The Romantic Soldier King



0Many of the people in the courtyard were also evenly distributed, each of them having their own division of labor. Since the arrival of the officer, the situation had been turned upside down. Soldiers who listen to the general will have nothing to say about it, but those who are restless and reckless will resist. The heavy task had not yet been properly adjusted, and the people in the underworld were still full of resentment. Their promises had not been fulfilled all this time, and the suppressed rebound could erupt at any moment, just missing a trigger.    


It was almost winter in the capital, and the weather was getting colder and colder. The wind felt hot on his face, and from time to time it would rain or snow on the street. It felt like he was stepping on solid ice.    


Cotton curtains had already been hung over the courtyard. Carrying out tasks in this kind of place wasn't difficult, but the jobs were different. The skilled workers couldn't be compared to field soldiers. It was inevitable that there would be some demands for bad weather, but it was definitely reasonable.    


An Gaohan understood his sister's temperament, and these few days he had been scouting around outside for information on Ye Cheng, and as time went by, his hopes of finding an outsider to the new chief would grow smaller and smaller. Under the supervision of the new chief, it would be impossible for him to find an outsider using his own resources, so when this girl saw the new chief, she hated him as if he was her mother's enemy. Secondly, this newcomer was incapable of doing anything wrong. He hadn't done anything for so long, so it was better to ruin several well-prepared plans.    


In the wrap-up session, the officer unhappily released his suggestions for a failure plan. The latter might have completely increased An Ningxuan's discontent, he was not a good-natured person in the first place, and under a situation where there were no mistakes, he still had to bear the consequences.    


An Ningxuan needed to vent, and the people in the courtyard also needed to vent. As the leader, An Gaohan silently sat on the side and ignored the gaze of her superior.    


It was the first time he had been provoked, and the officer was furious. He was well aware that these people were not available to him. His decision was part of the reason behind those failures, but even if he was wrong, he could not admit that it was a matter of dignity.    


Just talk! What An Ningxuan wanted to say was exactly this one sentence, but the other party refused to give it to him, and even wanted to beat him to death. Then, without sparing any face, he placed a handful of crimes in front of him, and turned to An Gaohan and coldly said: "If you want me to work under this kind of trash, I'm very sorry, I would rather work alone!"    


"An Ningxuan, if you have something to say, say it!" An Gaohan still scolded her sister symbolically.    


"Either he leaves, or I leave! You decide. " The stubborn An Ningxuan glared angrily as she turned around and walked out of the house. She lowered her head and bumped into the people who were rushing in from the outside. "What are you so restless about?"    


Looking up, it was not a person from a courtyard house, upon closer inspection, An Ningxuan snorted. "What are you doing here? Do you think that you can come here just because you want to? What happened to the guards outside? Don't you know about safety precautions? "    


Zhang Meme was scolded by An Ningxuan until she was stunned, she thought that this lady had some sort of strong temper, she was not someone that could be easily bullied, thus she pushed away the lady in front of her with her eyes and stared at her.    


This was called braking with stillness! Looking at the others was as fun as watching a mad dog bite, but after An Ningxuan berated her, she calmed down a lot. She pushed Zhang Meme away and walked out, but did not give her a chance to be curious, causing the latter to be a little unsatisfied.    


In the end, Zhang Meme was still a spoiled brat. He treated An Ningxuan's disregard as contempt and as soon as his temper flared, even Old Yellow could not stop him.    


When Yang Yang and Ma Liangcun parked the car and followed in, the two women had already started flaming each other. The content of the words they just heard was laughable, it was as though they had quarreled over who the man was drinking for.    


Ma Liangcun winked at Yang Yang and the little guy walked up to pull Zhang Meme to his side. The little guy smiled at An Ningxuan and said: "I'm sorry, we are only here to find the black-faced man. We are not anxious at all, we don't have any intention of bumping into Miss An."    


Hearing Yang Yang's apology, Zhang Meme hit his abdomen with his elbow, blaming him for being nosy.    


An Ningxuan rolled his eyes at Yang Yang before walking out, and really, every single one of them felt embarrassed. It was all because of that unresponsible bastard, who ran off when something happened, without even a single message. " The Black Face is a member of our national security, it has nothing to do with you. "    


Someone heard the word 'black face' and immediately stepped in.    


"Ma Liangcun curiously sized up the stranger's face. He had been to the courtyard house a few times, and many of the people here had seen it before. "You are?"    


An Gaohan walked out and introduced himself. In his heart, Ma Liangcun was also quite suspicious, but on the surface, he still looked quite respectful. I am Ma Liangcun from the North Side Sub-bureau's Criminal Division, I came here to find Blackface to inquire about the progress of Su Anna's investigation. "    


The new officer acknowledged him, then turned to An Gaohan and asked loudly: "I was just wondering why it's been so quiet recently, where the dark side has gone, and why didn't he appear for a few days. Don't tell me you sent him out on a mission, I haven't received any reports."    




Ma Liangcun lowered his head and looked at the two beside him. He thought that this was not the time, could it be that this brat wanted to fight with his new boss? Was the dark side not back yet? Could something have happened? When he left, he even came over to inform her that he had a mission to carry out.    


An Gaohan smiled and said: "Chief Ma, don't worry, I will send him to investigate a few people. He should be back soon."    


Is that so?" This young man is very meticulous and has helped us find a few more problems. It's been a few days since I last saw him, so I'm a bit worried. " He continued to hold the hand of the new officer, mentioning from time to time just how useful it was to be a criminal when facing the police. At the same time, he praised him for having such a lucky subordinate.    


