The Romantic Soldier King



0A burst of fragrance that was similar to orchids lingered around his nose, that faint body fragrance was extremely pleasing to the nose, causing Ye Cheng's heart to tremble, and he couldn't help but secretly sniff a few times.    


Yin Fangyi covered her alluring body with a soft blanket and moved to the other side of the bed, leaving behind a large space for her. She said softly, "Ye Cheng, why don't you go and rest on the bed as well?"    


Although it was a bit inappropriate for a man to be alone in a room with a woman, Yin Fangyi felt a lot more at ease with the addition of a man in the house. If Ye Cheng had any ulterior motives towards him, he could have made a move at home. However, he did not make any excessive movements and should be a good person.    


It wouldn't be good to share a bed! Although sharing a bed with beautiful young woman was extremely tempting, Ye Cheng knew his limits and tactfully refused: "Sister Yin, you sleep first, I'll sit here and guard you."    


At that moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard outside the door. Someone knocked on the door forcefully and rudely shouted, "Open the door, the police is investigating the room."    


F * ck, what the f * ck was this? He didn't do anything, but he actually met the police checking his room. Isn't this too much of a coincidence!? Logically, Oasis Restaurant was a 5 star hotel, it was impossible for the police to come here to search for rooms under normal circumstances. Ye Cheng could smell a trace of conspiracy here.    


He immediately stood up, pointed at the window and muttered: "Sister Yin, I'll go hide first, you handle the police." As he spoke, Ye Cheng strode to the window, opened it, and hid himself on the balcony.    


Yin Fangyi's pretty face revealed a trace of anger, she was afraid of the criminals, but that did not mean she was afraid of the police, furthermore, she was disturbed by the police when she came to the hotel to rest. She lifted up her blanket and snuck a glance outside the window. Seeing that Ye Cheng was not there, she quickly took off her bath towel, exposing her sexy underwear.    


Ye Cheng was hiding in a dead corner on the balcony, watching the scene of Yin Fangyi dressing up. She had smooth skin and a well-proportioned, curvy figure. Her black sexy underwear propped up her full breasts, revealing half of her creamy breasts and deep cleavage. She was like a ripe peach. The almost transparent triangle insides shyly covers the key part, looms more tempting. Coupled with her mature charm and alluring charm, she was truly enchanting to the point of not paying with one's life.    


At that time, he didn't have the heart to admire it, but now, he was able to see it clearly. Ye Cheng's throat could not help but become dry, his heart was ready to move.    


As Yin Fangyi stretched his waist, a blue colored dress was draped over his body. That extremely alluring body was covered, and it also stopped Ye Cheng from peeking at her.    


"Someone inside, hurry up and open the door. If you don't open the door soon, we're going to force our way in."    


Another voice said in a dissatisfied tone, "The guests in the guest rooms are all distinguished guests of the hotel. Even if you are the police, you have no right to barge in."    


Yin Fangyi packed his things, put on his slippers and went to open the door. However, she used her delicate body to block the door, as if she had no intention of letting the two policemen in. She was slightly angry as she said, "Why would the police want to search my room?"    


Seeing that the person who opened the door was a beautiful and mature young woman, the police attitude was clearly much better. He explained leisurely: "Someone reported that there was illegal prostitution here. Please cooperate with our work."    


The anger in Yin Fangyi's heart was instantly ignited. He had nearly been molested and did not see any police officers appear, but now that he wanted to rest, he was treated as a woman who did not care at all. "Who are you policemen? Don't slander my reputation, I want to sue you for slander."    


"I'm sorry, we're just doing our job." The police pushed Yin Fangyi away and entered the guest room. If they hadn't received the orders from the higher-ups, the two policemen wouldn't have been in the mood to come here and inspect.    


"Yin Fangyi worriedly looked at the window, but then thought that he was not that kind of woman, so there was nothing to worry about. Even if Ye Cheng was found out, it wouldn't be a big deal." Are you police so unreasonable? I want to file a complaint! "    


The man who looked like the manager of the hotel said with a face full of smiles, "Madam, I'm really sorry for disturbing your rest at such a late hour. The police want to check the room, we have no other choice."    


The room was not a big one to begin with. He could see everything in front of him. There was nowhere for him to hide. The two policemen carefully looked around, they did not even miss the bathroom. Other than Yin Fangyi, there was no one else, they could not help but frown. If it really was illegal prostitution, then at least there had to be a man! Could it be that there was a mistake?    


A policeman saw a balcony that jutted out of the window, walked over, and stuck his head out to see if anyone was there.    


Ye Cheng didn't want the police to see him together with Yin Fangyi, so he hid on the balcony. As the policeman walked toward the balcony, he quickly hid himself on the balcony of the room next door. The two guest rooms next door were just a meter apart from each other, so even if they were at least 30 metres high in the air, this distance would still not be too far for Ye Cheng.    


Hiding on the balcony of Room 1208, Ye Cheng vigilantly looked into the room to prevent anyone from discovering him. His eyes were sharp to begin with, and as he swept his gaze across the room, he immediately saw a scene that was unbearable to look at.    


A few pieces of clothes were thrown messily on the floor. A naked coquettish woman was sitting on the coffee table with her legs wrapped tightly around a man. The man was also half-kneeling on the ground, his head buried between the woman's legs, sucking as much as he could.    


