The Romantic Soldier King



0Putting away their mischievous hearts, the three of them carefully searched the entire shop, but they still couldn't find any blood-sucking bug eggs.    


As Ye Cheng stood in front of the huge coffin, he suddenly thought of something and asked: "Ever since we entered the village, has anyone mentioned the other huge coffin?"    


Another one? Of course it was worth the huge coffin!    


Ah San opened his eyes and it was true that no one mentioned this matter.    


It was already the twenty-first century, if old craftsman made that huge coffin, the villagers would definitely know it! In today's world, to wrap one's body in a coffin was an extraordinary status. How could it not be sought after?    


Furthermore, the people of the village all had the same idea. old craftsman had gone to the neighboring village to revive and then went crazy, everyone said that he was infected with the Evil Qi and made a coffin for himself, but no one mentioned the huge coffin he created. Could it be that the entire village did not know about this?    


Daoist Priest Tian Yuan walked in from outside the courtyard. His face was pale as he pointed to the east, south, west and four corners outside, and said, "The Soul-Sealing Formation has already been activated.    


The courtyard that led from the tile room to the black paint door was extremely cold. As the three approached the door, the two open black paint doors slammed shut.    


The door was opened towards the inside, so no one was allowed to cause trouble outside. A gust of cold wind came from all directions, and after circling the three of them a few times, it started to retreat towards the four corners of the yard.    


Tian Yuan squinted his eyes, bit his finger, and drew runes at the center of Ye Cheng's and Ah San's brows. After muttering some incantations, he roared out, and Ye Cheng and both felt something break between their brows, and then, they saw another scene in the courtyard.    


No matter how brazen Ah San was, he was still shocked when he saw something he shouldn't have seen and shouted out.    


"Don't be afraid, these are all rootless souls. They won't be able to touch you." "With the magical equipment in hand, if the other party did not want them to leave, he would definitely take action afterwards. Be careful! "Follow me."    


With that, Daoist Tian Yuan led Ye Cheng and the others and retreated step by step into the tiled room.    


When the Yin Yang Eyes opened, Ye Cheng immediately discovered that there was a ball of black mist gathering at each of the four corners of the courtyard.    


Ye Cheng warned the two beside him in a low voice. The roof tiles house was still lit up with light, it was pitch black outside, and the rootless souls seemed to be unable to get close to the roof house, and continued to walk around outside.    


Ah San found a bucket of water in another tiled house. Before Ye Cheng could stop him, he had already poured the water on the huge coffin.    


"Is he crazy?"    


"If this coffin is the same as the one in the mountain, would it melt in water?" Ah San looked at Ye Cheng seriously.    


Of course, it wouldn't be an ordinary coffin, but if it was carved with Chaos, then it would be hard to say.    


"Big Mountain's huge coffin was created by Deng Mengxiu looking for the old craftsman here. Right now, all four of his family members are dead, do you dare say that they did not kill to keep their mouths shut?" Ah San stared at the coffin that had not changed at all and thought for a while before continuing: If old craftsman does not know the secret of the coffin, then why would he kill him?    


What Ah San said was reasonable, and Ye Cheng did not berate him anymore. He only asked him to be careful, and not act recklessly.    


But after waiting for a long time, there were no changes to the coffin. Ah San started to become anxious, he felt that his suspicions were not wrong. At that time, Mountain's coffin also melted in the rain and then had chaos seals appear, why did it disappear?    


Ah San, who had a tendon all the way to his head, jumped up and landed on the huge coffin. Inside the coffin, there was a white satin cloth over his face. There was a layer of yellow water at the bottom of the coffin, as if it had been caused by something overturned. It was especially obvious on the white brocade.    


Dao Elder Tian Yuan shook his head, he walked to the northern corner and put down a pearl without saying anything.    


Although there were no corpses in the tile room, four people had died in this room. He had observed before, the two people beside him were also evil people, life was hard and heavy, if they were to collide with the evil things, they could bring the evil things out of the hell.    


Seeing the Daoist Priest's helplessness, Ye Cheng felt a burst of awkwardness. He followed Ah San up to the huge coffin, just in case Ah San would do something surprising and cause a huge disaster.    


At this time, Ah San had already jumped into the huge coffin and after feeling around for a while at the bottom, he revealed a shocked expression.    


"What did you find?"    


"Boss, touch the coffin."    


Ye Cheng knelt down and gently touched his palm. There was a layer of moisture on his palm, as if it was coming out from the coffin.    


Ah San had only poured a pail of water on the huge coffin, so it was impossible for the entire coffin to be soaked in water.    


"Don't move, come up!" The more Ye Cheng thought that the place was strange, the more he shouted at Ah San.    


Ah San bit his lip. In order to prove he was right, he pried open the coffin's contents, revealing its true form. It was a huge coffin made of yellow pear wood, and water kept flowing out.    


The overflowing water accumulated at the bottom of the coffin. Not only did it not wet the filling, it also did not leak out. Where did the overflowing water go?    


When Ye Cheng thought of these inconceivable places, he became even more worried for Ah San who was inside the coffin.    


But no matter how Ye Cheng yelled, Ah San just stared at the water stain at the bottom of the coffin in a daze. It was as if he was isolated from the world and couldn't hear or see the outside world.    


"Daoist Priest!"    


