The Romantic Soldier King



0"This is?"    


Team Leader Chen immediately recognized the tattoo on the butler's body. He went forward to grab hold of the butler, and with two kacha sounds, he handcuffed him. So this is where you were hiding. Wang Dazhi, escort him back to the police station. "    


The butler tried to struggle free and escape, but unfortunately, Ye Cheng was behind him looking around. With three guns pointed at him, he looked left and right before smashing towards the wall.    


"It won't be that easy to die." Team Leader Chen bellowed, he raised his leg and kicked him to the ground, then leaped down, his knee struck the butler's chest and he fainted on the spot. It's been a long time since I've used this move so I'm a little unfamiliar with it.    


After taking care of the butler, Team Leader Chen once again turned to Han Feng. Young Master Han should know that the butler is a criminal that our police have been investigating for many years! "    


"I don't know, I don't have the hobby of peeping on other people's bodies." As the butler was being led away, Han Feng calmed down and thought back to what happened just now. Subconsciously, he looked at Ye Cheng. Team Leader Chen played a good hand, from the beginning to the end there were no ghosts, did you do this just to make me tell you the truth that my father is dead? young master Ye! "    


After exposing Officer Ye's identity, Han Feng now walked in front of Ye Cheng brazenly. His initial fear was now only ridicule. I almost fell for your cop's trick. "    


"Didn't I almost fall for his trick?" Ye Cheng wiped off the blood on his face and placed it in his mouth, licking it. This taste was a little strange, it didn't look like tomato sauce, but instead like paint, but the smell was quite similar to the blood. Team Leader Chen, since Young Master Han has already admitted the fact that Master Han is dead, then we just need to cooperate with Young Master Han to hand over the ransom and bring the corpse back immediately. "    


"OK, I'll contact my colleague from the listening department right now."    


Han Feng blocked Team Leader Chen, so he did not dare take the risk. I don't know where my father's body is, but I know who killed him. "    


Ye Cheng and Team Leader Chen looked at each other but did not say a word.    


That day, I went to Xing Yue to find my father to discuss about the East China Sea Star Moon's successor. Who knew that when I entered the office, my father would already be lying in a pool of blood. I switched the monitor and the last person to leave the office was the butler.    


"Since you know that the killer is the steward, why didn't you call the police? I think he's rather protective of you."    


"That afternoon, Xingyue had an important meeting, and my father had to attend, but he was already dead by then, I thought of online videos and got away with it, so I didn't know that the butler would find me, and even threatened me, and for Xingyue's sake, I endured it. I planned to capture him after the investment in transformation ended, but I didn't expect him to fall into your hands so soon."    


"Where's the body?"    


Han Feng shook his head! When I returned from the meeting in the afternoon, I found my father's body missing. I found the butler to interrogate me, but he blackmailed me instead. If you hadn't pushed me so hard, I would have brought my father's body back by now. "    


"In that case, Master Han's corpse is still missing!" "Team Leader Chen further confirmed his suspicions. After seeing Han Feng nod his head affirmatively, he stroked his chin. "Young Master Han doesn't need to worry, since we already have the butler, it's only a matter of time before he opens his mouth."    


"Hehe, with Team Leader Chen's words, I can rest at ease. However, hearing you say this, you don't seem like a police officer, but a gangster."    


"When you were young, who wasn't? Didn't Young Master Han and Young Master Song family come from the same sect? " The Team Leader Chen wiped off the wall and a layer of white ash stuck onto his finger. This kind of master is no good! "    


Han Feng laughed so awkwardly that he caught Ye Cheng's attention when he was in a hurry.    


"Standing in front of that wall, he pressed both hands against the white wall. With a snap of his fingers, a lot of white ash was peeled off, revealing the cement within." I think I already found Master Han's corpse. "    


"What are you doing?"    


"Didn't Young Master Han want to find the body of the Master Han? No need to go through so much trouble, Wang Dazhi brought a hammer over. " Ye Cheng smiled at Han Feng. It's no wonder that he locked this empty room. If it wasn't for the fact that he came down once, it would be really hard to think of this. It's all thanks to Young Master Han. "    


Wang Dazhi took out a hammer and smashed it against the wall.    


Ye Cheng stared at Han Feng's face which was growing more and more stiff. He crossed his arms and asked the Team Leader Chen beside him. This butler has a past record. Say, why did he take the risk to kill Master Han? From what I know, he is the person that Master Han trusts the most.    


Team Leader Chen nodded in agreement. That's right! The Han family is not an ordinary person, why would the servants not investigate the background? The steward must have a motive if he wanted to kill the Master Han, don't you think it's Young Master Han? "    


The house was filled with hammering sounds, the hammering on the wall was also striking at Han Feng's heart.    


With a hollow sound, a large part of the wall fell.    


Wang Dazhi was dumbfounded!    


Han Feng was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He uncontrollably took two steps forward, one hand clenching into a fist while the other hand reaching into his inside pocket.    


Team Leader Chen dared say that there was a gun hidden inside his inside pocket, and it was not a small one at all.    


Ye Cheng took a step forward and pushed Wang Dazhi away before he continued to smash against the wall. A bigger hole appeared, the sealed air had a faint smell of blood, the limestone wall was stained with suspicious substances, but where was the corpse?    


