The Romantic Soldier King



0Following police chief Ma back to the police station, it was already 9 in the evening. The meal did not last long, at most it lasted for three-quarters of an hour, and less than an hour had passed, but looking at police chief Ma's constipated face, Ye Cheng had an idea.    


His wife was a middle school teacher, and he had three holidays a year, which allowed him to take care of his family. The two of them added up together could be considered to have decent income, and at least had decent benefits and a very ordinary background.    


At this age, police chief Ma no longer had any heart to soar into the heavens, as long as he could safely make it to his retirement and take his pension to take care of his health care. Of course, who would have thought, just as this thought was gradually maturing and becoming more stable, such a worry would suddenly appear, causing his heart to be in turmoil.    


When night came, the sentencing center would always be bustling with activity, the thieves were pointed out, the fights and troubles were coming one after another, they did not want to face the trivial matters at home. police chief Ma entered the office through the lobby, he had to think about this troublesome matter tonight.    


It was after nine o'clock when a shout suddenly came from outside, making police chief Ma, who was in a deep slumber, jump up. police chief Ma rubbed his eyes, put on his uniform and ran out.    


police chief Ma did not want to cause any trouble at this critical moment, which would affect his superiors' investigation of him. After going up to the next level, the salary would also increase, and the various welfare policies would also increase by a lot, so he would definitely not miss this chance to be promoted.    


"What's all this noise? Where is this place?" Before the police chief Ma appeared, he shouted from the inside, causing the entire hall to fall silent.    


When the police officer who handled the case saw police chief Ma, he gave a general overview of the situation. It turned out that the case that was handed over from the traffic police the day before yesterday was already written on the case file. It even went to the police station and turned into a civil case.    


police chief Ma glanced at the left side of the stomach that was rather gentle, sitting on a stool, his stomach was almost hanging on his thighs, his face did not have any meat, and his calves were also very thin. "Are you the one reporting the case?"    


"I've told you guys a few times already, but he was extorted. Does the police care?" He had a very big stomach, he stared at the staff member behind police chief Ma and bellowed.    


"Yes!" But you said you were blackmailed until you had evidence, didn't you? "Who, what time, what did you do, you have to make it clear to our officers that there's no way to solve the problem by making a big fuss here." The police chief Ma explained everything to her belly with a flat tone, making her feel depressed.    


"F * ck!" "Who the hell are you talking to me about? Do you know who I am?"    


police chief Ma cried out in joy. The person he hated the most used this kind of words to scam others did not have any good impression of him to begin with. Now, he only hated him. "Your surname is Bai, and your name is Qi Huayun. I said, what's your name, why does it sound so weird, a Chinese should have some Japanese name, tsk tsk tsk, you sure were lucky not to get beaten to death."    


The policemen at the side burst out in laughter. Only the police chief Ma could be so insulting and not have any vulgarities.    


"You, you!" "Pointing at police chief Ma with his big belly, his face turned green with anger. "What's your name?"    


"Everyone calls me police chief Ma. Mister, this is the police station, if you are here to report, then please do it here, if you have something to say, everyone here is given equal treatment, alright!"    


police chief Ma pointed to the table at the side, telling his subordinates to bring it over, he did not want to cause any trouble, these kind of people would talk endlessly, and hurt his body!    


Bai Qi Hua Yun snorted coldly. He waved his hand and walked in front of police chief Ma saying, "police chief Ma, right? I am in charge of telling you that you can stop coming to work tomorrow."    




This guy was overpowered!    


"Sir, if you keep making trouble like this, we can only detain you as a hindrance to public service."    


The moment police chief Ma opened his mouth, two policemen pressed Bai Qi Hua Yun on the table. "Damn, I will definitely make you regret this."    


police chief Ma sighed and shook his head, telling his underlings to pour the people in, and then inform his family. Against this kind of puny brat, he had no power, and couldn't do things right or wrong, so he still needed his family to teach him this.    


At ten o'clock, he came out of the police station with his bag, but before he could step out of the door, he was pushed against the wall by two uniformed men. police chief Ma shouted in anger, and when he saw the other party reveal his ID, he raised his eyebrows.    


Sitting in the office, police chief Ma had a gloomy expression. Facing the officer in front of him, he did not say anything.    


Assistant Officer Zhang always had a poker face as he handled the things in his hands meticulously. The two soldiers beside him also seemed to have been carved out of the same mold, not smiling at all.    


After seeing Bai Qi Hua Yun's case, Assistant Officer Zhang took police chief Ma to the side. The entire case was extremely simple, after the accident, both sides chose to settle the matter privately, the insurance company took responsibility for all the compensation, and this matter was already over. Of course, the other side took out their name card and came to the door, saying that the insurance company's payment was unreasonable, so the two sides had a disagreement.    


He couldn't get any compensation, and he also needed to be blackmailed. This matter was not nice to talk about, and it was all because of him. Bai Qi and Hua Yun didn't bear the consequences of the previous accident, and this case was still Bai Qi's fault.    