The woman's hands caressed her twin peaks. She was mesmerized, flirting with her head, constantly letting out unrestrained moans from her mouth.    


"The live version is so passionate. It's even more exciting than watching a movie." Ye Cheng did not have the habit of peeping on other people's bed for battle, but once he caught up, he could not help but peek a few more times. He quickly noticed that the man who was using all his strength to display his tongue skills was actually Jiang Zhenghao.    


"What a coincidence, this guy actually took a room next to Yin Fangyi's?" "Thinking that the police would go and investigate, Ye Cheng felt that something was amiss. This brat might have done it! "    


The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, he quietly took out his secret service phone and activated the recording function, the camera automatically zoomed in on the best focus and recorded this passionate scene.    


The two people in the battle didn't even realize there was someone outside the window. Jiang Zhenghao worked harder and harder, raising his spear and attacking the Yellow Dragon. The room was filled with the color of spring. The room was filled with the sound of overturning rain and overturning clouds.    


The police looked around again, but did not find any man in Yin Fangyi's room. He apologized awkwardly, "This lady is really sorry, we might have made a mistake."    


Yin Fangyi was puzzled as to why Ye Cheng had not been seen by the police when he clearly saw him hiding on the balcony. Did he fall downstairs? She could not help but worry for Ye Cheng's safety, and without bothering to argue with the police, she quickly urged: "Since nothing has been discovered, why aren't you leaving yet, I want to rest."    


"Sorry for disturbing you." The two policemen left the room dejectedly. The room manager also left.    


Yin Fangyi casually locked the door, and quickly walked to the window. Indeed, the balcony was empty. She stuck her head out and anxiously looked around. Unfortunately, it was pitch black below her and she couldn't see what was going on at the bottom of the building. She became even more anxious and softly shouted, "Ye Cheng, where are you? Don't scare me, hurry up and come out! "    


Hearing Yin Fangyi's worried shouts, Ye Cheng stuck his head out from the neighboring balcony and said softly: "Sister Yin, I'm here."    


"You scared me to death! Why did you run next door?" Seeing that Ye Cheng was safe, Yin Fangyi calmed his anxious heart. He opened the window and walked to the balcony. The police have already left. Come back quickly! "    


Ye Cheng kept his phone and stepped onto the edge of the balcony. Below him was a void twenty to thirty meters high. If one was not careful and fell down, they would definitely die. Seeing this, Yin Fangyi's heart jumped, "Ye Cheng, be careful."    


"I'm fine!" Ye Cheng grabbed onto the wall, and his entire body spread out in a "big" shape. He split his legs, and stepped on the two sides of the balcony.    


"Be careful!" Yin Fangyi hurried over, and stretched his body out from the balcony to grab Ye Cheng's arm.    


Ye Cheng's five fingers were like an eagle's claw that grabbed onto the cracks on the wall. His body swayed and his other foot also stepped on the bricks at the edge of the 1206 guest room's balcony. Yin Fangyi was afraid that something would happen to him, so she unhesitatingly opened her arms and hugged Ye Cheng tightly.    


Ye Cheng jumped down from the bricks at the edge of the balcony and supported his slim waist with his hands. Separated by a thin silk dress, he could clearly feel her smooth and silky skin.    


A gust of fragrant wind blew into Ye Cheng's nose, and with her body as warm as jade in her embrace, her chest was filled with a pair of astonishingly elastic breasts, causing Ye Cheng's mind to waver. The passion from just now had ignited Ye Cheng's desire, now that he was embracing the mature and charming woman, it ignited again, causing his lower body to react quickly.    


Yin Fangyi sighed: "Don't be so rash in the future, it's too dangerous."    


subconsciously lowered his head, almost touching Yin Fangyi's beautiful face, he anxiously turned his head and leaned close to her delicate ear. Don't worry Sister Yin, nothing will happen. I have trained professionally in military matters. "    


This action made Yin Fangyi feel that it was very ambiguous, very cordial, and she did not reject Ye Cheng's intimacy. Her ears were itching from the heat coming from Ye Cheng's mouth, and her beautiful face was slightly red. There was a gentleness like water in her beautiful eyes. Even if you've had professional training, you can't be so rash. "    


Being so close to her, Ye Cheng could smell the fragrance coming from her mouth, and those warm and beautiful lips were only three inches away from his. He had the urge to taste it, and the sensation on his lower body became even more intense.    


Yin Fangyi suddenly felt that her lower body was hit by something hot and hard, her entire body felt like it was electrocuted and she almost fell into Ye Cheng's embrace.    


Although both of them felt that something was amiss, neither of them let go of each other immediately and continued to maintain this intimate and ambiguous posture. Both of them could feel each other's body heat.    


Yin Fangyi subconsciously struggled twice, but he didn't expect that when Ye Cheng hugged him tightly, not only did he not manage to struggle free, he even allowed his lower body to rub against him slightly.    


The direct friction stimulated Ye Cheng's lower body, causing the demonic fire in his lower abdomen to rise, causing his body to become even hotter. He really wanted to suppress it, but he couldn't. Once a hot-blooded man triggered the heavenly thunders and earths, he wouldn't be able to easily control it. His lower body had already completely lost control of itself. He proudly raised his head and set up a frightening tent, making the two people stick even closer.    


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