My Rich Wife

The Furious Gu Zizhen

The Furious Gu Zizhen

0The Pavilion Master wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, shook her head, and said, "Nothing."     

Just as Qin Yu opened his mouth and was about to ask again, Zhai Xing turned back again.     

Seeing Zhai Xing, Qin Yu and the Pavilion Master could not help but look a little flustered.     

"Lord Zhai Xing, you..." confusion and nervousness filled the Pavilion Master's eyes.      

Zhai Xing ignored the Pavilion Master. He looked coldly at Qin Yu and said, "Qin Yu, I'll spare your life this time, but not the next time.     

"If I see you in the second mystic realm, I won't show mercy."     

After saying this, Zhai Xing turned around and left.     

After making sure that Zhai Xing did not turn back again, Qin Yu heaved a sigh of relief.     

"Lord Pavilion Master, are you alright?" Qin Yu looked at the Pavilion Master.     

That slap had shattered many of her bones.     

The Pavilion Master shook her head and said, "I'm fine."     

Qin Yu could not help but frown deeply.     

This was the first time he had seen the power of the Martial Saint.     

In front of him, Qin Yu even felt that he had no way of retaliating.     

Such a difference in strength made Qin Yu feel deeply uneasy.     

"Let's go upstairs first," said the Pavilion Master.     

Qin Yu then followed behind the Pavilion Master to return to the Pavilion Master's building.     

Upstairs, the Pavilion Master briefly treated her wounds before returning to the tea-table.     

"What has exactly happened?" Old Mister Yan could not help but ask.     

The Pavilion Master told Old Mister Yan about what had happened.     

"Martial Saint?" Old Mister Yan's expression turned somewhat ugly when he heard that a Martial Saint had appeared     

"Yes, but you don't have to worry. He has already left. I think he won't be coming back for a while," said the Pavilion Master.     

Old Mister Yan could not help but feel a little lost.     

He muttered in a low voice, "I didn't expect the world to change so quickly."     

"That's right," the Pavilion Master nodded slightly.     

A year ago, the peak of the Great Grandmaster Realm could still dominate the world.     

However, in just a short year, even a Martial Saint had appeared.     

All of this was because of Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu was like a catalyst in the martial world. His appearance had caused many experts to appear.     

And those who had stopped moving were completely crushed by the wheels of the era.     

"Old Mister Yan, what exactly do you mean by the Yan family's mystic realm?" asked Qin Yu.     

Old Mister Yan said in a deep voice, "Your father once told me that the Yan family has a dormant bloodline, and this bloodline will reappear in my descendants.     

"That person is Yan Ruoxue, and this bloodline is passed down in the Yan family's mystic realm."     

Qin Yu could not help but widen his eyes.     

"Old Mister Yan, I remember that you started from scratch, right? And the Yan family only began to flourish in your generation, right?" Qin Yu said in surprise.     

Old Mister Yan nodded slightly and said, "That's true. At least my ancestors were all ordinary people."     

"Your father said that the mystic realm of the Yan family is an extremely powerful family, but in my opinion, this may not be true.     

"If the existence of the Yan family's mystic realm is true, why wasn't the Jingdu Martial Arts Association aware? Why did Ruoxue suffer so much and yet their people had never appeared?"     

The Pavilion Master at the side said, "Unless the mystic realm of the Yan family is an existence above the Jingdu Martial Arts Association."     

Old Mister Yan said with a bitter smile, "Then I'm afraid it won't be called a mystic realm."     

"That's true," the Pavilion Master seemed to feel that it made sense.     

Why would such a powerful family rely on the current world to build a small world?     

"These are too far away from me," Qin Yu shook his head.     

In some circles, as long as one's strength was not enough, there was no chance to even touch them.     

As one could not touch them, those circles did not exist in the eyes of many people.     

"Qin Yu, you have to be careful," the Pavilion Master reminded him.     

"Since the Jingdu Martial Arts Association has sent Zhai Xing, it is very likely that they will send another Martial Saint to kill you."     

Qin Yu stood up from his chair and said, "I should also prepare for my next move."     

If he wanted to avoid the pursuit of the Martial Saint, Qin Yu had to excavate the mystic realm near the Spiritual Spring as soon as possible!     

The spiritual energy that leaked out from that mystic realm was enough to allow a large sect to last for a long time. The spiritual energy in the mystic realm would be even more terrifying.     

"It might not be realistic to become the Martial Saint within a short time, but it shouldn't be a big problem to become a half-step Martial Saint," Qin Yu said in a low voice.     

He still had many treasures in his hands. It was only a matter of time before he entered the half-step Martial Saint realm.     

"We'll talk about it after the New Year," Old Mister Yan said.     

Qin Yu shook his head and said, "Old Mister Yan, I don't have that much time left. I'll set off now."     

"You're in such a hurry?" the Pavilion Master exclaimed in surprise.     

Qin Yu said, "If I stay here, it will only invite disaster."     

After bidding goodbye to the two of them, Qin Yu left in a hurry.     

After Qin Yu left, the Pavilion Master and Old Mister Yan couldn't help but sigh.     

"Speaking of which, it's really hard on this child..." Old Mister Yan said in a low voice.     

The Pavilion Master didn't say anything. She seemed to be thinking about how she could help Qin Yu.     


In the second mystic realm.     

Zhai Xing stood in front of Gu Zizhen without saying a word.     

"What's wrong with you?! Why didn't you kill him?!" Gu Zizhen said furiously.     

Zhai Xing still did not say a word. He just stood there and let Gu Zizhen scold him.     

Gu Xinghe was rather excited. He rubbed his hands and said, "In that case, let me do it. Dad, don't worry. I promise to bring Qin Yu back to you!"     

Gu Zizhen ignored him. He stared at Zhai Xing and said, "Zhai Xing, you and I have been brothers for many years. You should at least give me an explanation or a reason."     

Zhai Xing was silent for a moment. Then he said, "I don't know how to tell you, but I can't kill him outside the mystic realm. Otherwise, I'll definitely cause the wrath of the Guardian.     

"I promise you that by that time, I won't be the only one who will be implicated. The entire second mystic realm will be implicated."     

Gu Zizhen sneered, "Zhai Xing, I'm afraid this is just your excuse, right?"     

"Killing Qin Yu will bring disaster to us? And you want to vent your anger on the entire second secret realm? Do you think the Guardian is a child?     

"If you're afraid of death, just say it."     

Zhai Xing suddenly raised his head.     

He took a deep breath and said coldly, "If I was afraid of death, I wouldn't agree to it."     

"Then why didn't you kill him!" Gu Zizhen slammed the table and stood up!     

Zhai Xing narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Well, since you keep asking, I'll tell you. Let's talk in private!"     

After saying this, Zhai Xing turned around and walked out.     

Gu Zizhen snorted and said, "I'd like to see what has made you return empty-handed!"     

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