Assistant Officer Zhang recommended to police chief Ma to abolish the crime of obstructing public service, and that if Bai Qi Hua Yun fell into trouble, it would not be good for anyone, and children would not do things as they please. However, it was not like they would be detained so heavily, so everyone should take a step back so that they could meet again in the future.    


police chief Ma chuckled twice. The military cannot interfere in places, Assistant Officer Zhang doing so is clearly against the rules. "    


Assistant Officer Zhang responded, there wasn't much to say, and after a moment of silence he said: "I will pass your words to the young general, Bai Qi Hua Yun will be temporarily under police chief Ma's care, and not a single hair less will do."    


This was a blatant threat, the police chief Ma's brain was twitching, if she said that it was okay now, wouldn't that mean she had no future at all and lost her face?    


Just as police chief Ma was in a dilemma, the director rushed in from outside. After seeing Assistant Officer Zhang, he immediately shouted at police chief Ma, and kicked him out of the office.    


After getting scolded for no reason, it was Bai Qihua Yun who was released from the inside and personally sent by the supervisor to the front gate. He apologized and got on the car. After taking a mouthful of air, he started cursing again.    


The Superintendent pointed to police chief Ma. He had nothing else to say.    


"Old Supervisor, if you want to curse, then curse. Don't hold it in. If you anger your body, then I can't afford it."    


"You can't afford it, you almost sold yourself off, yet you can't afford it!" The old director held his hands behind his back. He rushed to his office in anger, closed the door, and pointed at the police chief Ma as he scolded.    


"If worst comes to worst, I'll just take the blame. How about I drag you into it?"    


"Can you bear it? If you had the ability to do so, would you still be staying in this little place? " It was not that the Superintendent despised the police chief Ma. After working together for so many years, he had been treated with the care and care of his own child. It was an extraordinary period now, and he could not afford to provoke any trouble! Bai Qi Mao Ming will definitely not let you off so easily. We'll have to find someone else to deal with this. "    


When he saw police chief Ma's indifferent face, the chief became so angry that he almost jumped out of his skin. You, you, who is the kind of person who doesn't know how to provoke this trash. "    


At most, I will help him settle that matter, and find his master to settle this matter. It's not really a big deal, it's just a compensation case, and I don't know if he's from Baiqi family.    


Pa, a palm struck towards police chief Ma's head, the officer shouted in exasperation: "Do you know what you are saying? You want to go back to the rest of your life? "No, I will think of a way to do this."    


"Chief, you also said that it's illegal to break the law, this is Bai Qi Hua Yun's fault, do you want me to capture the innocent? Then I am willing to help Ouyang family deal with those three villains. "    


The director narrowed his eyes. There was only half a year before his honorable retirement. If this matter was done well, he might be able to bring back some awards and enjoy the benefits of being an official. However, if he did not manage it well, his second half of life would not be peaceful.    


"In any case, tomorrow you will go to the victim and investigate the case, and then we will talk about it." The director felt that the most important thing to do now was to let Bai Qi Hua Yun calm down, then things would be easier. He would first pacify her before thinking of a way to deal with it!    


The old man's words had to be heeded. police chief Ma found the victim's residence using the address on the second day, and continued to stay there. This Lin Xi fellow's family was also quite wealthy.    


Although the North District did not have as much financial resources as other places, it was a self-sufficient place. The government of the North District's economic activities had also been successful in the recent years. The difference between the rich and the poor were extremely great, and this residence called Lin Xi was a high-end residential area that had just opened.    


The building that he had just bought was still being renovated and there were not many residents. However, the security guards were still very respectful and only allowed police chief Ma to enter after checking their identity.    


Ye Cheng was wearing an apron as he bustled around the kitchen. As a welcome gift, he had prepared to cook personally, he never thought that there would be a visitor this early.    


Sang Huihui stared at the police chief Ma in uniform, her beautiful eyes blinking.    


"Uh, I'm looking for Mister Lin Xi." police chief Ma felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by Sang Huihui, he coughed and said: "It's related to the compensation case for the accident."    



"He's not here, but you can talk to his big brother. The car belongs to his big brother." Sang Huihui let police chief Ma in, and after closing the door, he walked towards the kitchen.    


The house was still freshly renovated, the windows were wide open, and the air was still faintly scented.    


After bringing the tea out, Sang Huihui sat opposite to the police chief Ma. I heard from Lin Xi that the other party didn't seem to want to bear the responsibility of compensation, and had even falsely accused us. This matter, we have already submitted it to the lawyers to settle. It's just a civil compensation case, so it shouldn't be so serious. "    


"It's not a big case. It's just that the person reporting the case claimed that Mr. Lin had harmed his reputation, as well as suspected violence. This isn't any ordinary civil case. If it's serious, it could become a criminal case."    


After Sang Huihui said that, her beautiful eyes turned towards the kitchen and thought for a bit: "police chief Ma still hasn't eaten, right? We're currently organizing the Qiao Qing Banquet, Lin Xi will be here in a while, why don't we talk after dinner?"    


Esteemed guest, this isn't a good thing!    


police chief Ma smelled the aroma, his stomach also felt empty, but the food was not tasty, so he found an excuse to go nearby to settle the case, and in the afternoon he came back, and quickly left.    


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