The Romantic Soldier King



0The girl hesitated, she felt that what Ye Cheng said was reasonable, and said with a half-believing and half-doubting tone: "That doesn't mean that you didn't kill my mother."    


"It cannot be explained in its entirety, but it is sufficient to say that the stranger is suspicious and cannot be trusted with his words." Ye Cheng said.    


"That's right, why didn't I think of that?" The young girl muttered. Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from her stomach. The sound was very loud, as if she hadn't eaten in days.    


"Are you hungry?" Would you like to go eat first? Ye Cheng laughed.    


"I ?" The girl touched her starving stomach and said in a low voice, "My money has been stolen!"    


"Then I'll take you to dinner, and we can have a nice chat while we're eating." Seeing the pitiful look on the girl's face while rubbing her stomach, Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.    


"Don't think that if you treat me to a meal, I will easily believe you." The Miao Family's girl asked warily.    


"The facts speak louder than words. You can judge from your own judgement whether I am a good person or not." Ye Cheng said.    


After convincing the girl, Ye Cheng brought her out of the car park and into a restaurant. After finding out that her name was Ah Duo, he told her that the person Ye Cheng accidentally killed her mother gave her a photo of Ye Cheng and told her his address. That was why she came to find him.    


Seeing Ah Duo wolf down his food as if he hadn't eaten for three days and three nights, Ye Cheng said with good intentions, "Eat slower, if it's not enough, ask for more later. Don't choke on it."    


"Don't worry about me. Don't try to win my sympathy with this little trick. I won't be fooled." Ah Duo said as he ate.    


Ye Cheng muttered in his heart: What a little ingrate. He was so kind-hearted that he treated me like he was a mule, eating my food and drinking my food, and even biting me.    


"I'll pay you back as soon as possible. I won't owe you anything." Ah Duo was full as she pulled out a small green snake that was over ten centimeters long and as thick as a thumb from the small cloth bag that she was carrying. She picked up a few pieces of meat and put it into the little snake's mouth.    


Damn, this simple-looking girl was actually raising a poisonous snake? This habit was too weird. Ye Cheng saw that the snake looked very similar to Zhu Ye Qing and asked: "Did you raise this? Aren't you afraid that it will bite you? "    


Ah Duo nodded, "I raised Little Green from a young age, so she won't bite me. "I'm warning you, don't try to lie to me. It's extremely poisonous. If you dare to lie to me, I'll let it bite you to death."    


"Don't. I've been afraid of snakes since I was young, especially venomous snakes." Ye Cheng pretended to be incomparably afraid and curled up his body, distancing himself from the little green snakes. I definitely wouldn't dare to lie to you. "    


Hmph, she's really not a man. She's actually afraid of snakes. Ah Duo coldly snorted in his heart, and said: "That's for the best, if not I would definitely let it bite you."    


A broken snake, I can squash with one hand. "Ye Cheng had to pretend that he was afraid, in order to gain Ah Duo's trust. I can assure the snake that every word I say to you in the parking lot is true, and if I say anything false, let the snake bite me to death. "    


Ah Duo waved the little cyan snake in his hand towards Ye Cheng, and 'scared' Ye Cheng so much that he almost fell off his seat. Ye Cheng said in panic: "Hurry up and put it away, I'm scared."    


"It's good that you know how to be afraid." Ah Duo proudly put away the little green snake. He was very satisfied with Ye Cheng's frightened look. Repeat what you said to me in the parking lot, and there's half a lie, and I'll really bite you. "    


Ye Cheng 'honestly' repeated himself again, he had to put on an act again, thinking in his heart: When have I ever been scared by a little girl using snakes, this is my first time in life!    


Ah Duo still clearly remembered every single word that Ye Cheng had said, and when she heard that he repeated it without any mistakes, she decided to believe him temporarily. So how do I find out who killed my mother?    


"Think about it, I have never seen your mother before, so how could I possibly kill her? Right? It's against the law to kill people. Why didn't the police arrest me? "    


Ye Cheng saw that Ah Duo was deep in thought and did not speak, and continued: "The people in that group are all bad people, each of them has an Asura tattoo on their back, as long as I can find them, I will prove that I am not the murderer."    


Following Ye Cheng's line of thought, Ah Duo felt that the matter of his mother's death was becoming more and more suspicious. "Alright, I'll find these people."    


"Do you have any way of finding them?" Ye Cheng asked.    


Ah Duo shook her head. She did not know the other party's name, background, and address, but looking for a group of people was like looking for a needle in a haystack. It gave her a headache.    


"I have an idea!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


"What solution do you have? Tell me!" Ah Duo urged.    


"This group of people will come to find me sooner or later. I just need to wait for them to deliver me to their doorstep." Ye Cheng felt that those assassins with the Shura s tattoo were from an organization. He was alive and kicking, and he had even killed three groups of people.    


"Then I will follow you until these people appear." Ah Duo decided.    


"Whatever, but don't secretly let snakes bite me."    


"Don't worry, letting Xiaoqing bite you is also openly biting you."    


After finally persuading Ah Duo, Ye Cheng paid the bill and left with her.    


"I want to go home. Where are you going? I'll walk you over. " Ye Cheng said after getting on the car.    


