My Rich Wife

Eight Deities

Eight Deities

0Brother Song seemed to be starting a ceremony.     

The overwhelming snowflakes gathered in a specific place!     

A gust of strong wind swept over, and the snowflakes immediately covered the line of sight.     

Qin Yu stared coldly at that place. The snowflakes slowly gathered and turned into a huge figure!     

The figure was devouring the coldness. Under the urging of Brother Song, it became bigger and tougher!     

"Lord Deity, kill him!"     

Along with Brother Song's roar, the snowman who was called Deity seemed to have been infused with a strange power!     

The deity suddenly opened its eyes. The eyes were shining with a dark blue light!     

With the strong sense of oppression on his body, people couldn't help but worship it      

Qin Yu was not surprised. He stepped back subconsciously and looked coldly at the deity.     

Each sect would have its own underlying strength to protect the sect.     

This deity was obviously the underlying strength of the Han Palace!     

"Qin Yu, you will surely die today!" Brother Song grinned cruelly.     

Qin Yu cautiously looked at the deity and adjusted his internal qi to the extreme.     

The actions of the deity seemed to be able to affect heaven and earth!     

He merely took a step forward and the snowflakes surrounding him began to charge toward him densely!     

This method had something in common with what Brother had just used, but the power of this deity was even stronger!     

Seeing the snowflakes charging toward him, a golden light burst out from Qin Yu's body!     

Balls of flames quickly merged with the golden light!     

It was the spiritual fire! With the aid of the spiritual fire, he was not afraid of the freezing skill at all!     

The snowflakes mixed with killing power seemed to be blocked outside by the spiritual fire. The cracking sound could be heard continuously, but they were unable to penetrate.     


At this moment, the deity made a move!     

With a casual punch, the snowflakes in the surroundings immediately swarmed over, like bombs smashing at Qin Yu!     

Not only that, the ground beneath his feet began to explode! The ice turned into snow and firmly grabbed his body!     

A punch from the deity smashed down!     

Qin Yu didn't dare to neglect it. He wanted to dodge, but his legs were firmly locked and he couldn't move at all!     


The punch solidly landed on his body!     

The snow in the entire sky covered Qin Yu!     

The extreme coldness extinguished the flames on his body!     

The piercing coldness made him shiver and even his spiritual power seemed to have become stagnant.     

"It's so cold, even colder than the dark energy," Qin Yu murmured in surprise.     

In the distance, the deity was still approaching him.     

Every move of it could make the whole world serve him!     

It was snowing all over the sky, which annoyed Qin Yu tremendously. Not to mention fighting back, even his actions were hindered greatly.     

"I have to grow bigger," muttered Qin Yu.     

He then slightly closed his eyes.     

The glazed golden light seemed to have come from the sky. A ray of light streaked through the sky, and bright lights burst out from his body!     


In almost an instant, his body became extremely huge!     

Although it was still rather small compared to the deity, this body still shocked everyone!     

"It's the cosmic form! He used it the last time!" Zhang Yijiu recognized it.     

Brother Song sneered, "It doesn't matter what kind of technique he uses. He will only die in front of the deity!"     

The snow was getting heavier. In front of Qin Yu, it was only a vast expanse of white.     

Under the control of the deity, all the snowflakes seemed to have been given life to stop Qin Yu from moving.     

Qin Yu looked around and lit up the spiritual fire again.     

Then, he slowly raised his hands and stretched them to both sides of his body.     


The next second, a roar came out of his mouth! He then suddenly folded his hands!     

A scorching heatwave then burst out from his hands!     

The horrifying heatwave rushed out of a road, and wherever it passed, all the snowflakes immediately turned into water!     

"What a terrifying power!" Seeing this, everyone gasped in astonishment!     

With just his hands, he had created a warm path in this extremely cold area. This was simply unheard of!     


At this moment, the deity took action!     

His huge body did not affect his speed. Instead, he was extremely fast!     

Before Qin Yu could react, he was solidly punched in the chest!     

"Clack, clack, clack!"     

Qin Yu's huge body with golden light stepped back several steps consecutively.     

He exclaimed, "How could it be? His speed is... unbelievably fast!"     

Before he could react, another punch suddenly arrived!     

Just like what had happened just now, he was still unable to dodge!     

His huge body was sent flying! His body was also stained with ice.     

"Something is wrong..." Qin Yu frowned.     

That speed was too fast! It could be called the teleportation skill!     

Even the Martial Saint couldn't move at such a speed!     

"Something is wrong!" Qin Yu said in a low voice.     

At this time, the deity threw another punch!     

Jade hurriedly used the Shrinking Ground Into An Inch to retreat, but he was still unable to dodge.     

"Sure enough!" This time, Qin Yu saw its move clearly!     

The deity seemed to have merged with the snow all over the sky. Every time he attacked, he would instantly condense the snowflakes in front of Qin Yu and launch an instant attack!     

No matter how fast he was, he couldn't dodge such an attack!     

Squinting his eyes, Qin Yu took a deep breath and shouted, "Heavy Falling Space!"     

Along with the casting of Heavy Falling Space, the speed of the snowflakes seemed to slow down at this moment!     

Qin Yu immediately shouted angrily and threw a punch casually!     

Although it was just a casual punch, its power surpassed thousands of techniques!     

With the help of the cosmic form, this punch instantly smashed into the enormous head of the deity!     


With a loud sound, the deity formed from the snowflakes collapsed with a loud bang!     

His huge head was smashed into balls of snow!     

"The deity has been defeated!" Zhang Yijiu couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed.     

However, Brother Song was not in a hurry at all. Instead, he sneered, "if the deity is easily defeated, then it can't be called a deity."     

While they were talking, a hurricane suddenly appeared on the scene!     

Within a moment, another deity was built!     

Just as Qin Yu was surprised, a deity appeared around him!     

One, two, three, four...     

In a short while, eight deities had actually appeared in front of Qin Yu!     

"Hahaha!" Seeing this, Brother Song couldn't help laughing.     

"I've told you that as long as it's in the Han Palace, I'm invincible!" Brother Song laughed wildly.     

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