The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng returned to the bar and had the security guards release the hooligans. Then, he arranged for Wu Jingyi to give each of the security guards present ten thousand as medical fees.    


The security guards were overjoyed that they had not expected to get so much money from a fight with someone who had come to the bar to cause trouble.    


After they were all done with their work, Ye Cheng drove straight to the factory in the eastern suburbs.    


Marcy's face was bitter. He bent over like a shrimp and slowly walked out of the bathroom with his hands on the wall. His body was weak and weak. His steps felt like he was stepping on cotton. Even a good man couldn't handle three bubbles, let alone a dozen times going to the toilet in just an hour. Every five or six minutes, it would be worse than taking a laxative.    


Xiao Feng endured the stench coming from Ma Xi's body, stepping forward to support him. Margo, be careful. "    


"Damn, Ye Cheng really knows how to torture people, how is this a small punishment, it's even worse than slapping me." Ma Xi did not dare to stay too far away from the bathroom, barely managing to lean on the wall.    


Arriving at the abandoned factory in the eastern suburbs, Ye Cheng carried Madam Ma, who was wearing a maid outfit, into one of the factories and tied her to a pillar with a rope. He then left the dilapidated factory, hiding in a dark corner to monitor his surroundings.    


His goal was not just to extort Ma Xi, but to take revenge against the Black Tiger Gang. Yesterday, he was assassinated in a rented room, and today, another person went to the bar to cause trouble. If he didn't teach the Black Tiger Gang a lesson, he would truly be wronged.    


Ma Xi would definitely inform Sect Master Lei Baihu of this matter. In the wilderness, it was the best place to kill people and rob their goods.    


The place Ye Cheng chose to hide himself was very secluded. It was as if his entire person had merged into the darkness, and he did not move an inch. He could clearly see other people, but anyone who passed by would not be able to see his existence until they were within three meters of him. Under the hazy moonlight, his sharp black eyes scanned his surroundings from time to time.    


It was late at night, and only the croaking of insects and frogs broke the silence of the wilderness.    


Suddenly, light footsteps came out, Ye Cheng immediately became more vigilant, he held his breath and looked over. Twenty or thirty meters away, a black shadow flashed by, and a small box could be seen on its back.    


The shadow quickly arrived at a dilapidated chimney which was more than ten meters tall. He climbed up along the handle of the chimney.    


The chimney was so thick that it took at least four people to wrap their arms around it. Ye Cheng suddenly appeared from the darkness, and like a ghost, he quickly turned towards the other side of the chimney and quietly approached it.    


As he approached the chimney, he leaned close to it and once again blended into the darkness. He then quietly turned to the other side, lifting his head to sweep upwards. He saw that the black shadow had already climbed four or five meters up. He swiftly took out the throwing knife s from his body and threw them upwards.    


Under the moonlight, a cold glare flew past. When the black figure realized that it was already too late, the throwing knife flew past him and accurately stabbed into his neck. It was simply a live target.    


The black shadow let out a muffled groan. Its hands loosened and its body fell down. Its large head plummeted to the ground. Ye Cheng pounced out of the slanted stab, caught the black figure, and then rolled a few times to reduce the force of the fall.    


Stopping, Ye Cheng saw a man around thirty years old in his arms, carrying a long black box on his back. He took off the black box and opened it. Inside was a sniper rifle and a rope that had been dismantled into parts.    


"It's been a long time since I touched this thing. Have my skills regressed?" Ye Cheng carried his backpack on his back, pulled out his throwing knife, and climbed back up the chimney.    


Ye Cheng arrived at the top of the chimney and took his spot, then quickly assembled his sniper rifle. He was quite adept at killing people, and the amount of time it took to assemble and disassemble wouldn't exceed ten seconds.    


When he was ready, he stared down through the night vision scope, making it easier to monitor.    


The surroundings became quiet once again. Only the occasional breeze would blow, and Ye Cheng patiently waited for the rest of the Black Tiger Gang s to come like a hunter who was hunting for his prey.    


Two lights appeared on the road in the distance, one in front and one behind, they quickly approached the abandoned factory. Ye Cheng saw the two cars from afar.    


When they reached the factory, the minivan behind them slowly stopped. The minivan in front drove into the abandoned factory.    


Ma Xi stuck his head out from the car window with the megaphone in his hand. He was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to talk. He spoke weakly into the loudspeaker, "Ye Cheng, where are you? I've brought money. "    


After a few shouts, no one answered. The man driving asked: "Boss Ma, could it be that Ye Cheng was messing with you?"    


"I don't think so. He didn't get the money and he still has my wife." Ma Xi was a little unconfident, "Boss Chou, how about we send people to look around?"    


Boss Chou nodded and parked his car in front of a row of abandoned factories. He then turned around and ordered, "You guys go down and search. Two people in a team. If you find the target, shoot them dead immediately!"    


The side door of the bread factory was opened. Six men holding guns jumped out and quietly went into the factory.    


"No, my stomach hurts again." Ma Xi pushed open the car door and rushed out, but he was unable to stand firmly and fell to the ground. He was so shocked that he fell out of his pants pocket.    


Boss Chou hurriedly covered his nose and muttered: "Ma Xi, can't you try your best? If you want to pull away, try pulling me further away!"    