Ye Cheng turned to look for Daoist Tian Yuan, only then did he suddenly realize that he was the only one left with the huge coffin, and that Ah San, who was in the coffin, had disappeared without a trace at some point in time.    




Ye Cheng calmed himself down as much as he could, he was sure that he was still inside the tile room.    


There was only a single path in front of him, and when Ye Cheng entered the coffin, only by stepping on the layer of the white filling would he be able to feel the unimaginable drying and the unceasingly leaking water from the coffin.    


Relying on his memories, he managed to find the place where Ah San was standing. A "chi chi" sound rang in his ears. He raised his head and saw that in the pitch-black space, only the top of his head seemed to be dyed red with blood. Where had this sound come from?    




Ye Cheng was startled, Ah San had always warned him to be careful with the blood sucking insect eggs, but he never said what kind of bugs they were, and looking over there, they were just balls of red worms.    


Patter, patter, the worms on the top of their heads started to fall. They were all the size of a middle finger, and after sucking their blood, their bodies turned red and transparent. They had a spinal cord that looked like a tube from head to tail.    


Ye Cheng quickly flew up from the coffin and landed on the surface of the coffin. One by one, the worms landed and quickly crawled out of the coffin.    


In the area previously opened by Ah San, many red worms had already gathered. They were scrambling to absorb the water on the coffin. One of them sucked on the air with all his might, even up to the point of his stomach. In the end, with a pfft, he exploded into pieces and died.    


Looking at their companions, these worms continued to suck in the water from the coffin, constantly breaking down and drinking it. Soon, the disgusting red mucus covered the entire coffin.    


Ye Cheng looked at his stomach spasming, then looked above his head, at the place where the worm had landed, a hole had appeared, there was no sign of a grey shadow.    


Turning around, Ye Cheng saw through the Yin and Yang that the figure was squatting on the ground, with both hands at the entrance, looking in from the outside. A pair of eyes the size of a little strange, amber eyes rolling around.    


What monster?    



Ye Cheng took a breath and moved forward, his hands already touching the edge of the hole, only to feel that it was slippery, his entire body dropping down, immediately being submerged by the worm.    


The moment the disgusting bug saw Ye Cheng, it seemed as if it saw something, and continuously crawled towards his mouth, ears, eyes, and nose.    


Ye Cheng cursed, he raised the fireball and burned it. After splitting a small crack in the barrier, he jumped to his feet, holding onto his blade with one hand, he slashed at the black shadow above his head.    




The black figure roared out, and Ye Cheng was repelled by the recoil. He blinked his eyes, what worms and Gray Shadow were in front of him. What's wrong with me? "    


"You're fine, but what about the coffin?"    


Ah San curled his lips. He had almost died under Ye Cheng's true flames, and without knowing what kind of evil his boss was under, he jumped into the coffin and started shouting. Then, the coffin started to burn, and if not for's sharp eyes, he would have been roasted like a pig.    


Following Ah San's words, the huge coffin inside the roof was already burnt to a crisp, and was completely pitch black.    


Ye Cheng asked Tian Yuan, was there anything special about the tiled room?    


Apart from the coffin, there was nothing evil, and the hallucination might have something to do with the coffin from the mountain.    


Dao Master Tian Yuan asked Ye Cheng to spread both of his hands out, leaving a few traces of black and red lines on the wound that seemed to grow out from his skin.    


Ah San asked Ye Cheng where the lines came from. I haven't seen anything like it this morning.    


Dao Elder Tian Yuan asked Ye Cheng to take off his outer garment and after carefully identifying every single inch of his skin, he discovered that there were similar lines on his right forearm.    


"young master Ye will suddenly talk about the scene in the illusion." When Tian Yuan saw the black blood line, he was astonished. Ordinary people who were infected with the poison would have died a long time ago, but this black blood line had actually started to live in Ye Cheng's body.    


Ye Cheng told her about the worms and Gray Shadow in the illusion without hiding anything. Under the guidance of Daoist Tian Yuan, Ah San climbed onto the roof and found a small hole on top of the huge coffin.    


After taking the photo, she returned to Ye Cheng's side. Daoist Tian Yuan had already used a disinfected military knife to cut the skin on Ye Cheng's wrist.    


"It might be a little difficult to bear later on, just call out if it's painful."    


Tian Yuan sprinkled cinnabar on the wound. Curling up Ye Cheng's arm, he pointed at his Crooked Lake Acupoint.    


"Daoist you?"    


"Does young master Ye feel numbness in his arms?" Seeing Ye Cheng nod his head, he laughed and said: "It's fine if you feel numb. If you don't, then there's a big problem!"    


Ah San stood at the side and listened to the people who were angered. Even in this world, this smelly Daoist was still acting cool. He viciously said: "Smelly Taoist, I don't care where you came from. If you don't have the ability to say it earlier, if you kill him, I will take your life."    


"Wasn't it you who killed him? If you didn't recklessly move the coffin, you wouldn't have touched the mechanism here. Little friend, I respect your spirit of loyalty, it's better to just wait at the side! "    


"What did you say?"    


"Ah San, let go!" Ye Cheng said as he wrinkled his nose and let go of his hand, unconvinced. Dao leader, Ah San is still young, don't blame him. "    


"young master Ye is only a youth in his early twenties." He clasped Ye Cheng's right hand and took out a porcelain bottle, placing it on the wound.    


Not long later, a green insect crawled out of the bottle. It sniffed around and started crawling towards the cinnabar.    


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