Everyone was dumbstruck, not knowing what the three had come here for.    


"North Side Sub-bureau? As the captain, An Gaohan has no respect for his elders. How can he still teach the subordinates of An Gaohan, I have long said that they have to follow my instructions for any mission, what's the meaning of this dark side? "You even helped the local authorities solve a crime. Did the State Security issue you guys a salary just for someone else to work for?"    


"The higher ups assigned a mission, the ones appointed should be the dark side! I have no authority, nor do you. "    


"An Gaohan, what's your attitude now!"    


"I'll give you face. You're the boss, so if you don't want to be disgraced, you should just sit in your room and drink tea while writing your report!" An Gaohan rode on the locomotive, and after he put on the safety helmet, he pointed at the other two people and said: "The two of you will be in charge of the officer's living and living, bringing him around the capital to take a look if you have nothing to do, don't come in or out of the storage area, it is too heavy for us to bear."    


With a few words, the new officer was sent flying.    


It was only until An Gaohan's men came up did the new officer realize that he was not dreaming. An Gaohan, you want to imprison me? "    


"Sir, if you like this, you can say so. But you still have another way, you can report the transfer order yourself! "    


The train roared and An Gaohan rushed out of the courtyard to search for An Ningxuan's whereabouts.    


Everyone was looking for Ye Cheng, and even after searching everywhere in the city, they were still unable to find him. There were even some who thought that he had already left the capital, but at this moment, while everyone was busy fighting for him, he actually appeared in the deep mountains.    


Avoiding the heavy defenses of the professional jungle troops required skill and luck. In the mountains full of dense forests, large and small figures were running at high speeds, and behind them was a brown bear following closely. Its huge body crushed the rocks on the tree trunk as it ran, and on a rock that was going downhill, the brown bear stood up and pounced on the child.    


Feeling the strong fishy stench coming from behind her, the little girl jumped up and rushed to the man's front, with her back facing him, she held the two Yellow Talisman s and began to chant. The Yellow Talisman s shot towards the beast.    


The brown bear turned to the adult as soon as it couldn't reach him. It waved its powerful front paws and bellowed as it rammed into the man standing under the tree.    


The girl shouted loudly. She controlled the Yellow Talisman to turn around and stand in front of the man, and at that moment, the brown bear's claws had already landed on it, and two sparks burst out from the Yellow Talisman and smashed into its back. However, it did not cause much damage, it was only indirectly infuriating it.    


An adult brown bear was taller than an adult male by a few heads. Its thick body was hard for even a bullet to penetrate. After being knocked down by the bear, it had a slim chance of survival.    


The girl was stunned. After crying out in alarm, she took out her soft whip and lashed at the brown bear, at the same time, she struck out with her Yellow Talisman once more. In an instant, there were a few more figures in the forest surrounding the brown bear.    


"Little geezer, what are you still fooling around for? Now is the time!"    


The man was still foolishly staring at the howling brown bear. He was completely oblivious to the danger that had just befallen him and continued to giggle like a fool.    


The girl rolled her eyes. Not caring about the man, she waved the soft whip in one hand and rushed up with the peach wood sword in the other.    


The brown bear roared in pain. Its huge body suddenly slammed into the surrounding trees. After landing on them, it hesitated for a moment before it turned around to flee.    


"Stop chasing!"    


The girl panted heavily as she turned her head to look at the man with a grumpy gaze and let out a cold snort. Do you know that this will kill us? "    


"Girl, didn't you deal with it well?"    


"Come on! We have already been walking around this place for a few days, Ye Cheng, are you sure we can find that copper door? "    


Ye Cheng stepped forward, covered Peony's mouth and shushed her! That's so loud that it's going to let the whole mountain know I'm coming! "    



"Paopao elbowed Ye Cheng and jumped to the side, staring at him with his round eyes. I promised Bing Bing that I would be back in three days. It's been almost a week now, and if we don't find the way in today, we'll split up. "    


"Little girl, you aren't so heartless, right? "I didn't go down the mountain to avoid those people. If I went in the same way, I can guarantee that I would have been there for a few days. However, this terrain should be nearby. Let's find some big holes."    


Peony was looking at Ye Cheng with its eyes, as if it wanted to eat him up, causing his hair to stand on end. "Didn't you say that you would go for the door?"    


"That's right, the bronze door is in the pit!" "Peony raised her whip and threw it towards Ye Cheng." Little girl, what are you doing? I didn't do anything to you! "    


"Tell me clearly next time, and come with me!"    


At this moment, Peony's heart was extremely gloomy. She really didn't know what this guy's purpose was. Other than being muddled every day, there was nothing to talk about. They had been circling around their destination for several days already.    


He followed the brown bear and ran all the way to the end of the cliff. "He turned left and headed up, climbing all the way up the mountain. A few kilometers down, he arrived at a monument." Isn't it somewhere? "    


Ye Cheng blocked the sunlight and looked up, and saw a hole. "The slope was covered with vines, some of them broken at the feet, and some climbing marks. If I'm not mistaken, this should be the foot of the Spirit Cliff Cave." There should be a base of operations where the monument stands, and that's where the pit is. We're going to climb up the other side, and try not to alarm those people as much as possible. "    


"Are you joking? If you don't wake up, why don't you go in! "    


Peony only wanted to mock Ye Cheng, but seeing his crafty smile, she knew that he had not thought it through. You can't be? "    


Ye Cheng nodded. Those who know me are also peonies. "    


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