"Wherever you go, I'll go, so that you won't run away from your crimes." Ah Duo was determined to never leave Ye Cheng's side, and treated him as his biggest suspect.    


You dare to follow me? Aren't you afraid that I'll sell you? Are you still going to count the money for me? Ye Cheng snickered.    


After recuperating from his injuries, Ye Cheng started to investigate who had leaked his whereabouts to the Zhang Family. From this, he found out the identities of the assassins. The most suspicious thing was the Shen Yu sisters, because when they were playing, he had purposely revealed his location to Shen Yu.    


Ye Cheng called Shen Yu and his sister to invite them for dinner, but it was still early, so he drove home first.    


After returning to the small sector, Ah Duo followed Ye Cheng upstairs. To Ye Cheng, this girl was no threat at all to him, he could just follow her however she liked.    


Arriving at his doorstep, Ye Cheng said: "This is my home, under normal circumstances I would be staying here, do you want to come in?"    


Ah Duo hesitated, then laughed: "If you're worried that I'm a bad guy and afraid that I'll hurt you, then you can just stay here and guard it."    


"What's there to be afraid of? If you want to harm me, Little Qing will first bite you to death." Ah Duo was not convinced, he straightened his chest and strutted in.    


In the living room, Lu Mengzhu and Pu Wanqing were learning with He Tong.    


"Big brother Ye Cheng, you're back. You sent Sister Xiao Die to the airport?" Lu Mengzhu smiled as he walked over, and quickly noticed Ah Duo.    


"Yes!" Ye Cheng nodded.    


"Isn't she the Miao girl who was guarding the door downstairs? Big brother Ye Cheng, why did you bring her back?" Lu Mengzhu asked in confusion. Pu Wanqing and He Tong's gazes also gathered on Ah Duo.    


"Seeing that she was pitiful staying downstairs every day, I brought her back." Ye Cheng casually explained.    


"I'm not pitiful!" Ah Duo glared fiercely at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng laughed awkwardly, and said: "You can sit anywhere you want, no need to be restrained."    


Ah Duo was rather impolite and casually sat on the sofa, secretly sizing up the room's decorations and layout.    



Lu Mengzhu quietly pulled Ye Cheng to the side and whispered: "Brother, you couldn't have tricked this little girl back, right? Why do I see her as being unfriendly to you? "    


"I'm that kind of person. She's willing to follow me back, and I can't chase her away even if I wanted to." Ye Cheng laughed: "You tell Xiao Tong and the others, it would be best to stay away from her."    


"Why?" Lu Mengzhu asked in confusion.    


"Because she has a weird temper. I'm afraid you guys might have a conflict with her."    


As Ye Cheng was speaking, Ah Duo took out the little green python and started to play with it. The little green snake was very intimate with her. From time to time, it would spit out its pink tongue and lick her palm.    


Ah!" "Snakes!" Lu Mengzhu cast a sidelong glance at Ah Duo and suddenly saw the little green snake in her hand. She shrieked and hugged Ye Cheng's arm tightly.    


"Where's the snake?" Pu Wanqing asked.    


"In her hands." Lu Mengzhu gingerly raised his finger and pointed it at Ah Duo.    


Pu Wanqing looked in the direction where Lu Mengzhu's finger was pointing. When she saw that the little green snake was also scared stiff, she jumped up and instinctively went to find the safest place to hug Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng could feel Pu Wanqing's soft and tender body constantly leaning on his chest, giving off a sweet smell of a woman. Two balls of tender flesh were pressed tightly against his arms, soft and elastic.    


She had known this beautiful and fragrant teacher for a period of time, she would come to Ye Cheng's home almost every day. But Ye Cheng had never had such close contact with her before, so he couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. He lowered his head slightly, and he could see a patch of white at Pu Wanqing's collar.    


"Don't be afraid, that snake of hers is fake." Ye Cheng consoled.    


"Why did I see that snake moving and even spit out its tongue!" Lu Mengzhu said in shock.    


The only one who was not afraid was He Tong, who looked at Ah Duo and the little cyan snake in her hands with a puzzled and amazed expression.    


"Really? Why didn't I see it?" Ye Cheng played dumb and said to Ah Duo, "Little Duo, hurry up and put away your toy snake."    


"This is not a toy snake!" "Unsatisfied, Ah Duo raised the little green snake and showed it to the few of them. This is a real snake, and it's poisonous.    


These words scared Lu Mengzhu and Pu Wanqing so much that they inched closer to Ye Cheng's embrace with a face full of fear.    


How come this girl couldn't even hear those bad words? Ye Cheng could no longer hide anything, and urged him on: "Hurry up and put it away, in the future, don't take it out to play at my house."    


"Alright then!" Ah Duo revealed a sly smile as he slowly put the little green snake back into the cloth bag.    


After calming her alarmed and nervous emotions, only then did Pu Wanqing realize that her entire body was leaning into Ye Cheng's embrace, and that she was even hugging him even tighter.    


Ye Cheng was immediately disappointed when her soft and tender body left. I am also stupid, why are you urging Ah Duo to keep the little green snake?    


Seeing the poisonous little green snake on Ah Duo's body, Pu Wanqing and Lu Mengzhu didn't dare to stay in the living room anymore, and brought He Tong to the bedroom to study.    


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