The Romantic Soldier King



0A gloomy aura of doom filled the air above South City Division as many police officers arrived at their posts one after another at eight-thirty. As soon as they entered the office, their faces brimmed with worry. Their director was the first to arrive at the station, and he was accompanied by a woman.    


How to describe this woman? It would be belittling to use mediocre words, but he couldn't think of a more appropriate one. This woman was the original owner of the Director Lin, Su Anna! It had a rather foreign name, but its face was even longer than that of a passerby.    


Everyone in the police station knew that the bureau chief's wife had arrived. Something had happened to the bureau chief, and it was a huge incident as well. Chief, I'm not too happy about the smiling faces of my underlings. Who would know that the South City Division was only one person under the heavens. If he wanted to say something, no one would dare say it.    


After greeting each other, they quickly got into the elevator. However, it was hard to cover up the awkwardness.    


How could Director Lin not know what his subordinate was thinking? Helpless, his wife was the only daughter of one of the richest men in the capital, offending her was equivalent to offending his father-in-law. It was just that he didn't know what this woman had done to her so early in the morning to follow him to the police station.    


Couples have been together for dozens of years, a man and a woman below the knee, two children. His wife was like a husband to him. She never asked about his affairs outside, and she could be considered a virtuous person. His actions today were truly a little strange, especially when he saw her fleeting gaze as if she was looking for someone. Director Lin was moved, could it be that someone had bitten off more than they could chew?    


As a result, Director Lin brought his wife to his office, and along the way, he tried to inquire about the reason for Su Anna's arrival. However, he didn't expect that was just acting on a whim, and that the Director Lin couldn't accept such a general reason.    


Just bear with it!" Director Lin kept comforting himself. Suana was a representative figure of the women's association, and she had made quite a few trips every day. According to his knowledge, there were two charity events today, so she couldn't possibly stay in the police station for a day. After all, this was a government department, so it would not be good for them to bring their families to work.    


Su Anna giggled and said: "Hubby, you forgot that I'm also part of the office! "Alright, since you're so nervous, I'll tell you. Today, I'm also here for a prisoner. I'm here for a job, not to accompany you to work."    


Work? What job?    


"Director Lin took off his glasses, wiped the lens while adjusting his own emotions. The one he wore again had calmed down a lot. What kind of prisoner would bother you, the chairman, to step in personally? Is there such a female prisoner in our South Side? "    


Su Anna smiled mysteriously, she looked at the time, and then kissed Director Lin on the forehead and said: "It's already 9, is your secretary not here yet? "I'm late!"    


Director Lin coughed awkwardly a few times, finding an excuse for his secretary.    


Su Anna did not think much of it as he picked up his bag and handed over the introduction and other documents. I'll have to trouble the Chief to sign it now! "    


Returning official matters to justice, Director Lin did not immediately settle this matter just because she was his wife's documents. "When he saw that the criminal that Su Anna wanted to see today was Xiao Zhang, his eyes widened. "This person is not a criminal yet, he was just locked up yesterday, how did you know?"    


"Isn't it just a prisoner? Do you have to be so nervous? I'm just receiving someone's trust and returning the favor. Why is this female prisoner related to you? "    


Director Lin had probably realized that he was exaggerating, so he used a phrase to ignore the problem. This girl was arrested for assaulting a police officer. She herself was a police officer and knew that she was breaking the law. The situation was quite serious. I'm just afraid that you might be abetted. "    


"So it's a police officer!" But as far as I know, this girl could not have done such a thing. Could it be that you misunderstood and still believed the slanderous. "Hubby, this is not a normal thing. You'd better understand it better before you talk about it."    


"The Director Lin snorted coldly. This is a matter of my department, so you don't have to worry about it. After that, you can go back.    


Su Anna took the document and walked out of the office. Before he left, he did not forget to turn around to take a look at Director Lin.    


A woman walked into the corridor. Although she was wearing a uniform, she was dressed very stylishly. It was obvious that she had dressed up well. She walked past Su Anna and intentionally gave her a glance, then knocked on the door of the bureau chief's office and walked in.    


Su Anna had seen this woman before in photos. Without clothes and makeup, she looked a lot younger.    


Letting out a mocking laugh, Su Anna took out his phone and dialed a number.    


Xiao Zhang woke up early. All these years as a policeman, he did not know that the treatment in the temporary prison was so good. There was even bread and milk.    


Ye Cheng did not make breakfast. He did not look very hungry.    


"Don't think about me. You can't eat breakfast."    


"Why? It's poisonous! " Seeing Ye Cheng unconcerned looking at her, Xiao Zhang put down the bread in her hands. She had already wolfed down her share of bread, and now that she has spat it out, there should still be hope! " Don't scare me, I can already feel my stomach digesting. "    


"Can't you disgust me so early in the morning?" Ye Cheng really felt that this little girl had a rich imagination. "Don't worry, I was only guessing. They shouldn't be that bold."    


Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment before taking off his storage ring and inserting it into Ye Cheng's bread. "Nothing happened to the ring, so I threw it into the milk. After a while, I took it out. The ring had already turned black." My god, you guessed it right! "    


"Ye Cheng rolled his eyes. In ancient times, people did indeed use silver needles to test for poison, but the purity of the material was not something that the Decorative Ring could compare to." The rings have been confiscated, someone is coming. "    


"Hey, didn't you see that the ring had turned black?" Xiao Zhang panicked. She glared at him as he drank the whole milk, her entire body shaking in shock. Are you a fool? You can still drink even if there's poison! "    


"I wasn't lucky to be alive!"    


"The truth is more eloquent than the eloquence." Ye Cheng sighed. I am immune to poisons, you can rest assured. "    


With a plop, Ye Cheng laid flat on the ground, spitting white foam at the mouth.    


"Help! Help!" Seeing that, the Xiao Zhang used his strength to knock on the iron rod and cried for help.    


Under the guidance of the officer, Su Anna arrived at the temporary prison. Just as she entered the door, she heard a shout.    


Seeing that a woman had arrived, Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment before crying for help. "Help, this person just drank the milk here and still hasn't woken up."    


"It looks like food poisoning. Contact the infirmary." Su Anna shouted to the policemen beside him. Seeing that no one was doing anything, he asked curiously: What are you still standing there for?    


"Madam, the director said you don't need to care about this person."    


"What?" What did he just say? Should he wait until someone died? Call an ambulance now. "    


The officer did not dare to move without the chief's order, causing Su Anna to angrily push him to make an emergency call, and in a short period of time, Ye Cheng was sent to the nearby hospital.    


When Director Lin received the call from his subordinate, he was so shocked that he nearly pushed the beauty down to the ground. Get dressed and go back to your office. "    


"Chief, what happened?"    


"Ye Cheng's food poisoning has been sent to the hospital."    


The Director Lin casually explained as he dressed himself in the mirror. Then, he took his hat and walked out of the office. "Anna?"    


Su Anna stood outside the door and looked over Director Lin's shoulder. A woman bent over to put on her stockings again; "The phone call was made by me. I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't be angry at your underlings for such a small matter. You'll lose your heart if you do."    


When Director Lin heard this, he immediately agreed and immediately felt relieved. He casually closed the door and said, "I already received the report from my subordinates, so I was about to rush over. It just happens to be along the way. "    


"I drove here myself. Is there anyone else inside? I heard a strange sound. "    


"No, you heard wrong. Let's go!"    


Director Lin was not willing to allow Su Anna into the office. He silently cursed and then dragged his wife out.    


Su Anna drove to a nearby coffee shop to meet a stranger. Director Lin called him as he drove to the hospital.    



The doctor had given the patient first aid because he had found out in time that there was no danger to his life. The food he had taken had been taken for examination and would be reported in the afternoon.    


As long as he was alive! Director Lin had his waist, he combed his big bag head, grabbed a policeman and asked: "How could this happen? Didn't I tell you to be on your guard? Why did you lock him up with the girl? "    


The police officer felt wronged and did not dare to retort. He was scolded for more than ten minutes.    


Ye Cheng was pushed into the ward, the two policemen were guarding outside, Director Lin left a few words to pass on to them before he left the hospital. If the criminals were to get into trouble with him, the people of North Side would not let this matter go. Thinking of this, he immediately dialed the station's number, and told them to keep this a secret, and not leak out the fact that Ye Cheng was poisoned.    


In this world, there was no wall that could not let the wind out. Director Lin had calculated everything but did not manage to reach the person who slept next to him.    


When Director Lin returned to South City Division, he saw Su Anna and Ma Liangcun walking out from the office hall.    


"Director Lin, it's good that you're back, I just wanted to ?"    


The Director Lin immediately pushed Ma Liangcun away, and dragged him into the elevator, and entered his own office.    


"What are you doing?" I don't know how rude that would be. "    


"What did you tell Ma Liangcun?"    


With her wrist tightly buckled up, Su Anna frowned. She shook off Director Lin's hand with all her might and shouted angrily: "What can I say? I am only trying to get to know him because of the Xiao Zhang, is this illegal? "    


"That's all?"    




"The Director Lin heaved a sigh of relief and apologized as he held Su Anna in his arms. Ma Liangcun has always been against me, and you know that the prisoner who was poisoned this time is not an ordinary person. I was afraid that you would say something wrong without knowing.    


"I'm trying to emphasize, we were just discussing the Xiao Zhang case."    


Su Anna pushed Director Lin away, and a mocking smile rose on her ugly face. I want to talk to the assailant. This is a case of great importance to the association. "    


"Isn't it just a crime of wounding together, what does it have to do with your Women's Union?"    


"The case itself doesn't matter. I only know that the person who informed us is not an ordinary person. Husband sometimes still need to emphasize the bigger picture. In this world, the one who is not lacking in women is a woman, there's no need to offend something that you shouldn't offend just for the sake of your subordinates. "    


Su Anna's words were very straightforward, but it was a pity that the Director Lin was so preoccupied with Ye Cheng that he did not pay attention to his own wife's words. He impatiently waved his hand and then agreed.    


After all they were husband and wife who had lived for dozens of years, Su Anna knew her husband pretty well. She still wanted to remind him a few more times, but the phone on the table suddenly rang.    


Director Lin's face became gloomy, as he fought back and urged Su Anna to leave.    


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