Put me down!"     

Vernon ignored her and walked to the front door.     

He stood silently in front of the door and said, "You said you want to close the front door, right? Now close it with your hands, then we can return to my bedroom."     


'How could he think like this?!' Chloe was perplexed by how Vernon's mind worked.     

He found the weirdest way to keep her by his side, no matter how hard she tried to avoid him when he was drunk.      

'Is he even drunk? He looks and acts like a drunk, but could do stuff like this. Shouldn't he just… flopped on the bed and started drooling or puking like a proper drunk?' Chloe wondered.     

"Go on, close the door," Vernon urged.     

Chloe turned her head towards the door and grabbed the door handle while being carried by Vernon.      

Vernon took a step back, and the door closed before them.      

Chloe locked the door and looked up towards Vernon, who seemed satisfied.      

"Okay, let's go back to our bed," Vernon said.     

Chloe gave Vernon a pissed-off look. She was annoyed that she didn't have any method to avoid him.     

Vernon returned to the bedroom and then gently laid Chloe on the bed. He locked the door before taking his stained suit and shirt off.     

"W—Wait!" Chloe quickly jumped out of bed. "What are you doing?!"     

"Ah? Uhm… uh… taking my shirt off?" Vernon dropped his shirt on the floor, showing his well-proportioned muscle and the hawk tattoo on his chest.     

"W—Well, if you want to change your shirt before going to sleep, then let me leave the room first," Chloe said. She rushed to the front door, but Vernon suddenly leaned at the door before she could reach it, blocking Chloe's only way out with his Big body.      

"We've seen each other naked, why do you need to leave?" Vernon said.      

"B—But that doesn't mean we can do this!" Chloe said. "Besides, you're drunk, Vernon! You don't understand what you're doing right now!"     

"Oh, I know what I'm doing," Vernon replied. He was drunk but still had some part of his consciousness after regaining resistance from that seven-star fantasy stuff.      

"No, you're not!" Chloe yelled. "You were this drunk before, and we—"     

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