Ma Xi felt his crotch getting wet, and yellow liquid flowing down his leg to the ground, he couldn't wait to take his pants off, and said with an ugly expression: "I want to do it too, but I can't hold it in any longer."    


At this moment, a man holding a gun gestured at Boss Chou while pointing at an old factory.    


Boss Chou understood and said angrily: "Feng Zi, you brat, what are you still holing up in the car for? Hurry and help Boss Ma up."    


"Ai!" Xiao Feng unwillingly got off the carriage, covered his nose and supported Ma Xi, who was simply unable to stand up.    


Big Brother Chou carried a black leather suitcase and got out of the car. He looked at Ma Xi and pointed to the opposite factory.    


Ma Xi didn't care about the pain in his pants, he raised his megaphone and shouted: "Ye Cheng, I know you're inside, I've brought the money you wanted, one million gold coins isn't a small sum, but it's enough to exchange for my wife, right?"    


He called out twice, but still no one came back. He did not know that Ye Cheng, who was at the top of the chimney, had already aimed his gun at Big Brother Chou's head.    


Seeing that no one replied, Boss Chou waved his hand and the two armed men carefully entered the factory. At the same time, four men in black jumped out of another van parked outside the factory. They also sneaked into the abandoned factory.    


Ye Cheng could see clearly from the night vision scope that the black clothed men were carrying long blades on their backs. They were actually warriors and killers from the island. "Since the Birdmen from the Island dared to show their faces, it saved me the trouble of finding you."    


The factory where Madam Ma was tied up was empty. The two gunmen scanned their surroundings and found that there was no place for them to hide. One of them said in a low voice: "Boss Chou, there's only an unconscious woman inside, not Ye Cheng."    


"Could it be that Ye Cheng is hiding and does not dare to reveal himself?" Boss Chou frowned and hurried Ma Xi to enter.    


"Wife!" Ma Xi saw that his own woman was tightly tied to a pillar and quickly walked forward without a care. If not for Xiao Feng's support, he didn't know how many times she would have fallen.    


Boss Chou was the leader under Lei Baihu's command who specialized in executing orders for revenge. He came here to receive Lei Baihu's death order, so no matter what, he had to get rid of Ye Cheng tonight. However, he never expected that the sniper would be killed the moment he appeared.    


Seeing that there was no one hiding in the factory, he immediately instructed: "Quickly search everywhere carefully, don't let Ye Cheng escape, whoever finds him will be killed immediately."    


Hiding on the chimney, Ye Cheng's lips revealed a cold smile. The red light passed through the window and locked onto Big Brother Chou's body. The red dot on the cross in the scope moved towards the center of his brows and lightly pulled the trigger.    


"Pfft!" The muzzle of the gun flashed and the bullet shot through the night at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye, accurately piercing through the center of Boss Chou's eyebrows. A strange black hole appeared, and in the next second, his head exploded like a watermelon.    


Ah!" Ma Xi was so frightened that he shrieked. Big Brother Chou, who was talking to him a moment ago, had his head shot in the blink of an eye. His legs went limp as he fell to the ground.    


Xiao Feng was also shocked, he did not care about Ma Xi as he crawled and rolled to hide behind the pillar.    


In comparison to his reaction speed, Ye Cheng was definitely faster. In just a few seconds of time that Xiao Feng had dodged to the pillar, he continuously swung the large spear in his hand and fired one bullet after another in different directions with the sound of air being torn apart.    


The change was too sudden. The six spear-wielding men and a black clad warrior did not manage to dodge in time, and all of them died with one shot. Basically, all of them had their heads blown off, only three black clad men were lucky enough to dodge.    



Ye Cheng swiftly took out a rope and hung it on the top of the chimney, he put the sniper rifle on his back and jumped down. A few seconds later, the ground was right in front of him. He abruptly let go of the rope and tumbled into the grass.    


Although the sniper rifle was heavy and heavy, its penetration was very good. He set it up again, pulled the trigger, and fired two consecutive shots at the short wall where a black-clothed person was hiding.    


One after the other, the two bullets shot at the same spot, piercing through the wall and striking the black-clothed man's body.    


"You think you can just hide?" Ye Cheng swiftly changed into a new magazine and carried his sniper rifle towards the hiding spot of another black-clothed person. He had seen it clearly from the chimney, and had completely grasped the hiding places of the remaining people.    


Suddenly, a black-clothed man threw a handful of dirt and pebbles, his body jumping up and holding onto a long blade, he stabbed at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng did not dodge, and only coldly smiled as he pulled the trigger. Bang! A bullet struck the man's chest and the force of the impact caused him to fall backwards. The long blade fell to the ground and he died.    


"The remaining two birdmen, get out here to die!" Ye Cheng turned and went straight behind a tree.    


"Eight!" A black shadow quickly flashed out from behind the tree, and in the end, he was sent flying again by Ye Cheng's spear.    


"You're still holding that broken blade and you want to play with me?!" Ye Cheng looked at the patch of grass not far away that was half the height of a man, and laughed as he shouted, "We meet again so soon, and with you being the only ones left, don't you intend to come out and greet me?"    


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