The difference between hope and disappointment was only a single word, but the difference was like heaven and earth.    


Ye Cheng was completely confident that he would be struck dumb by the hole. He was 100% sure that Han Hu's corpse was in this room, so he unwillingly swung the hammer and destroyed three walls of the room, smashing the room into pieces. However, he did not find Han Hu's corpse either.    




Ye Cheng dropped the hammer, pushed everyone aside and rushed out of the basement.    


At the moment, Han Feng was just like a person walking on the border of death. No one knew better than him that there was a corpse here, even if they found it, they would push me onto the body of the butler, but where is the corpse?    


The reason why Han Feng was so shocked was far from something Team Leader Chen could understand. After a few minutes of hesitation, he started to attack the people in front of him.    


Team Leader Chen patted Wang Dazhi's shoulders. He calmly took out the suspicious substance from the concrete wall and carried it with a tissue. Facing Han Feng's rebuke, he only said a few good words before leaving with his own people.    


This farce ended when the engine made a noise outside the door. Only then did Han Feng feel like he had been saved from exhaustion.    


He sat down on the sofa in a dejected manner, and with his hands full of face, only Han Feng remained in the huge villa, leaving behind one person. Sparse memories invaded his brain, and with the thought of the possessed Ye Cheng, he shuddered for a moment, as if he was truly frightened, and just like the image he saw that night. Han Feng shook his head, tossed away his memories from his mind, poured himself a full cup of wine to quell his shock before returning to the basement once more.    


Han Feng touched the broken wall, he and Chu Murong had personally buried Han Hu inside, how could his corpse disappear without leaving behind a trace? When his fingers touched the lime, the wetness and sticky feeling made him nauseous.    


After peeling the suspicious thing that was stuck to the cement, Han Feng left the villa and found a friend to examine. He had to know the results before the Team Leader Chen, in order to have a complete plan.    


While waiting, Han Feng dialed Chu Murong's number. The first one didn't answer, the second one rang a few times, then hung up. When he reached the third one, the other party had already shut down.    


Han Feng angrily smashed his phone onto the ground, she then thought that there was something wrong and picked it up to place it back, although the screen was already broken, it did not affect its usage.    


The analysis process was complicated, and would take at least a few more hours to come to fruition. Han Feng drove to Celestial Dynasty, where this place was already sealed, and the entire building was shrouded in darkness, resonating with the ghost house in front of him.    


Facing the pitch black building, Han Feng suddenly felt a sense of loss, as if he could only rely on Wei Dong right now. Someone beside him could help, but the only person he could rely on was so unreliable.    


His phone rang, causing Han Feng to jump in shock. Chu Murong sent a message with the address on it, he then drove there.    


Wei Dong sat in the study room by himself and closed his eyes to listen to Beethoven's symphony. He spent a lot of money and walked a lot of detours, but still managed to gather some information from the inside of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. After Zhang Jianmin entered, he only saw three people: Jiang Dazhuang, An Ningxuan and a female lawyer from Jiang Dazhuang's office.    


Jiang Dazhuang's actions were very clear, he did not want to get involved with this case, he was afraid of offending people, and also afraid of provoking disaster!    


An Ningxuan had expected that if she wanted to leave Independent Commission Against Corruption and turn into a dirty witness for the police, she would do it for the best. It was a pity that this woman had a lot of troubles herself, with the An family and the Ouyang family backing her up, she did not have much time left in Hong Kong Island, so it was not really worth it.    



As for the other person, his fame currently didn't belong to Jiang Dazhuang, but he was still a newcomer, so he wasn't strong enough to pose a threat to her. Even if he created a storm, it would just be a wave.    


After Chu Murong knocked on the door, he entered from outside and whispered a few words into Wei Dong's ears, then walked out.    


Wei Dong raised his eyebrows, he turned off the audio and turned on the TV, and the news was spreading an interesting piece of news. A police agent had found a suspicious substance in a private villa, and was suspected to be the bodily fluids of Han Hu, Xing Yue's family member.    


In other words, he did not even find the body. Wei Dong caressed his chin and went to look for Chu Murong. Knowing that Han Feng was rushing over here, he laughed heartily.    


"Corpse? Where are they now?"    


"I don't know. If it's not in the basement of Han family's villa, then I really wouldn't know."    


Unless someone walked out from a dead body, it would be easy to tell that someone had something up their sleeve.    


Wei Dong raised his eyes and stared at Chu Murong. He tilted his head and said coldly: "There are only two of us left out of the seven, that old thing is constantly creating new humans to replace us, but we are still the strongest."    


"Waiting for your command at any time. Those people are under surveillance. Poison Scorpion, she ?"    


"Wei Dong lifted his hand, as he organized his thoughts on Chu Murong. There is no one in this world who can replace the position of the Seventh Son. Once we find the Old Monster, he must die. "    




"Han Yi's corpse is still in the morgue. The people from Han family are not willing to collect it, so you should go and collect it for me. It's too pitiful for her to be alone there."    


Chu Murong lowered his eyes, making it hard for others to tell what he was thinking. Outside the door, the sound of brakes could be heard, interrupting the conversation between the two, he only replied with a response, and then walked out.    


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