My Rich Wife

The Unfettered Divine Stone

The Unfettered Divine Stone

0The pair of fists looked imposing, and one could even hear the faint sound of a dragon's roar.     

Qin Yu pushed Qin Yu to the side, and then looked coldly at the old immortal.     


The fists landed solidly on Qin Yu's body.     

But in the next second, the old immortal's face flushed red.     

This punch not only failed to hurt Qin Yu but also shattered his fists!     

"How... how could this be!" The old immortal's expression was extremely ugly.     

Qin Yu did not say a word and only released his pressure.     

Under this powerful pressure, the old immortal's entire body trembled, and his legs even kneeled on the ground with a bang!     

This force was like two huge mountains, causing all the bones in his body to creak!     

The old immortal's expression changed drastically! He immediately knew that this young man in front of him was definitely not someone he could provoke!     

"Don't... Don't kill me..." the old immortal said with a panicked expression.     

"It's my fault for not recognizing great talent. You... You let me live, agree to anything you want!     

"I'll give you that treasure right away, please let me go..."     

Seeing this scene, Yu Qin could not help but widen her eyes.     

The "old immortal" who had been showing off in the village was actually begging for mercy in such a humble manner?     

Who exactly was this Qin Yu?     

"Where is the treasure?" Qin Yu asked coldly.     

The old immortal said with some panic, "If I give you the treasure, can I exchange it for my life?"     

"You talk too much nonsense," Qin Yu said coldly.     

The old immortal didn't dare to say anything else. He quickly said, "I'll take you there now. I'll take you there now..."     

Qin Yu withdrew the pressure coming from his body and said coldly, "Let's go."     

The old immortal got up from the ground with difficulty. He endured the intense pain in his body and brought Qin Yu out of the room.     

After going around in circles, they arrived in front of a mountain.     

Then, the old immortal pointed to the ground and said, "I buried the thing here..."     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and suddenly punched the ground.     

The ground and the mountain instantly shook with the punch.     

And a huge pit appeared on the ground.     

In the huge pit, there was a crystal-like stone.     

The stone was sea-blue and gave off wisps of unusual internal qi.     

Qin Yu bent down and took out the stone.     

As he played with the stone, Qin Yu felt extremely comfortable in both his body and mind. Most of all, his train of thought was extremely smooth.     

Even his state of mind seemed to have improved.     

"This is... the Unfettered Divine Stone?" Qin Yu exclaimed.     

It was rumored that the Unfettered Divine Stone was a divine item that could understand the Great Dao! Its effect was even better than the Enlightenment Tea!     

With this item, Qin Yu's time to step into the Martial Saint realm would be rapidly shortened!     

"I didn't expect this small mountain village to have such a sacred item!" Qin Yu was excited!     

"Such a treasure is actually in your hands. What a waste of the god's gift!" Qin Yu glanced at this old baldy and could not help but snort coldly.     

This old baldy did not dare to act rashly. He smiled sheepishly and said, "You are right. I am not worthy of having such a treasure..."     

Qin Yu didn't say anything else. He picked up the Unfettered Divine Stone and then looked at Yu Qin.     

"How did this old fellow bully you?" Qin Yu asked.     

Hearing this, the old baldy subconsciously glared at Yu Qin.     

Yu Qin immediately tensed up and stuttered for a long time, not daring to say a word.     

"Big Brother, I... I know I'm wrong. I promise I won't bully them from now on!" The old baldy quickly said.     

"Please spare my life for the sake of this stone..."     

Qin Yu glanced at him and said coldly, "You have to pay the price for doing something wrong. It's the same for everyone."     

Before he could say anything, Qin Yu slapped him.     

This slap directly smashed his body into pieces, turning it into an exploding cloud of bloody mist!     


Yu Qin's face instantly turned pale with fright, and she unconsciously took two steps back.     

Qin Yu couldn't help but frown.     

Qin Yu, who had long killed countless people, had actually forgotten the existence of Yu Qin beside him.     

"Are you frightened?" Qin Yu asked.     

Yu Qin's eyes widened, and her face was filled with panic.     

She was born in a mountain village, and she had never seen such a scene.     

Seeing this, Qin Yu couldn't help but sigh slightly.     

He walked forward, and a strand of divine sense flew out from between his brows.     

The divine sense entered Yu Qin's mind and directly erased this memory.     

Yu Qin, who had lost this memory, was instantly at a loss.     

She looked around and said in a low voice, "Where is this place?"     

Qin Yu didn't answer but said, "Let's go. It's late. It's time to go back and sleep."     

Yu Qin brought Yu Qin all the way home. As usual, she fetched water for Qin Yu to wash up.     

After she was done, Yu Qin went to rest.     

As for Qin Yu, he sat there and took out the Unfettered Divine Stone.     

He held his divine sense in his hand and slowly played with it. That feeling of smoothness appeared once again.     

With the Unfettered Divine Stone, Qin Yu was much more sensitive to the Great Dao. His state of mind also improved imperceptibly.     

After half a night, Qin Yu finally put away the Unfettered Divine Stone.      

"Although this object can improve my state of mind, it can't be used all the time." Qin Yu couldn't help but frown.     

In just a few hours, the Unfettered Divine Stone lost its effect.     

Fortunately, the Unfettered Divine Stone could recover on its own. Thus Qin Yu wasn't anxious.     

He put away the Unfettered Divine Stone and took out his phone. He then logged on to the Martial Arts Forum.     

At this moment, almost everyone on the Martial Arts Forum was discussing the news of the big spiritual stone mine. Some people even took pictures of the scene there!     

When he saw the news of the big spiritual stone mine, Qin Yu instantly got up abruptly from the ground.     

"Big spiritual stone mine? There's a big spiritual stone mine?" Qin Yu exclaimed in shock.     

"No wonder no Martial Saints have come to look for me lately. They must have gone to this big spiritual stone mine." Qin Yu thought to himself.     

The spiritual stone mine was truly a top-notch resource. Even though Qin Yu was currently in great danger, he was still unable to resist this temptation.     

According to Tianjizi's calculations, this spiritual stone mine would officially open in two days.     

And before this, many aristocratic families had already rushed there.     

"This won't do. No matter what, I have to go and take a look," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Such a temptation was really hard to resist.     

Even if he had to risk his life, Qin Yu didn't want to miss it.     

"There are still two days before it opens. In these two days, I have to think of a way to hide my face," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

It wasn't difficult to hide his face, but it was difficult to hide his internal qi.     

After thinking about it, Qin Yu thought of Luo Jingyu from the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets.     

This person had countless treasures in his hands. He might have a way.     


On the next day.     

After Yu Qin got up, she said excitedly, "Qin Yu, do you want to go with me to pick herbs today? I know a very good place in the mountain forest. The scenery is very beautiful! I have never told anyone about it!"     

Qin Yu glanced at her and said quietly, "I'm leaving."     

Hearing this, Yu Qin's expression instantly froze on her face.     

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