The Romantic Soldier King



0Leaving the 4S store once again, Ye Cheng drove off to pick up Chen Luoxue, and on the way there, he received a call from An Ningxuan. Little Xuan, you miss me again after not seeing me for a day? "    


An Ningxuan did not answer Ye Cheng's question. Instead, he spoke with a cold tone: "I have found the murderer who tried to murder you. His name is Zhang Qinghua, he is an A-level wanted criminal, but he is already dead."    


Ye Cheng feigned shock: "Dead? "How did he die?"    


An Ningxuan gave a short answer: "It was gradually determined to be a burglary, and the result was that both the victim and himself died. Now that the two bodies have been moved, you can come to the police station and identify the culprits. "    


Ye Cheng said regretfully: Since everyone is dead, what use is there for me to go and identify them? It seems like the compensation for the carriage will be for naught.    


"You can find an insurance company." With that, An Ningxuan hung up the phone, he did not want to talk to Ye Cheng at all.    


"Let's chat a bit more before hanging up!" Ye Cheng laughed and called Zhang Kewei, "Xiao Wei, it's me, Ye Cheng, are you injured?"    


Zhang Kewei's sweet and comfortable voice came out from the phone, "It's just a superficial wound, and it's not really that serious. Thank you for your concern."    


"We're friends after all. It's only right for us to be concerned about each other." Ye Cheng continued: "I just received a call from the police, there's a piece of good news and a piece of bad news for you. I wonder which one you want to hear first?"    


Zhang Kewei didn't know what Ye Cheng was up to, and after thinking for a bit, he said, "Then, let's talk about the good news first!"    


Ye Cheng chuckled and said, "The good news is that we have found the culprit who kidnapped you, and even received the appropriate retribution, so we will never disturb you again. Tomorrow, you can relax and continue working boldly."    


"Really?" Zhang Kewei was pleasantly surprised: "I didn't expect the police to be so efficient in handling the case, and only used a day to catch the hateful criminal."    


Ye Cheng curled his lips. It was better to rely on himself than the police. However, it was impossible for him to say anything about him killing Zhang Qinghua and Cao Jinsheng personally, so he could only blame it on the police.    


After receiving the news of the culprit's torture method, Zhang Kewei's heart felt as if a stone had dropped. There was no need to be afraid anymore, and his mood immediately improved as well. And your bad news? "    


Ye Cheng said: "The bad news is that the culprit has received his retribution, no one will compensate you for the injuries you received."    


Zhang Kewei laughed and said: "This is not bad news, only a detestable criminal can catch me, my injuries are nothing, two Band-Aids can cure it."    


"You think too much!" Ye Cheng thought about the two bank cards he got from the criminal Zhang Qinghua. He wondered how much money the bank cards had, after he found out, he would think of a way to compensate Zhang Kewei.    


"Of course. I'm already very happy to be able to catch a criminal." Zhang Kewei laughed brightly, and said generously: "Ye Cheng, do you have time tomorrow? I want to treat you to a meal. After all, you saved my life once, so I'll treat you to a meal to express my feelings. "    


"Beauty, please eat. Of course we have time." Ye Cheng readily agreed.    


"Alright, it's a deal then."    


After hanging up, Ye Cheng called Yin Fangyi. If Cao Jinsheng and Zhang Qinghua's deaths were to be discovered, the police would definitely visit Cao Jinsheng's neighbors to find out more about the situation. He had to advise Yin Fangyi to stay in the hotel for two more days in order to avoid himself being exposed.    


"Sister Yin, I am Ye Cheng." Because he had intimate relations with Yin Fangyi twice, Ye Cheng really did not know how to face this beautiful young woman.    


"When he received the call from Ye Cheng, Yin Fangyi's heart was filled with an indescribable joy. "It's you. I'm out of the country right now. What's the matter?"    


Ye Cheng was startled, he did not think that Yin Fangyi would go outside, and immediately asked: "Why did Sister Yin go outside?"    


Yin Fangyi could not help but think of the dubious relationship he had with Ye Cheng, and his face reddened. I took a few days off from the company and went out for a trip. "    


It was inconvenient to talk about what happened last night. Ye Cheng advised subtly: "Then Sister Yin should have fun outside. There's no need to keep thinking about things you were unhappy about in the past.    


Yin Fangyi's heart warmed, and he said gently: "Thank you, wait until I return to the company before I formally thank you for saving me."    


"Sister Yin is too polite, the matter is almost done, there is no need to thank me, as long as you can think it through a little." "The police have already set up a trap to capture the accomplice of the criminal from last night. I believe that there will be news soon, so you can rest assured, Sister Yin."    


"I'm already over 30 years old, what else do I have left to think about?" I also understand now, whether it's fortune or misfortune, whether it's unavoidable or misfortune, let nature take its course! " Yin Fangyi was not willing to talk about what happened last night in advance, and suddenly changed the topic: "Ye Cheng, do you have a girlfriend?"    


What did that mean? Ye Cheng did not understand why Yin Fangyi asked that.    


Yin Fangyi continued to ask: "Then do you have any requirements to find a girlfriend?"    


Ye Cheng casually replied: "I don't have any requirements, as long as it's compatible with me, it's fine."    


"Your request is pretty simple!" Yin Fangyi kept it in mind and changed the topic, "Oh yes, you should be reporting to the company tomorrow. Don't forget to report to work."    


