The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng and Yin Fangyi arranged their clothes and left the office, coming to the fifteenth floor's company meeting room.    


After entering the meeting room, the two of them sat down separately. The two of them arrived rather late. The managers and vice managers of each department were basically all present.    


Ye Cheng hated these kinds of meetings the most. It was boring, and every time he came, he would sit at the seat furthest from the main platform. Of course, he did not know much about the management of the company, nor did he have the interest to understand it.    


After Yin Fangyi sat down, a forty year old middle aged man anxiously pulled down his chair and went close to her. With a face full of smiles, he said: "Yin Director, you came late this time!"    


"Talk to president Ye!" Yin Fangyi replied indifferently.    


The middle-aged man was not the slightest bit displeased by Yin Fangyi's cold attitude. Instead, he leaned towards Yin Fangyi's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her. Yin Fangyi unhappily shifted his body to the other side, pulling some distance away.    


Ye Cheng swept his eyes across the two of them. He seemed to remember that the middle-aged man was called Yan Xianjin, and was an old employee of the company, the vice president of the Equipment Department. Every time there was a meeting, Ye Cheng would always see him being especially attentive towards Yin Fangyi. He did not even need to ask to know that he was interested in Yin Fangyi.    


Ye Cheng did not mind, he did not feel that Yan Xianjin had the strength to pry him away from his side. If Yan Xianjin could really succeed, he would have done so a long time ago.    


Yan Xianjin was originally a little interested in Yin Fangyi, as his wife had passed away due to an illness a year ago.    


"Yin Director, I have obtained two tickets to the ultra luxurious cruise ship Royal. I sincerely want to invite you to have a tour around with me. You should at least show me your face, right?" Yan Xianjin swept his gaze across Yin Fangyi's body, a trace of greed hidden in his eyes.    


"I'm seasick, I can only apologize to Vice-President Yan!" Yin Fangyi apologized.    


"seasickness?" Yan Xianjin laughed, "That can't be, I remember that two years ago, the company organized a group of upper echelons to travel to Sanya. A large portion of us went there by boat, but we did not see you seasick!"    


Yin Fangyi anxiously rejected Yan Xianjin, but completely forgot about this matter, and could only lie: "That's because my body was good before, in the past two years, my body has been getting worse and worse, not only did I feel seasick, but also a little carsick!"    


"Oh!" "How could he not guess that Yin Fangyi was deliberately finding an excuse?" The Extra Luxury Cruise Ship Royal is different from other ships. It is equipped with advanced equipment, and it travels smoothly. It's no different from land. You definitely won't get seasick if you go on the phone. "    


Yin Fangyi did not speak, he thought to himself: Could it be that you've been on Royal's Super Luxurious Cruise Ship? It seems like you don't have the qualifications!    


Yan Xianjin continued to laugh: "This time, I relied on my friend's great effort to get two tickets. If I were to miss this opportunity, who knows how long it would take before I get to board this ship, wouldn't you like to board the most luxurious ship in Asia, one that can only be boarded with a certain status?"    


He felt that this statement would probably move Yin Fangyi's heart. One must know that the tickets to the Super Luxurious Cruise Ship Royal could not be bought with money, and had to be people with status or position, being able to board this ship was also a symbol of status.    


"Not interested!" Yin Fangyi rejected her without hesitation.    


"I think the Yin Director has heard of this cruise. Not just anyone can board it. I finally managed to get two tickets, and with 100% sincerity, I invited you to spend a romantic and beautiful holiday. Please seriously consider it and contact me whenever you want. " Yan Xianjin was displeased in his heart, I'm so sincere yet I'm not giving any face at all.    


"Like I said, I'm really not interested. It's better for Vice-President Yan to invite someone else!" Yin Fangyi was not moved at all. She glanced at Ye Cheng, who was deep in thought, and said, "If he really goes, then I'll go with him."    


"Alright, then I won't force you!" Yan Xianjin sat up straight and leaned on the back of the chair with disdain. When I board this super luxurious cruise, it will be good for me if you don't go looking for a younger and prettier girl.    


Just then, Qiao Rubing walked in with Chen Luoxue. Qiao Rubing habitually looked at everyone, and when her gaze landed on Ye Cheng, the two of them looked at each other in mid air, and she quickly turned her gaze away. When she saw Ye Cheng, she couldn't help but think of the indescribable misunderstanding that had happened that night. Sigh, it's just a misunderstanding, don't think too much about it!    


When Qiao Rubing arrived, the meeting officially began, but the atmosphere was a bit heavier.    


Ye Cheng listened without listening. He could roughly tell that the group's development had been obstructed greatly recently, the chain of operations and operations had been difficult to carry out. Qiao Rubing had also encountered her biggest problem after becoming the chairman. He didn't understand anything about this matter and wasn't able to help. If he could help, he wouldn't mind helping Qiao Rubing.    


The conference lasted for nearly two hours, and there was no discussion of a method that would be of any substantial help to the current situation of the group. The meeting ended at lunchtime.    


