The Romantic Soldier King



0Tonight, the number of customers in the bar had increased a bit compared to a few days ago. Ye Cheng held onto his wine cup, and his gaze swept across three of the tables one by one, as a faint smile appeared on his face. He noticed that the guests at the three tables were all staring at him from time to time with extremely obscure gazes.    


One of the tables was equipped with lousy following skills, he didn't even need to guess to know that they were Black Tiger Gang's hooligans. The two people at the other table lowered their heads and whispered. Although Ye Cheng could not hear what they were saying, but from the way they mouthed it, it was easy to tell that the two of them were not Chinese.    


The three men at the third table were all dressed in very fashionable and handsome attire. They drank wine and chatted casually, laughing and laughing non-stop. They were no different from ordinary customers who came to drink at the bar. The three of them took turns to pretend that they inadvertently swept their eyes over Ye Cheng's seat. This small flaw was unable to escape Ye Cheng's extremely strong perception.    


An assassin who could disguise himself to such an extent was most likely an assassin who was good at disguising himself as a different kind of character. Besides the hematite, who else could the killer who had a grudge with Ye Cheng be?    


"Black Tiger Gang, hematite, and Inagawa-kai are all here. Interesting!" Ye Cheng finished all the wine in his cup in one gulp, as he pondered about how he could trigger the battle between the hematite and himself. As for Black Tiger Gang's lackeys, they were immediately ignored by him.    


Although Shiman was not happy with Ye Cheng, he was responsible for working extremely diligently. He interviewed everyone at the Yating Bar in detail, and all he needed to do was go back and edit them a little, and they would be able to broadcast normally.    


After the interview, Shiman came over to say goodbye to Qin Li. Because during the meal, Ye Cheng had evaded the topic of eating the Donkey Whip for a while, and was still angry in his heart, he simply ignored him.    


Ye Cheng would never lower himself to the same level as a beauty. After was rejected, he would politely send her and Master Wu out of the bar.    


When Ye Cheng got up and walked out of the booth towards the entrance, the three killers from hematite looked at each other. Two of them helped another man who pretended to be drunk and walked out of the bar with a normal pace.    


stopped in front of the carriage and bid his farewells to Qin Li. Qin's lawyer, remember to contact me when you have time.    


"Of course. Seeing how well you're doing on TV, your culinary skills should be quite good." Qin Li and Shiman got along well at first sight, and were very willing to be friends with her.    


Ye Cheng's ears moved, and messy but not messy footsteps came from behind him. It was obvious that three people were approaching.    


"Don't... Don't hold on to me, I don't... "I'm not drunk, my bro, San'er, is going to trade with you ?" "Let's go somewhere else to drink!" The fake drunk killer stuttered, randomly pushed the two people beside him who were supporting him away, and stumbled towards Ye Cheng's back.    


His blurry eyes suddenly turned cold, and a shining blue dagger appeared in his hand as he pushed forward. A discerning eye could tell that the dagger was poisoned with poison at a glance. Immediately after, he leaped forward as if he was sprinting a hundred meters, his dagger stabbing mercilessly towards the center of Ye Cheng's back.    


With such a sudden turn of events, even a prepared person might not be able to dodge such a vicious sneak attack. Seeing that he could succeed in the next second, the killer was overjoyed. All of a sudden, he realized that his target had unwittingly taken half a step to the side, and his dagger pierced through empty air.    


Without waiting for the hitman to stop his charge, Ye Cheng extended his hand and grabbed his wrist. In a split-second, he kicked his left foot to the side, using his force to kick the hitman's right knee heavily.    


With a 'kacha' sound, the man's kneecap was shattered. The assassin screamed like a pig being butchered, and his dagger fell to the ground.    


This scene happened too fast for Shiman, Qin Li and Master Wu to understand what was happening. They were shocked when they saw a person scream and fall to the ground.    


Just as the first assassin was knocked down, the other two killers brandished their daggers and rushed to Ye Cheng's back. The Assassin in a flowery shirt thrusted towards the back of Ye Cheng's head, the killer in the brown t-shirt thrusted towards Ye Cheng's right rib.    


Ye Cheng quickly dodged to the left. At the same time, he lowered his head to avoid the flower shirt killer's fatal strike, and his right arm also fell down to the ground, tightly grabbing onto the killer's arm.    


Ye Cheng extended both of his hands and grabbed the arm under his arm, twisting it around like a towel. He then looked at the assassin's arm turning into a fried dough twist and screaming in pain.    


In the blink of an eye, he had already pounced in front of Shiman. The dagger was raised to her throat and she shouted coldly: Don't move, I'll kill you if you move even a little.    


Shiman had never felt someone holding a blade to her neck, she was immediately scared pale.    


"Let her go!" No matter how fast Ye Cheng was, it was impossible for him to have two extra hands to fight the two assassins at the same time. He raised his elbow and heavily hit the face of the soy t-shirt killer. The impact blossomed all over the killer's face as he fell to the ground.    


"Get back, or I'll kill her immediately!" The assassin wouldn't let Shiman go just because she was beautiful, so the dagger was pressed tightly against her neck as he shouted coldly.    