Just as Ye Cheng was thinking about how he would like to go to work, Yin Fangyi coincidentally mentioned it himself. He took the opportunity to say: "Sister Yin, can I take another day off? There are some things that have not been settled yet. "    


"Sure, I'll greet the Personnel Department on your behalf. You will find Vice President Feng the day after tomorrow to report this to your department and have her bring you to meet your new colleagues. "    


"Thank you, Sister Yin!"    


After receiving three calls, Ye Cheng went to Winning Group and got off work. He didn't mention anything about buying a car.    


On the second day, after Ye Cheng sent Chen Luoxue to the company's parking lot, he took a taxi to the BMW 4S shop. The 4S store can provide inspection vehicles, registration, license plate number selection, temporary license plate processing and other one-line services, saving customers time to deal with license plates.    


When Ye Cheng arrived at the 4S store, he was still accompanied by Zhang Kejia throughout the process of handling the license plate procedures and other related matters.    


"Mr. Ye, the procedures for the license plates are basically done. You can follow me to rest for a while and wait for news." With Zhang Kejia's help, the related procedures went extremely smoothly.    


The two of them sat on the sofa in the hall. Ye Cheng said with gratitude: "Luckily I had your help, otherwise I would not have known how to complete the license plate procedures."    


Zhang Kejia smiled sweetly: "Helping customers to get their license plates is a service that our 4S store should be providing. Mr. Ye doesn't need to be courteous."    


"Alright, then you don't have to be so courteous to me." Ye Cheng laughed: "You can just call me Ye Cheng, don't call me Mr. Ye."    


"Then I'll call you by your name from now on!" Zhang Kejia said: "Oh yeah, I heard my sister said that when she went home from work the day before yesterday, she met some criminals in the alley of the district. It was you who saved her, so I thank you on behalf of my sister."    


"Actually, I wasn't the one who saved her. The criminal ran away by himself."    


Zhang Kejia said: "Why not, my sister said that if you didn't appear at that time to deal with the criminal, she would have definitely been injured by him."    


Ye Cheng thought: If he did not choose to drive into Zhang Kewei's residential area, the criminals would not have appeared. "He doesn't dare to accept the sisters' thanks." Your elder sister has invited me to lunch together. You can come as well, I'll treat you guys. "    


Just as the two of them were chatting, the door to the second floor's assistant manager's office opened. Jiang Zhenghao and Hu Manager walked out. Beside Jiang Zhenghao, there was a man wearing a black suit and black sunglasses. He looked like a cold bodyguard.    


After Jiang Zhenghao taught Jiang Zhenghao a lesson in the bar, Jiang Zhenghao realized that this reckless young man, who was still in Eastsea City, was a threat to his safety. Jiang Zhenghao specially hired a bodyguard to protect him.    


This Hu Manager was only the assistant manager of the 4S store, his name was Hu Gao and he was Jiang Zhenghao's uncle. And the owner behind this 4S store was Jiang Zhenghao's mother, Hu Gao's sister Hu Lan. With this relationship, Hu Gao sat firmly in the position of vice manager. As he was messing around in the 4S store, all the relevant management staff turned a blind eye and pretended that they did not see anything. No one was willing to offend the boss' little brother.    


The BMW Z4 that Ye Cheng bought was actually brought here by Jiang Zhenghao. This fellow was just about to change his car, so it would be more convenient to pick up girls.    



Hu Gao looked down from above, his gaze sweeping past the sales hall, and saw Ye Cheng and Zhang Kejia chatting happily. He pouted and said: "Little Hao, the guy sitting with Zhang Kejia is the brat who bought the Z4 that you brought."    


It was fine if Jiang Zhenghao didn't look, but when he saw that it was Ye Cheng, his expression immediately turned ugly. It really was a narrow path for enemies to meet this kid again. "Every time we meet him, it's definitely going to be bad. This time, you have come to my territory and see how I deal with this brat."    


Hu Gao saw that Jiang Zhenghao's face did not look good, and immediately asked: What, does this guy have enmity with you?    


Don't mention him. I get angry when I talk about him." Jiang Zhenghao had been holding back his anger and said angrily, "A few days ago, I went to the Rose Bar with a friend and had a conflict with this guy. I was at a disadvantage." The night before yesterday, when I took a girl to get a room, I met this guy again. As a result, I randomly ran into a room search and was thrown into a police station.    


He was extremely gloomy, he was obviously the one reporting Ye Cheng, yet in the end, he himself was sent to the police station.    


Hu Gao helped his relatives but did not help out in the matter. He also said with dissatisfaction: "Who is this brat and who dares to challenge you? Are you tired of living? "    


"Just a silly young man with no status at all." Jiang Zhenghao was used to being domineering, but he wasn't completely brainless. He also knew that there were some people that he shouldn't offend. After inquiring many times, he understood that Ye Cheng did not have any sort of background.    


What gave him a headache was that Ye Cheng was too good at fighting, and he was also a little afraid of nothing, not a soft persimmon that he could casually pick up. If he couldn't release the anger in his heart, he would feel extremely stifled.    


Jiang Zhenghao said in a stifled voice, "Uncle, think of a way for me to teach this guy a lesson."    


Hu Gao said unconcernedly: "Then it's not easy to deal with, just find two people to beat him up."    


"You don't know, this kid is pretty good. Even Rose Bar's Great Fortune wasn't his opponent. Ten or eight people wouldn't be able to teach him a lesson." Jiang Zhenghao hated them to the core.    


"Even Big Fortune couldn't beat him, isn't that a bit too exaggerated? "Since more than ten people can't handle it, then let's find more." Hu Gao's eyes turned, and he whispered into Jiang Zhenghao's ear.    


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