Ye Cheng stuck out his waist and followed the crowd out of the conference room. Seeing Yin Fangyi in front of him, he quickly took a few steps forward. Yin Director, what do you want to eat at noon, I'll treat you! "    


In front of his colleagues in the company, Yin Fangyi did not dare to show too much enthusiasm, and only smiled: "Alright!"    


Passing by Yan Xianjin, Ye Cheng did not even glance at him once. Towards this kind of potential rival, Ye Cheng had to treat him with contempt. Of course, he could not attract Ye Cheng's attention.    


Yan Xianjin snorted coldly when he saw Ye Cheng easily asking him out for dinner, his heart extremely dissatisfied. As soon as he entered the company, he became a department head. He thought he was amazing, to the point where his tail was sticking up into the sky. Young people these days really don't know how to respect old employees. When I was sweating for the company, you still didn't know where to play mud!    


After exiting the company, Ye Cheng laughed: "Sister Yin, I think Yan Xianjin is very interested in you!"    


"Why are you jealous?" "Being with Ye Cheng, Yin Fangyi felt extremely relaxed, and even his mood unconsciously became cheerful. I'm not interested in him at all! "    


"I'm just casually asking, he doesn't have the qualifications to be my love rival!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Are you that confident?" Yin Fangyi revealed a mischievous smile. When she was with Ye Cheng, she had become a lot younger mentally.    


"You should know the source of my confidence the best!" Ye Cheng said mischievously.    


"Can you be more serious? You revealed your true nature as a rogue in just three sentences!" Yin Fangyi pretended to be angry.    


"The more rogue I am, the more you'll like me, hehe!" Ye Cheng pretended to be perverted.    


"Virtuous!" Yin Fangyi laughed, "Being together with you, I feel like I am back to my twenties again, this is such a good feeling!"    


"Stay with me for the rest of your life, and you'll stay in your twenties forever!"    


After accompanying Yin Fangyi to eat lunch, Ye Cheng went to the lounge of the security guards on the first floor. The moment he entered, he saw many unfamiliar faces. Wu Da and the others had already returned to continue being bodyguards. These people were all newly recruited security guards.    


The new security guards were all born into the military. In terms of martial arts skills, they were not as good as Wu Dai and the rest who had been trained by professional bodyguards.    


Ge Jun, who was laughing and joking with the security guards, saw Ye Cheng walking in and hurriedly stood up. He solemnly said, "Let me formally introduce him to everyone, this is president Ye, the general manager of our security department!"    


Ye Cheng never had any sort of general manager attitude, he casually found a place to sit and greeted all the security guards.    


Ge Jun then continued, "Don't just look at how young president Ye is, he is extremely powerful. If I wasn't trying to brag, he could definitely beat all of you up." "Ye Zichen swept his gaze in a circle, and saw all of the security guards' reactions." What, you don't believe me? "    


A few of them shook their heads. Seeing that Ye Cheng was not that tall, they did not believe that he would be able to win ten matches.    


"Ge Jun, don't keep on bragging, what if you leak it?" Ye Cheng joked.    


"president Ye, if everyone doesn't believe you, why don't you compete with them?" Ge Jun winked at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng understood what he was saying, he was purposely proposing for the competition, so that Ye Cheng could display his might in front of the new security guards, and manage the competition easily. I have no objections. It's just an entertainment competition, so let's stop at that! "    


Ye Cheng did not object, and the security guards did not object either. A group of people walked over to the gym one after another.    


When she heard that Ye Cheng wanted to compete with the others, she also excitedly asked to participate. Last night, after Ye Cheng personally told her what it felt like to kiss, the expression in her eyes towards Ye Cheng had completely changed.    


Ge Jun knew how powerful Ye Cheng was, so he did not participate in the battle and asked to be the judge.    


The security guards and Mu Lingdie made it a total of ten people, separated into two groups and surrounded Ye Cheng in the middle.    



Following Ge Jun's shout to begin, Mu Lingdie loudly roared and took action first, his sharp fist rushing straight towards Ye Cheng's face.    


In his heart, Ye Cheng had already accepted Mu Lingdie as his woman. He showed mercy and dodged her attack, but didn't attack her. Instead, he jumped out diagonally and grabbed the shoulder of the security guard opposite him. Even though it was just a competition and he had kept a few points of strength, his movements were still fast.    


The security guard hastily dodged, but Ye Cheng's claw-like large hand still followed him. It grabbed his arm, and at the same time, swept his leg across the hall and knocked him down to the ground.    


Once Ye Cheng launched an attack, the security guards would naturally be no match for him. Not much time had elapsed, as all of them had been knocked to the ground by him in various ways. If he showed mercy, the security guards would be fine.    


"You're looking down on me again!" Mu Lingdie stared at Ye Cheng, he flew up and kicked out.    


But in the end, it was easily grabbed by Ye Cheng and it took advantage of the situation to almost fall into's arms. Mu Lingdie was unresigned in his heart, and he punched out again, but Ye Cheng firmly grabbed his wrist.    


Ye Cheng took the opportunity to speak in a low voice: "You will definitely marry me in the future, how can I bear to make a move against you!?"    


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