My Rich Wife

Injected with Strengthening Agents Again!

Injected with Strengthening Agents Again!

0This punch was unleashed with a force of a thousand ton as it mercilessly smashed towards the Sea Chicken!     

And at this moment, the Sea Chicken's two fists rapidly reformed, and once again covering itself up to resist Qin Yu's incoming strike.     


In an instant, sparks flew in all directions. The Sea Chicken's feathers were like steel armor protecting its body, but a few were still shattered by that strike!     

Its massive body even stumbled back a few steps into the sea.     

The feathers that had already been shattered pierced into its own body, causing blood to gush forth.     

"This is the blood!" Dr. Chicken immediately shouted with excitement.     

Meanwhile, Qin Yu beckoned to the Sea Chicken, "Come on, continue!"     

However, at this moment, the Sea Chicken was beginning to feel uneasy. There was no longer any murderous intent in its eyes. Instead, it was replaced with traces of fear.     

Without a fully developed divine sense, everything it did was based on instincts.     

At this moment, its massive body was trembling in the water like a frightened puppy.     

Looking at its pathetic state, Qin Yu couldn't help but felt some sympathy. For a moment, he couldn't bear to continue.     

"Why? Are You Afraid?" Qin Yu asked.     

The Sea Chicken said nothing; it was extremely passive at the moment.     

For a moment, Qin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. He never thought that this gigantic and powerful Sea Chicken would be as harmless as a docile little animal at this moment.     

Qin Yu laughed wryly. He pointed at the Sea Chicken's wound and said, "I'll get some blood from you and then let you go; what do you say?"     

The Sea Chicken's divine sense seemed to be at a very low level. It couldn't understand what Qin Yu was saying at all.     

"Get me a few porcelain jars," Qin Yu shouted at Dr. Chicken.     

Dr. Chicken dared not waste any time. He hurried back to the laboratory with his men and took out a few large porcelain jars.     

Qin Yu turned around and took the porcelain jars in his hands. Then, he walked towards the Sea Chicken and where its wound was.     

He followed the fresh blood trail from the wound and collected it with the porcelain jars.     

However, the Sea Chicken, which had an extremely low divine sense, did not understand what Qin Yu was doing.     

The frightened Sea Chicken immediately became irritable, and its body jerked.     

"Don't move!"     

Qin Yu shouted, then raised his hand to grab the Sea Chicken by the arm.     

The Sea Chicken still wanted to struggle, but to its surprise, it could not move at all under Qin Yu's tremendous strength!     

This made the already terrified Sea Chicken even more disheartened!     

It understood that the power contained in this tiny human in front of it was not something it could contend!     

However, this also made the Sea Chicken calm down slowly. It stood motionless in the sea, afraid of angering the human in front of him.     

Qin Yu filled up the few large porcelain jars with fresh blood. Then, he looked at Dr. Chicken and shouted, "Is it enough?"     

Dr. Chicken nodded repeatedly and said, "It's enough, it's enough."     

Only then did Qin Yu stop. He patted the massive head of the Sea Chicken and said, "Alright, you may go. You have to take care the wound yourself."     

The Sea Chicken stood motionlessly in the sea like a statue.     

Qin Yu could see that it had no comprehension of his words, so he left it and turned around to go back to the island.     

"I'll leave the blood to you," Qin Yu said.     

Dr. Chicken took the blood and gave Qin Yu a thumbs up. "I didn't expect this beast to be so obedient."     

Qin Yu smiled. "Everything it does is based on its instinct. Naturally, it was subdued when faced with a greater power."     

"Enough, let's not disturb it, and let it go back where it came from," Qin Yu said with a wave of his hand.     

Dr. Chicken was dancing with excitement. How could he care about this Sea Chicken? He immediately summoned someone to take the jars that were filled with blood back to the laboratory.     

Qin Yu did not fall behind and followed him back to the laboratory.     

It was not until ten minutes after Qin Yu returned to the laboratory that the Sea Chicken rushed into the sea and disappeared without a trace.     

Qin Yu leaned against the window and saw everything clearly.     

He could not help but lower his head to look at his hands and said in a low voice, "The strength of this body... is truly powerful."     

A longing began to form inside of Qin Yu; longing for the strength after recovering his spiritual power.     

Dr. Chicken worked through the night to produce more strengthening agents.     

Fortunately, they had already had experience in production, so the process of developing more strengthening agents did not take too much time.     

The next morning, after Qin Yu woke up, he went to the laboratory.     

Dr. Chicken, who was almost sixty years old, did not sleep all night. However, he did not feel tired at all. Instead, he was extremely excited.     

"How is it?" Qin Yu asked.     

Dr. Chicken pointed to the side and said, "There are already thirty bottles."     

"How many bottles can be developed?" Qin Yu asked.     

Dr. Chicken rubbed his eyes a bit and said, "Roughly about a hundred bottles."     

Then, he grabbed a bottle of strengthening agent and handed it to a professor next to him.     

"Come on, give me a shot!" Dr. Chicken said excitedly.     

Qin Yu's expression changed immediately as he hurriedly said, "Dr. Chicken, your body can't withstand this strengthening agent."     

Dr. Chicken waved off his concern. "This bottle has been diluted a hundred times, it should not be a problem."     

When he heard this, Qin Yu did not try to stop him anymore.     

He looked at the thirty bottles of strengthening agent, and said, "Inject these into my body right now. As for the others, they can wait here a while longer."     

Because of the array flag, Qin Yu could not afford to be delayed any longer.     

Therefore, he had to be injected the strengthening agents as soon as possible, and in a saturated state.     

Dr. Chicken nodded and said, "Of course, no problem."     

Then, Dr. Chicken lay on the bed, as the diluted bottle of strengthening agent was injected into his body.     

After being diluted a hundred times, an ordinary person could indeed endure it.     

He said excitedly, "Great, it's a success!"     

At that moment, Dr. Chicken seemed to have become at least ten years younger.     

"Qin Yu, come, I will inject you now. I want to see how many bottles you can withstand." Doctor Chicken hopped off from the bed.     

Qin Yu did not waste any time and immediately laid down on the bed.     

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