"If you dare to hurt a single hair on her head, I'll make you wish you were dead!" Ye Cheng glared at the killer as he pulled Qin Li's arm and slowly retreated.    


"Ridiculous! I have a hostage and you still dare to be arrogant? Do you believe that I will immediately kill her?" The Flower Shirt Assassin watched Ye Cheng's every move. If he noticed anything abnormal, he would ruthlessly destroy the flower without hesitation. Even if he couldn't escape, he would still drag Ye Cheng down with him.    


The fight at the door immediately alarmed the people in the bar, and those who were braver rushed out, including a few security guards, Black Tiger Gang thugs and the two islanders s.    


Ye Cheng realized that the Flower Shirt Assassin was extremely vigilant and knew how to protect himself. The vitals of his body were all hiding behind Shiman and it was not possible for him to kill him with a single strike from the throwing knife. On the contrary, it would endanger Shiman's safety. He raised his voice and sneered: "If I'm not mistaken, you are all assassins of the hematite, are you not afraid of killing the hostages?"    


Hearing his words, the two islanders s paid special attention to the man who kidnapped Shiman.    


"If we want to escape, can you stop us?" The Flower Shirt Assassin did not admit to his identity, but he also did not deny it. He held onto Shiman and slowly retreated towards the direction of the door of the interviewer carriage. You better not move, or else I won't show any mercy. "    


"Assassins are ruthless indeed. Your two companions don't plan to save them?" Ye Cheng tried to distract the Flower Shirt Assassin's attention and look for an opportunity to save Shiman.    


Seeing that he did not notice the two assassins who were struggling to move forward, and wanted to escape, the flower shirt killer slowly retreated to the side of the car door. He raised his hand and knocked Shiman unconscious, then opened the car door and quickly stuffed the unconscious Shiman into the car.    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng rushed over with his fastest speed. When he got to the car, the car started up and he jumped into the trunk.    


The Flower Shirt Assassin skillfully maneuvered the car and swung its tail, causing it to bounce back and forth onto the road. Ye Cheng opened his arms and firmly held onto the edge of the rear window to prevent himself from being flung out.    


"Do you really think you're making a movie? You're courting death!" The Flower Shirt killer laughed sinisterly and stepped on the throttle of the car, causing it to fly at high speeds through the traffic. From time to time, he would change his attitude and try to shake Ye Cheng off. Along the way, the cars slowed down, afraid that they would be hit by this crazy car.    


As the car was travelling too fast, Ye Cheng heard the wind whistling past his ears, and the clothes on his body fluttered. He could only hold on tightly to the edge of the rear window, unable to make any other movements. Even if he were to slightly loosen his grip, he might be thrown away. I don't believe that you will continue to drive like this without stopping! "    


After the car drove for a few dozen meters, two cars caught up. One of the van was driven by a lackey from Black Tiger Gang, and the other was from islanders.    


Hearing that the security guard said that Ye Cheng had jumped onto a car to save Shiman, Wu Jingyi immediately shouted out: "Shen San, Zhan Peng, quickly come with me to save my brother! Right, which one of you has a car? "    


The three of them were a bit discouraged. None of them had a car. Could it be that they were going to chase after them on Road 11? He would never be able to catch up even if he was exhausted to death.    


Qin Li shouted in panic: "I have a car!"    


"Big sister, you're really my blood sister. When I save my brother, I'll definitely thank you heavily." Wu Jingyi wanted to hug Qin Li and kiss him a few times.    


"No need to thank me, save Ye Cheng first!" Qin Li hastily took out the key from his bag and tossed it over to Wu Jingyi.    


Without waiting for the key to land in Wu Jingyi's hands, Zhou Zhanpeng reached out and took it. "Let's go, I'll drive!"    


The three of them quickly ran and jumped into Qin Li's car, then chased after him.    


"Zhan Peng, go faster, go faster!" Wu Jingyi who was seated on the first passenger seat looked forward anxiously, but he could not see the slightest trace of Ye Cheng jumping onto the interviewing cart, his heart was like an ant on a hot pan, urging Zhou Zhanpeng to drive faster. If it wasn't for the fact that his driving skills were lacking, he would have taken control of the car and driven by himself.    


"My speed is already very fast!" Zhou Zhanpeng was also very worried, although he had not known Ye Cheng for long, he felt that Ye Cheng was a good person, and had a good reputation amongst the employees at the bar. He had also heard of Ye Cheng's glorious achievements of jumping down from the second floor and punching and kicking one person to deal with twenty odd delinquents, but he did not see it with his own eyes and felt that he was exaggerating.    


"If this goes on, no one will be able to catch up. I don't even know which road the interview car took." Wu Jingyi's heart was burning with anxiety, and even his forehead was sweating profusely.    


The Flower Shirt Assassin was simply a perverted person, his speed did not slow down at all, even if he met a red light, he would still charge straight at them. There were several times where he almost crashed into cars that drove right or left, causing chaos along the road, which gave Zhou Zhanpeng a direction to follow.    


Some police cars on duty also joined in the chase after seeing this.    


The Flower Shirt Assassin was very familiar with the terrain of the Eastsea City. He would rush through the streets and alleys, easily escaping from the chasing police cars as he headed towards the suburbs.    



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